
Susan Miller_ May 2022 Horoscope: Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces

Dear Readers,

May is important! Two eclipses come, April 30 is a New Moon Eclipse in Taurus, which affects you for 6 months or more. The second lunar eclipse will be Scorpio's total lunar eclipse (total lunar eclipse), which will affect you as it approaches, as full moons tend to deliver messages quickly, bringing conclusions or endings. Two weeks later, a sweet new moon will appear in Gemini on May 30. All of this is just part of May! And much more:

Jupiter will make a landmark change from Pisces to Aries on May 10 (returning to a short but happy outburst during the holidays and then back to Aries). Jupiter has not been seen in Aries since 2010/2011, and other planets have better phases than they did then. Mars is also changing its constellations, moving from Pisces to Aries on May 24. Mercury will retrograde gemini/taurus from May 10 to June 3. I have to write a lot of details. There are also some sweet aspects of this month that you'll want to know, especially may 29th. I'm not going to spoil it.

In the last few days, when I was getting ready to write about Pisces, I had severe gastroenteritis. I thought I had COVID-19, but it wasn't like that (thankfully). I slept for a few hours and still didn't feel well – couldn't eat, but today I was able to write! banzai!

I put a lot of thought into writing about each zodiac sign. The impact of the new moon is long and can last for several months. This new moon may give you a clue as to what will happen from August 20 to the end of 2022 and beyond – and I explain why in your horoscope.

Dear readers, enjoy May. Despite Mercury's retrograde, there is still a lot to celebrate this month. Occasionally, we have a month to set the tone for the next few months – and that's the month.

—Susan Miller


This month has been a surprisingly good month for you, things become clear and opportunities come when you least expect it. There's a lot to talk about – two eclipses, plus a new moon, a giant Jupiter seat change, a Mars seat change, and so on. Let's get started.

The first eclipse we need to see is the day before the start of May, April 30, at 10 degrees Taurus and lights up your eleventh house of friendship. This is the area of joy on the astrolabe, and Taurus is the constellation that blends perfectly with Cancer. In addition, it is a crescent eclipse that opens new doors and begins a new chapter. Don't think that an eclipse will only affect you for a day or a week, it will affect you for weeks or months.

You may make a new close friend, or you may join a career or social club that you find helpful and enjoying beyond your expectations. This house is also a charity and humanitarian house, so you can volunteer to help a suffering group, be aware of their plight, and help the group get the money they need. This could be an area of your personal growth.

At the same time, good things are happening, and sometimes eclipses will ask you to give up something like friendship or your leadership at the club. For example, you might have a close friend who is getting married or moving far away. You'll know it's going to change your relationship in ways you can't predict.

Of course, if a friend's betrayal makes you very disappointed, it is likely to mark the end of the friendship. However, a crescent eclipse, especially a well-phased one like this one, is almost always a pleasant thing. New moons and solar eclipses tend to bring new experiences rather than ends.

Cancer, who has been born on sundays around July 1, feels the most strongly about this lunar eclipse.

On May 10, Jupiter will move to Aries, the tenth house of your career honors, awards and achievements. You'll have a dizzying array of proposals.

I raised the possibility that you and your friends would be separated, but I think that's unlikely. It's true that Uranus has eclipses on the sun and the new moon, but I'm not sure you'll feel any troublesome, discordant effects. I had to raise the possibility so that your antenna would stand up just in case. Uranus rules your eighth house, credit cards, taxes, student loans are similar, so you may have an unexpected expense.

On April 30, Mars, the planet in motion, is at the perfect angle with the Sun and the New Moon. At this time, Mars is in Pisces, a constellation that blends perfectly with you. This suggests that, in the meantime, you may need to travel abroad or deal with people, and that relationship should be very good. Other areas of benefit include the publishing and broadcasting industry, matters related to higher education, the legal system and courts, and immigration. At the same time as this eclipse, Mercury and Pluto are in sync, which means that a VIP may approve your idea.

The next lunar eclipse – which always appears in pairs – will be the full moon in your fifth house, Scorpio, on May 15/16. The part I'm most worried about is Uranus, the unexpected news that the planet will hedge against the full moon. This full moon eclipse will end something, so if you're on a date, you might know some news that frustrates you. You may feel that this incident represents the last straw in a long list of setbacks and then leave. All full moons lead to the conclusion that lunar eclipses are more powerful.

Or it's not your lover who becomes the center of your attention, it's your child who needs help and you can't stand idly by any longer – the may 15 lunar eclipse will be a call to action. The fifth house (the eclipse palace for you) governs true love—an intimate romantic relationship—and the birth and care of children.

Another possibility is that a creative project brings up problems that need to be addressed, including all those involved in the team. Money seems to be a topic of discussion because it is a factor in a dilemma. Any news that emerged seemed to shock the parties concerned. Remedies are possible, but they need to think outside the box.

I'm not sure Uranus will surprise you with unwanted news, but I have to allow that possibility. As a Cancer, you tend to feel more like a lunar eclipse than a solar eclipse because you're controlled by the moon. Something is about to be fulfilled and is being articulated so that you can use all the facts to make a decision.

At the same time as this eclipse, Saturn will form a tough angle with the sun and the full moon, so you may feel like you have to make a tough choice. Or you feel short of money. The house is also in charge of the child, pregnancy and birth, so you may care about your child and want to give him a special lesson or send her to a new school, but money may be a consideration. Plus, Saturn can make you feel stressed or overworked, so in this case, you need to take good care of your health.

The benefit of a lunar eclipse is that Pluto will form a perfect angle with the Sun and the full moon, which is important because Pluto rules the constellation of Scorpio, the full moon on May 15. The VIP will be happy to accept your request to take her with you. I also love Mars and Neptune, sending warm and friendly glances to the sun and the full moon, inspiring creativity, and also bringing help from foreign media (publishing or broadcasting), government, the legal sphere, and even religious people such as priests.

If your birthday is around July 16, 5 days, you will feel this lunar eclipse strongly.

