
Obviously, he is a capable person who knows all three religions, so why is he called a "black-robed demon monk"?

Yao Guangxiao, whose legal name was Daoyan, made a great contribution to Zhu Di's ascension to the throne. However, Yao Guangxiao had the title of "black-robed demon monk", why is this? Please listen to the answers of JAL