Now let's turn to Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, and enter Aries on May 10, you will have beneficial changes. This is the first time in 12 years (2010-2011) that you've hosted Jupiter in Aries. That's big news! Jupiter will enter your tenth house of honors, rewards, and achievements on May 10 and stay until October 27, then return on December 20, 2022, and stay until May 16, 2023. You're optimistic about your career prospects in the coming months, and assuming you love your job and will give it your all, your reputation for excellence will grow.

Jupiter is a rewarding planet, and it sums up why you'll do so well at work. All your efforts over the past few years have led to this moment and will allow you to now cross a new threshold that will bring greater responsibility. You will have more power and control to play in your company, your industry, and perhaps even the world. The talents you develop, along with your dedication, hard work, and good judgment, will be recognized and rewarded. The doors that were closed in the past will now be open for you. You may also have a new title, before this trend ends next year in May 2023.

Jupiter in Aries is the hallmark of entrepreneurship, so if your work is fairly autonomous, I mean without excessive involvement, you'll do your best. Jupiter in Aries will also benefit you if you are a freelancer or salesman and you need to constantly develop new business or prove your field.

Other types of work also benefit, including support staff for sports or athletes, such as coaches or TV/radio sports anchors. Firefighters, police officers and people who work in the military are all suitable occupations for Aries because they are brave and their jobs require good health. Surgeons are also suitable for Aries professions, as their work is related to sharp instruments, and these are ruled by Mars, who are also the rulers of Aries. Cancer, which does this type of work under Jupiter Aries, thrives.

I like Jupiter in Aries and Mars in Aries. From May 24th to July 4th, Mars will be in the tenth house of your House of Fame. Mars, as the guardian star of Aries, adds more courage and the spirit of daring to do it to Aries. Mars in your tenth house will bring you six weeks of energy and benefits, a privilege you get every two years. Mars and Jupiter are in the same palace, which is special because, like I said, Jupiter only appears once every 12 years.

When it was in Aries, your tenth house, I looked up. The last time this happened was 11 years ago on 1 May 2011, and the previous time was on 16 June 1975. The confluence of Jupiter and Mars won't happen again until 2058. You see how rare and special this month is!

Jupiter in Aries, you enjoy the tenth house of prestige, about a year's time, and there is also Mars with you. Working hard to build your current reputation also benefits from it.

May 29 will usher in a rare and special Mars-Jupiter combination. Mars brings action, and Jupiter brings benefits from action. This is going to happen on Sunday, and you'll feel the energy coming up on Thursday, May 26 and Friday, May 27. In those days, Mars and Jupiter will be close enough to get close enough to bring you the benefit of sparkle. On Thursday, May 26, Venus will also meet the Transiting Moon in the constellation Aries. Plus Mars and Jupiter, it's a very important day for your career.

If you haven't been working, Jupiter will bring you the highest position of your dreams. Don't give up – finding a job is hard, but you do have a great side.

Mercury will retrograde this month from May 10 to June 3, so it's possible that your work or task slipped away from your fingers and failed, but now it may come back to you. I know Mercury retrograde can be frustrating, and you know it, but now you probably know what to do with mercury when it's retrograde. You know you need to be more thoughtful in all your actions.

Do not sign contracts, leases, or any other important agreements. Since the last week of April, you've felt the delays and confusion.

On May 3, Jupiter and Pluto will form a decisive phase, which is what astrologers call success when the two financial planets are together. It's such a beautiful day, and it's only going to happen once this year. The next good phase between Jupiter and Pluto is in June 2024. There is no doubt that Tuesday, May 3 is a special financial day that can be used to serve you.

As May draws to a close, we have one more month to go, the New Moon on May 30 in Gemini. It is a gentle crescent as it will illuminate your twelfth house. You seem to want to take a break from your busy daily routine and do some thought. The twelfth house is associated with loneliness, and when you work alone, you do your best, and you can turn away those who consume your time or distract you.

In addition, on May 30 Gemini, Mercury, as the ruler of Gemini, will assume special importance, and happily, Mercury will receive golden light from Pluto, transforming the planet. Pluto's vantage point to Mercury also suggests that if you ask for help, a business or love partner will soon help you. Mars and Jupiter, the day before May 29, will still orbit this new moon and are at the apex of your chart. wow. In addition, Jupiter and Mars will come into contact with the Sun and the New Moon on May 30, bringing it a lot of gold dust, and a secret meeting may have a greater effect on your career.

The Twelfth House is the Palace of Secrecy and Secrecy, so you may be working on a project that requires temporary secrecy. Stay silent and you'll be glad you did.

This New Moon on May 30 may put you in contact with a healthcare practitioner or therapist, or on behalf of your family or friends. If you feel the need to find someone to talk about your concerns, now is a good time to start treatment.

Venus will enter Taurus from May 28 to June 22, and this time will be interesting for you. Friends will come to you and give you reasons to hang out, and overall, you'll enjoy the time.


It's an active month and you can make a lot of impressive progress. The situation will be constantly changing, mainly because there are now two eclipses. In addition, both Mars and Jupiter will change seats, and the only thing that complicates things is that Mercury retrogrades from May 10 to June 3.

Anyway, you're probably used to Mercury's tricks by now (after all, it happens three times a year for three and a half weeks), so I dare say that until now you've been an expert in dealing with Mercury delays, misunderstandings, and retrograde chaos. You might pick up a project that's put on hold.

The appearance of a crescent moon and solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 at the end of last month could lead to an unexpected expense or other sudden news about a source of income. A friend also seems important.

Fortunately, jupiter aligns with Venus at the same time as the April 30 eclipse will protect your family life. If you're looking to make a breakthrough in family-related matters, stay optimistic.

Meanwhile, Mars is still in your 9th house until May 24, which was left over from last month and could lead to an exciting travel opportunity. If you can travel, you will want to stay in a luxurious hotel. In the first three weeks of May, you'll have the luck of being with foreigners. If you want or need to go abroad, go for it. Every aspect of your overseas trip shines this month, whether it's business or pleasure, all of which point to enjoying a perfect trip.

Once Mars enters Aries on May 24, it will merge with Jupiter, and on May 29 the two planets reach their peak in a rare union in your House of Honor.

There will be other opportunities, such as finding yourself the object of media publicity, or you may be working on a major story as a producer or journalist, which may become a jewel in your crown. If you need to call your lawyer for any reason, call before Jupiter leaves Pisces on May 10. Citizenship, immigration, residency status or visas are processed by May 10.

You may also want to apply for admission to your favorite university, or to apply for a grant to study a particular discipline. Before Jupiter leaves Pisces on May 10, you need to act quickly. Jupiter and the Sun form a "trichotomy" in Cancer, which is the best and most harmonious phase you'd like to see. This only happens once every four years, so take action as soon as possible by May 10.

On May 10, Jupiter will move to Aries, which is an important moment because Jupiter is the lucky planet that will now send golden vibrations to your tenth house for professional honors, awards and achievements, for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter will stay in this area of your disk for about a full year. All the work you do will give you the opportunity to be praised and promoted.

You'll start to face a dizzying array of job opportunities, so choose well. Jupiter will stay in Aries until October 27, and then return on December 20. Starting December 20, 2022, Jupiter will once again illuminate your career field until May 16, 2023. You will have a long and exciting journey.

From May 15 to 16, a full moon eclipse will occur in Scorpio, triggering your decisions about your date. Alternatively, a lunar eclipse may require you to make a decision or take action for your child. Or a creative project may reach its apex.

There was some unpleasant news about this lunar eclipse, but there was also some very good news. Pluto, the guardian star of Scorpio, will form a good support angle with the Sun and full moon. Mars, the secondary guardian star of Scorpio, will also be in a perfect position to provide support, with Neptune providing inspiration and unconditional love. If you're on the go with the person you're dating or how to help your child (or whether to have one or not), this eclipse may give you a reason to hope. Cancer, born around July 18, will be most affected by this lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses do things that we can't do on our own. Everything is optimistic and in your favor.

By May 30 gemini' new moon, you'll want to retreat a bit, settle for the pleasure of your own company or the people closest to you, and enjoy a sense of calm that doesn't require much socializing. You may be working on a strategy for a project you're working on, maybe a confidential strategy. It sounds mysterious and interesting.

As you can see, it's a busy month, but a lot of things will be resolved so you can move forward with more confidence.


In early May, the lyrical, joyful aspects of your fifth house of love will continue. Your fifth house, which rules romantic love, and love for babies and children of any age, also rules your artistic expression and creativity. Since Neptune, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are all in Pisces and perfectly compatible with your Sun, this will continue.

Pisces is considered one of the most creative constellations, and as a Scorpio you, Pisces is the fifth house in charge of love, children, and creativity, which is like having a double gift. In addition, Neptune rules Pisces, as does Jupiter, so these two planets always exert particularly strong and favorable beams of light on you. (Before the discovery of Neptune in 1846, ancient astrologers believed Jupiter was the ruler of Pisces, and now astrologers believe that both planets were rulers of Pisces.) )

Not only are Jupiter and Neptune powerful, Venus is also in Pisces. Astrologers know that Venus is sublime in Pisces and are able to express her qualities of love and sympathy. In addition to Jupiter, Neptune, and Venus, Mars is also in your fifth house. Action-oriented Mars is energy and fuel. In other words, Mars is the gas in the furnace that provides the ingredients for your soup cooking. There's no gas and nothing happens, so Mars is an important element here and you're lucky to have him in your fifth house of love, child, and creativity. This is an extraordinary confluence of supportive, compatible planets in the water sign Pisces (like your water sign Scorpio).

Since the beginning of March, you've had a magical array of planets to promote an emotionally rich private life. The planets began to move toward other constellations, with Venus entering the constellation Aries on May 2. Venus will enter your daily work plan palace. It looks like you're going to enjoy the work you're about to start doing. Mars, the energy planet, will let the music play in the most romantic parts of your astrolabe (starting on April 14) and will continue until May 24. If you're single, be sure to walk around.

Leaving Pisces, the largest planet of the Happy Planet group, your House of Love, Lucky Jupiter will leave on May 10 when he moves to Aries, where he will stay until October 27.

Jupiter will give you one last visit to Pisces, your House of True Love, later in the year, from October 27th to December 20th. For the first part of this time, Jupiter will be retrograde, but on November 23, Jupiter will go down and stay strong until December 20th, just in time to ensure that you will have a fascinating holiday. Jupiter will then return to Aries until May 16, 2023, which will continue to increase your chances of getting a fun, exciting work project.

Jupiter moving to Aries is very good if you expect the change to work. If you are a freelancer, Jupiter will allow you to develop a profitable new business. Jupiter in the sixth house can give you fascinating, high-paying tasks for new clients. It looks like you're going to be doing some very novel and innovative work, probably part of an emerging industry.

You may need to hire someone to help you get the project out, and most companies struggle to find qualified employees they can afford. You will be the exception to this rule. You'll find people willing to work for you, learn from you, and grow with you – in short, they are your treasures and you'll appreciate having such a team to support you.

An important person will cover you and help you get the highest position.

You'll also love using brand new computers, software, and other devices. The company space where you work seems modern, sunny, and spacious. If you're allowed to work from home, you might want to design a formal home office that decorates everything you need to get your job done in a place that's both comfortable and efficient. It's a good idea to do this because most of your income comes from the projects you're going to do.

Your sixth house, with the favorable Jupiter in charge of your health, will see that you feel better than ever. You'll get stronger and more immune to colds, flu, and viruses. Now is a good time to go to your doctor for a check-up and see if she has any advice for you, such as vitamins she might want you to take or the specific type of exercise she recommends you do. If you have any health problems, Jupiter in Aries (your sixth house) can help you find the right precautions and feel better.

Now let's look at eclipses, because they come back and always come in pairs.

Technically, the first eclipse occurred the day before May began, April 30, as a crescent eclipse. Scientists call it a rare black moon because it will cover most of the sun. It will also be a supermoon, which means it will be in orbit close to Earth, and it will appear much larger than usual in the sky.

The April 30 eclipse appears in Taurus, focusing on your spouse, lover, business partnership and one-on-one collaboration. Usually during a solar eclipse, one thing ends and another begins.

This new moon brings surprises, because Uranus, who is in charge of unexpected news, will be close to the sun and the new moon, so there may be changes or sudden surprises in your marriage or business partner/collaboration. Your seventh house, where this eclipse will occur, is basically a covenant house, so there is usually a mutually beneficial relationship between you and your partner, and you both work towards a common goal. This is the ideal situation, but sometimes one party doesn't live up to his or her promises and then the other party has to do all the work.

If you're on a date, you might get (or give) a marriage proposal. I say this because Venus and Jupiter merge in Pisces, your house of true love, so that this phase shines like liquid gold. wow. This is an extraordinarily dazzling aspect. This eclipse will help you form or evaluate an intimate relationship, and things should work in your favor.

Since Uranus is so active — he reaches the point where the sun and moon combine, which is an unstable energy — I'm not sure in which direction things will go. Uranus may be clumsy, like a bull in a porcelain shop, and Uranus is now orbiting Taurus, so that's an apt description (Taurus is a Bull). Uranus let things happen in an instant, in the blink of an eye. Once Uranus decides that something or someone is no longer relevant to your life, it disappears. Uranus is known as the Great Awakener because his actions are so swift and abrupt that they sweep away a situation or relationship that he considers obsolete and of no further value. He stays to help you make up for and rebuild everything you've lost, and in the end, you'll find yourself in a better place.

This month may sound stressful, but a chance of something good happening is possible, as Mars in Pisces will talk directly to the Sun and New Moon eclipses in a highly supportive way. The new moon has opened up a new path, so I think you might enjoy this eclipse – new opportunities are on the way.

Although the eclipse arrives on April 30, it can affect you for 6 months or more. Uranus is in Taurus, so it causes a lot of changes in the life of Scorpio, who was born within 5 days of November 7.

It takes 84 years for Uranus to orbit the Sun and pass through all 12 constellations. Everyone will experience these changes at some point in their lives. In this case, this month Uranus is combined with the Sun in Taurus, and you may hear a major change in your career. Reveals the whole truth that was previously hidden, so over time you'll gradually get every bit of information you need. All eclipses have a second act, so don't rush to judge whether a solar eclipse is good or bad until you have a background message that you haven't been able to see before. It's coming. Something that looks bad may work in your favor. Be patient.

The next lunar eclipse will take the form of a full moon eclipse in Scorpio on May 15/16. April 30 brings you the message, but a full moon eclipse will clear the way and let you speak your mind. Something ends or ends within 5 days of May 15. All lunar eclipses make us aware of the passage of time, so at this point you may feel temporarily nostalgic or sentimental. It looks like you're busy finishing a new chapter.

The lunar eclipse of May 15 is in Scorpio, so if your birthday is five days around November 17, you will directly feel the effects of this lunar eclipse. If you're in the process of getting a divorce, or having trouble with a marriage or business partner, this could be the final act of the story. You may see changes about your partner, work, or family.

This lunar eclipse puts Mars and Pluto in the lead position, and the two planets are once again miraculously in good phase. At this time of the month, Mars is still in Pisces, your house of true love, and will form a trichotomy with the moon in Scorpio and a sextant phase with the sun in Taurus (chance) – in both cases, almost to the degree of precision. Mars associates love with marriage, so if you're in love and very happy, you might get married. If you've been unhappy, you might break up. If you're engaged, you might want to speed up your wedding — a lunar eclipse will speed up the course of your life.

Pluto, the third house from his position at the bottom of your astrolabe, will help greet you with the sun and the full moon. You may find that your sister or brother is of great help to you at this time. If your job is changing, it seems to be moving in a better, more profitable direction.

An important person will cover you and help you get the highest position. The person may be in a foreign country, living in your country, but was born overseas, or a foreigner living in your city. This person will be nice to you. Mars will meet Neptune, so it's your creativity, imagination, and possibly your complex tastes and understanding of art that will be most valued by those who speak to you in career interviews and planning meetings.

Your home may also be changing, and I say it's because of the widespread opposition between Uranus and the Moon. The moon on the astrolabe is always associated with family circumstances, so you may move voluntarily at some point, or involuntarily due to forced events, such as when your landlord sells the house. You can move closer to work or parents. I'm not sure why you're moving, but it seems like the family situation (or the situation involving your parents) isn't static or stable. You probably already know this, although a lunar eclipse may significantly boost your schedule. Your family also includes your parents, so keep an eye out for them as they may need you.

Mercury will be retrograde from May 10 to June 3, so take your time. In this case, you need a complete set of facts, but they are all piecemeal. Try not to make any decisions this month. As early as the end of April, you start to feel Mercury slowing down.

If you have to make a decision or sign a binding contract this month, do it on May 3, a special day where Jupiter and Pluto will be in ideal synchronicity. Both planets are financial planets known for big deals and bigger profits. Jupiter and Pluto rarely meet because they have different orbits — Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit the Sun, while Pluto takes 248 years to complete the same journey.

On this day of May 3, Jupiter will be in your working project house (sixth house) and Pluto will be in your contract/communication/negotiation house (third house). This is a good time to sign the document, and by May 3, Mercury will not be retrograde. Pluto will be in Capricorn so late to the extent that it is almost at home in your fourth house. It makes me wonder if the main deal you would consider is getting an approved mortgage and buying a house or apartment. It's possible.

I say this because there is another new moon this month (can you believe it?) It will reach Gemini on May 30 in the form of a new moon, the eighth house where you are in charge of other people's money. It's not a lunar eclipse, so it produces a more peaceful rhythm. This new moon will tempt you to make financial planning. You can also discuss tax planning with your accountant, or call your broker to check your retirement portfolio to see how it performs.

The new moon will be fun. It will appear in your eighth house, naturally ruled by Scorpio, so you will feel some comfort in the dialogue that appears. Mercury is the dominant planet here and will receive beautiful, affirmative, and supportive vibrations from your ruler, Pluto.

Interestingly, on August 20, Mars will enter the same constellation as Gemini, not for 6 weeks, but for up to 7 months. Mars will not leave Gemini until March 25, 2023. I want you to observe what happens this new moon, because it may provide reliable clues as to what will happen in the second half of the year. If you are in the process of divorce, the paperwork to reach a settlement can take a long time. If you're dealing with an inheritance, be patient because of the same sentiment – this will take time and may last until the end of March 2023.

If you think that nothing else is going to happen in May, then there is one more aspect, and it's a spectacular one. On May 29, the day before the new moon arrives, Mars will be joined by Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. The two planets meet every year, and are always in different constellations. This time they will meet in Aries, your work project palace.

The last two times they met in Aries was on May 1, 2011, and before that on June 16, 1975. After this month, Mars and Jupiter will meet again in Aries on April 12, 2058. As you can see, this is a rare event and it's very positive for you as well.

When Mars and Jupiter combine, action brings profit and growth. Mars is one of your rulers, while Jupiter represents the abundance of wealth, growth, and luck. The two planets will be combined in the entrepreneurial Aries, so you may be involved in high-tech or innovative inventions that may enter the market in early 2023. You seem to be playing a leading role in the plan. In addition, these planets move slowly, so they will definitely form part of gemini on May 30 as part of a beneficial, financially oriented crescent. This new moon may be very helpful to you.

The month ended with a very pleasant note.


As the month begins, you may be focusing on your partner, whether in love or at work, and you wonder why the person's behavior is unpredictable and inconsistent with his character. You may or may not like to be intimidated by your partner – you'll have to see how things go. The reason for this is the eclipse that appears on April 30, the day before May begins, and you will be dealing with it in the coming weeks of May.

The eclipse will speed up the schedule, so if you assume, for example, that after a year you might get (or give) a marriage proposal, instead, the plan won't wait any longer – it might happen now. Plus, changes in your partner's life may also have a direct impact on your life, so listen intently when your partner speaks. If you're not married, you'll probably work on building a serious, binding business alliance and build it on a contract basis.

If you have the documents on hand, don't rush to finish it, as Mercury will retrograde from May 10 to June 3. This is not a good time to work out any long-term agreements, so sign them in the first few days of May if possible. I love May 3, but don't get too late. May 3 is a feature of 2022, the interaction of the two major financial planets, Jupiter, and your guardian planet, Pluto. It's going to be a rare day with a lot of profit potential for anything you're doing.

Don't skip the step of showing your lawyer the contract you're drafting – if the deal is predestined, it's worth taking the time to get things done. Scorpios born within 5 days of November 2 are most likely to feel the energy of the April 30 new moon eclipse.

Your career is dominated by the sun and can also bring unexpected news. It can take time to consider the upcoming changes and then sort out the responses you want to make to those changes. The shift is due to the April 30 solar eclipse, but because this eclipse will eventually be friendly, you will have some solid opportunities to come your way. You tend to keep things stable – "as it is" – but even then, you will find that eventually change will be a positive force.

New and full moons always occur at the same time, so a second lunar eclipse will take the form of a full Scorpio moon on May 15/16. This will affect Scorpios born around November 17 in the 5 days. The April 30 eclipse will affect your partnership, and the May 15 eclipse will allow you to speak your mind and let the universe support you.

Lucky Jupiter, sympathetic Neptune and active Mars all support this full moon. Again, your focus will still be on partnership, and you'll decide your role in the relationship – you'll probably get engaged or married and break up if you're not happy. If you feel hopeful, you may decide to attend couples psychotherapy.

As a Scorpio, you have two dominant planets, Mars and Pluto. As mentioned earlier, Mars is friendly and so is Pluto. Pluto is currently in your communication and contract house (third house) and forms a good angle with this eclipse, which shows that if you try, you can easily agree with each other. A powerful, influential person will also go out of his way to help you.

Since the end of 2021, you have entertained beneficial Jupiter in the fifth house of your love and children. This is probably the area of your life that generates the most pleasure – your private life. If you're single and looking to find true love in a relationship, you may have met someone special. If you have a partner, you'll get more attention from your spouse and more time to play together. You may set new goals of joint effort. Also, or, you may already have a child.

Jupiter in Pisces also boosts your creativity, so if you're not interested in love or children (or even if you're), you may see yourself able to express yourself artistically in a new and compelling way.

Jupiter is now ready to move to Aries on May 10, re-entering your love house from October 27 to December 20, 2022. After December 20, Jupiter will leave Pisces forever and will not return until 11 years later, in April 2033. (If you start counting from Jupiter into Pisces, that's 12 years.) )

Jupiter always brings gifts, so from that moment on, you will be rewarded in other areas of your life. In Aries, Jupiter will illuminate your mission area, bringing you some of the most promising and attractive projects you've been seeing for a long time. If you're a freelancer, these projects will also have good returns.

Whether you're working for yourself or for someone else, it seems to be new to you in some way, and the project may be cutting-edge high-tech or take you to an area of innovation outside of your main specialty, but you're qualified to do it. The point is, you'll learn and grow from your focused job, and it looks like you're going to get paid well. While these projects may not immediately give you a prestigious title, and with it comes greater responsibility and power, these new projects will help you get rewarded, appreciated, and recognized later.

The New Moon on May 30 will find you researching your finances in the coming weeks. You might assess your insurance needs, investigate how your retirement portfolio is, apply for college financial aid, or, if you plan to buy a home, file a mortgage application. Mercury has been retrograde for most of the month (starting May 10), so don't submit any applications and wait until after June 3.

A lunar eclipse will bring completely unexpected news that you are a fixed sign and like things to remain stable. This isn't always possible, but take a closer look at both lunar eclipses and you'll see that they both take you to a new and better place. Be confident and optimistic.

Jupiter is in the 6th house, and when Jupiter passes through Aries (May 10 to October 27), it may give you new software and computers to do your job.

If you need to hire new team members to do all the work (which is possible because business is booming), Jupiter will make sure you can find qualified employees who you can afford. In general, hiring employees is often the most difficult problem faced by company bosses, especially during the recent pandemic, where a record number of employees have quit their jobs – as a result, the difficulty of finding good employees has become even greater. This doesn't apply to you – the employees you find are sent from heaven.

If you lose your job, Jupiter expands everything it touches, which will make you attract many interesting proposals. If you want to open the door to your new business, you will have the motivation and willingness to make the necessary preparations. Jupiter re-enters Aries on December 20, 2022, and stays until May 16, 2023.

The month before you is really stormy.


Nowadays, Pisces is really good. You've been so busy sowing seeds for the future that you may not notice your tremendous control over events, and you'll see a handsome reward for all your efforts, good judgment. Mars, the planet that represents courage, determination and progress, was in Pisces until May 24, giving you a powerful energy and presence — people notice you and want to hear what you have to say. Experts will give you advice to help you reach what you want to achieve.

When Mars is in your sign, you have priority. Lets you go to the front. You're a leader, and a lot of your ideas have been praised, affirmed, and in many cases funded. It's like you have a wand and everyone else agrees with you. Of course, life is rarely like this, but when you encounter it in the next few weeks, make the most of it. Don't be afraid to speak your mind and get support from others. Ask what you need – the universe is listening.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is in the last few days of Pisces, a privilege you enjoy from May 13 to July 28, 2021. After that, Jupiter returned to Pisces on December 28/29, 2021, until now. He will leave your sign on May 10th. From October 27 to December 20, 2022, Jupiter will once again usher in dazzling good luck. The first part of this period will cause Jupiter to retrograde (October 27 to November 23), but then Jupiter will go down on November 23 until December 20, 2022, making sure you have a happy holiday.

Once Jupiter leaves on December 20, 2022, it will not return to Pisces until April 2033, more than a decade later. This means that if you also need to see any significant people to show off your ideas, you have to do so with a sense of urgency before Jupiter leaves on May 10. However, during your final Golden Week, November 23 to December 20, 2022, you will have more opportunities.

During the time jupiter spent with you in Pisces last year and this year, you have scored many victories, both in your personal, emotional life and your work, professional life. When Jupiter passes by your sign, it usually marks a period of crazy busyness, so you may not have time to consider how powerful this period is for you. In hindsight, you'll understand that the seeds you planted will grow as tall as the beans in Jack and the Bean Stem. You also don't have to wait long to see the fruits of your labor.

Jupiter must be somewhere on your astrolabe where you will like him to go. This generous and growing planet is moving toward Aries, your second house of income for the Sun, so it's clear that you're about to enter the best fiscal year of your life. Jupiter will appear again in the financial portion of your chart from May 10 to October 27, and then from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. You'll need to work hard to see the rewards, but if you do, the universe will lend you a helping hand and take you to the top of the mountain.

Jupiter will give you plenty of time to build profits and see what could be the best fiscal year in decades. Jupiter hasn't been in this part of your disk since 2010, but then you didn't have the support of transiting planets as you do now. Most of the funding you'll see will start last year for projects until May 10 this year. This trend has nothing to do with gambling or winning the lottery – the emphasized house is the house of labor income, which is good news. If you want to make $1 million, you can earn $2 million or more. No one can say you don't deserve the money flowing into your bank account, or you're just lucky. No, you deserve it!

It's a very powerful moment for you. Mars, Neptune, Venus and Jupiter all pass through Pisces, and you start a new goal or mission at a brilliant time.

A lot of the money you'll earn will be traced back to the seeds you sowed during Jupiter's time in Pisces. That's why I say that if you still need to meet someone and give them your suggestions or ideas, then act now until May 10 (you will have a second chance, from October 27 to December 20, when Jupiter returns, from November 23 to December 20, 2022, Jupiter becomes exceptionally powerful).

Jupiter will enter Aries after May 10, a positive entrepreneurial sign. If you're starting your own business, or putting something new on the market that you've already developed, it will be in line with Jupiter's spirit in Aries. The world operates on ideas, and now is the time to realize those ideas and let your imagination run wild. You can find someone with expertise to help you – you don't need to know how to put all the puzzle pieces in the right place. Steve Jobs is a Pisces, he's not an engineer, but his instincts guide him forward. The software engineers he hired helped him realize his vision, and he eventually changed the world.

In normal years, we see 4 eclipses, some with 7 to 8 eclipses, but those years are more difficult – eclipses usually need to be adjusted for changing conditions. But this year is normal, we will see four eclipses.

Solar and lunar eclipses always appear in pairs, at the same time as the new and full moons, two weeks apart. All eclipses are powerful – they can move mountains. In fact, solar eclipses are the most powerful way the universe creates rapid change. They reached a family of constellations, the current constellations are Scorpio and Taurus, which blend well with your Pisces Sun. This in itself is a consolation – it shows that the changes brought about by the lunar eclipse will be beneficial to you. Lasts from 18 to 24 months.

Later, in 2022 there will be two other lunar eclipses in the same constellation, in Taurus and Scorpio, and that will be on October 25 (Scorpio) and November 8 (Taurus). Next year, on May 5, 2023 and October 28, 2023, there will be two more Taurus-Scorpio lunar eclipses. After that, the lunar eclipse will turn to a new constellation. You don't feel all lunar eclipses in the same way.

Now let's talk about the first one, which occurred on April 30, the day before the beginning of May, a new lunar eclipse. It appears in Taurus and will affect you for at least 6 months, possibly longer. Uranus, the planet of all the unexpected things, is closely connected to the Sun and the New Moon. Something unexpected has happened or is about to happen. You may have encountered a small problem in the negotiation that you never expected. If you work internationally, the problem may be in your region – the projects you do overseas can put you in a dilemma. However, because taurus and Pisces suns merge (water and earth produce flowers), you can defuse almost any obstacle and make it work for you. However, it's a new moon, so it may take time to fix this issue.

Or, you may accidentally lose a steady writing job because sometimes eclipses "obscure" marginal elements of your life that have nothing to do with the future. The third house, where this lunar eclipse appears, is about communication, and for months you've been emphasizing writing, editing, speaking, translating, library research, or studying lines for performance. This month you may have to deal with a communication error that must be clarified.

On the bright side, you have Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune — the lovely planets — all of which come together to send a warm greeting to Mercury. Although some of these planets have moved by the time you read this, it is important that they are together when the eclipse occurs, so the dice have been cast and will affect you as you move forward. These are planets full of love, and they will help you if you are involved in a creative project. The cooperation will also be smooth.

You may have reached an agreement that the project is very futuristic, may be in the digital world, or highly imaginative, involving movies, augmented reality, virtual reality, smartphone apps, e-books, metaverses, games, driverless cars, or another similar project, very high tech and innovation. When Uranus is combined with the Sun and the New Moon, as during an eclipse, this would be the perfect area to enter.

This eclipse occurs in your third house, so you may sign a contract at the end of April or early May. If that's the case, it's a good time to sign an agreement, and whatever that agreement covers, even outside of high-tech, it's a good time to sign one.

Mercury is about to retrograde, from May 10 to June 3, so it would be best if you signed the documents last month or early May. You can choose to postpone the signature until June 3, allowing a few days. Regarding signing contracts, I like June 10th and June 20th.

Fast, excursions are also within consideration, but if it's a car trip, you may need to adjust your car first to see if there's anything that needs to be fixed. When Mercury is retrograde, it is common to go to a repair shop. Mercury is in charge of the moving parts of the machine and the spark of electronics, which is why you should not buy a car or any machine or electronic products during mercury retrograde. If you buy this machine at other times, you may not experience the joy it brings you.

The third house, where this lunar eclipse will fall, also rules over your sisters or brothers, so you may see your siblings stand out during this lunar eclipse. If you're in a close relationship, you're probably planning a vacation together. Or, you might work for a company or buy a property with your siblings.

You will find that anything that happens to a lunar eclipse has a long lifespan, importance, and impact. Usually an eclipse opens up a whole new world, and this eclipse will open up the world for you in the weeks or months that follow.

The reason I'm so happy about this eclipse is that Mars is in such perfect position with the sun, with a crescent eclipse in Taurus and Uranus in Taurus. This is not a small advantage! Mars is like the gas you inject into a car, and things start happening when an energetic Mars is active and focused on other planets. Together, these plants will support you. The angle of Mars to the Sun, the New Moon and Uranus is so good, it's amazing!

In addition, the fact that Mars is in Pisces for the first time in two years tells me that you have begun a new energy cycle. You think life is normal, but it's not – it's a very important moment for you. Mars, Neptune, Venus and Jupiter all pass through Pisces, and you start a new goal or mission at a brilliant time. As I mentioned in my April report, Venus and Neptune are meeting, and Venus controls your correspondence and your eighth house of control over other people's money.

If you work on commissions, year-end bonuses, royalties or royalties, you'll make a lot of money. Even if you're not working on that basis, you can negotiate a good benefit package when you start a job or get promoted — like good health insurance or flexible hours where you can work from home for most of the week. Both Venus and Jupiter are associated with happiness, luxury, and profit — yes, so are Venus.

Let's go and see the full moon in Scorpio on May 15/16, your ninth house. Your areas of interest may include writing, publishing, or broadcasting/digital parts. You may see the end of a legal action, or you may discuss a contract with your lawyer. Because Mercury is still retrograde, you should try not to sign it. After June 3, you can sign. You might want to think about international relations or situations, but since it's a full moon, it can now be resolved.

In addition to the ones I listed above, let's look at more aspects of how this eclipse could affect you. You may need to travel abroad or a long trip, or start preparing for a trip now. The Ninth House is an exciting area because it expands our understanding of the world around us.

You can attend a workshop that will give you a deeper understanding of the industry you are in now or hope to enter soon. You can now apply to undergraduate or graduate school, or you can get your diploma. You can defend your thesis in this lunar eclipse and gain acceptance of your concept. You may have a jury duty and be inspired by the inner workings of the court system. As I mentioned before, things that happen during lunar eclipses tend to have lasting effects, often marking life events that we remember and feel changed for a long time.

I like that Mars is in Pisces and Pluto is in Capricorn, and they are both friendly to scorpio's total lunar eclipse because Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio. It's amazing! You have two Scorpio rulers on your side! It's such a good sign that the final resolution of this eclipse, whatever happens, will have a positive outcome for you.

If you're thinking, wait, Mars was friendly to the first eclipse (April 30), so how could Mars be friendly to a lunar eclipse as well? The answer is that Mars is at a healthy speed, just happens to be in two perfect positions. Mars in Pisces gives you more control.

Pluto's position in the eleventh house of your friendships and various groups indicates that you may make a strong, homemade friend at the event you attend (conventions, charity dinners, weddings, anniversary parties, etc.). In this activity, you may meet someone with the right expertise who can help you achieve the personal or professional goals you are working towards, and you will feel lucky to get to know this person.

This lunar eclipse also has a downside. Saturn is in Aquarius, the Sun is in Taurus, and the full moon is in Scorpio. Saturn can increase your responsibilities and you may find yourself working hard. Or you may feel that something is happening behind the scenes, something you don't know about that complicates your life. You may need to sort out the problem that arises. Saturn will exhaust you, so make sure you're healthy, eat more nutritious, and rest more.

Mars and Neptune will merge and send sweet greetings to the sun and lunar eclipse, contributing to artistic expression.

Now let's see what Mars is doing. Mars will move to Aries from May 24 to July 4, and more consumption will begin to be generated in the second house that governs personal money. This will drive up costs, but it could also be because you already know you have a large amount of upcoming expenses, such as tuition fees, the cost of summer camp for kids, or vacations you've been looking forward to and coming up. When Mars is in this position, it also means you'll be more motivated to figure out how to make more money. Mars will meet lucky Jupiter in the same plate of your disk.

On Sunday, May 29, Mars and Jupiter meet. They meet every two years on a day, but always in different zodiac signs. (Note: As May 29 approaches, from Wednesday 25 to Wednesday 29, you'll feel the day coming.) Mars is about action, Jupiter is about profit — and on May 29 and the days before, action could lead to profits. Mars and Jupiter meet in Aries, your treasury, and it's like getting double good luck in making money and ways to make money.

Jupiter and Mars rarely meet in the constellation Aries. The last was May 1, 2011, and before that was June 16, 1975. After this month, until April 12, 2058, Jupiter and Mars met in the constellation Aries.

Planet in Aries, you may be working on a startup project, which would be the perfect fit. I will remind you if you are starting a business or launching a new product in an existing business plan, but after the action, Mercury marches on June 3rd. Or, you may have already started training for a sports event such as a marathon, or if you are a professional, training for an upcoming race.

On May 30, the new moon will appear in Gemini. This new moon is not a lunar eclipse, just a sweet new moon. Jupiter, then in Aries and Mars in Aries, will beautifully point to the (sextant phase) crescent moon and sun, indicating that the seeds you sow now will eventually reap good returns on your work and investments. This new moon will give families the opportunity to move forward with goals. If you want to move or sell a property, you'll have some of the best abilities to look for options. You might use this time to buy new furniture, make repairs, paint your room, or decorate your kitchen.

Mercury, in charge of Gemini (the constellation of the New Moon), will receive a lovely glow from Pluto. Pluto rules innovation, so if you plan to tear down walls, Pluto will help you. Pluto is also a financial planet, so if you're prepared for this moment, a mortgage may not be too hard to come by.

What you're thinking about may not be property, instead, you may be focused on how to help your parents find solutions to their needs as they age. You might find a home care specialist to live with them, or you might find a home caregiver to help them with their daily needs, such as shopping, cooking, seeing a doctor with your parents, and so on. It could be that one of your family members has just had a child and needs help, and you volunteer to help take care of this little one. The point is, this new moon may find you jumping in to help your family members. It's a good new month – you'll be able to solve the dilemma and be quite productive.

See what topics emerge this time, as it could be a reliable indicator of what will happen in the second half of 2022. I say this because Mars will enter Gemini on August 20 and stay for up to 7 months until March 25, 2023. The normal dwell time for Mars in any constellation is six to seven weeks, not seven months! This new moon may be a good illustration of what is about to happen.

As you can see, you have a very great month!


This is a great time of the year for you because Mars is in Pisces and puts you in the driver's seat. That's the privilege you get from Mars every two years for about six weeks. Mars first entered Pisces on April 14 and will stay in your sign until May 24. The best part of the month will be the first week, as Mercury, which is in charge of communication and negotiation, will retrograde from May 10 to June 3.

Mercury Retrograde is a great time for you to go back to previously shelved projects or reconnect with people from the past, but not suitable for starting new projects, especially in the high-tech or communications fields. Now is not the time to sign a written agreement or contract, because you need to modify it later. If you need to make a binding agreement, do it at the beginning of the month, or wait until a few days after Mercury runs directly, on June 3rd. (Don't rush to act on the "end of the book"—the start and end dates of Mercury's retrograde—because that's when Mercury is at its most naughty.) )

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, has been pampering you for months, and you've been busy sowing seeds for your future. Jupiter appears only once every 12 years, for about a full year. Jupiter was in Pisces from May 13 to July 28 last year, and then Jupiter in Pisces from December 28, 2021 to May 10, 2022.

Jupiter will leave Pisces this month and enter Aries on May 10, but will return to Pisces from October 27 to December 20, 2022. Jupiter will retrograde from October 27 to November 23, so the best time to do this is between November 23 and December 20, 2022.

After December 20, 2022, Jupiter will not return to Pisces until April 2033. Jupiter's departure won't shed tears, and Jupiter in Aries (after December 20th) will fill your second house of income and bring you fortune in the coming months. It would be reassuring to see that you have done a lot of work and that preparation for future earnings will be rewarded with a rich harvest.

This is especially obvious if you're working for yourself, or if your main job is selling. If you work for someone else, name the salary you want because you're likely to get a raise in your current job or a better paycheck in your new job.

Now let's look at the eclipse, which falls on your two intellectual palaces, your third and ninth houses. Both times will occur in May, on April 30 and May 16, respectively. Both are friendly and may give you more travel opportunities than you have in the past few years.

A New Moon eclipse on April 30 may give you new writing, editing, or speaking assignments, or discover that you are developing a new advertising, publicity, marketing, or social media campaign. Hurry up earlier in the month, as you need to be aware that Mercury is about to retrograde, from May 10 to June 3. If you need to publish new content, if you can't publish it in the first few days of May, publish it in June. As a warning, we can feel Mercury's retrograde a few weeks before it actually turns. That's why it's best to take action in the days after June 3.

The second lunar eclipse, the full lunar eclipse, will reach Scorpio on May 15/16, illuminating your 9th house of control over publishing, broadcasting, international relations, and the import and export of global ideas, goods and services. The house also includes status, passport, immigration, visa and residency matters. It covers higher education in pursuit of a higher degree, but also covers all legal issues.

One of these areas is prone to change or development. Mars and Pluto will set the tone for this lunar eclipse, and miraculously, both will be friendly to this full lunar eclipse. A friend may go out of his way to introduce you or support you in other ways, opening the door to good luck. You may make a new friend related to the currency market who has a lot of experience with what you are trying to accomplish and may be helpful.

During a very active month, you will have another new moon, but this time it is not a lunar eclipse. It will descend on Gemini on May 30th, putting your attention on your home or other property you may rent or want to buy (or that you already own). You may also be concerned about your family. You may be in a hurry to make changes, make decisions, or act quickly, but keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde in this area of your chart, and you'd better wait until June starts and set aside some time after June 3.

Pay attention to what happens next, as it will give you some clues about what you'll pay attention to when Mars enters gemini's unusually long journey, from August 20, 2022 to March 25, 2023. Your home, moving, buying or selling real estate, or repair items (such as making repairs to your property or drastic renovations) can consume your mind. Or, an immediate family member may need your help, such as your sister (as an example of a close relative) who may have a newborn and need your help.

Something is about to happen, but this new moon will give you an idea of the highlights that will happen later this year. You've spent a lot of time and effort in your career, so you might enjoy decorating your apartment or house and having time to take care of those who love you deeply, your family.

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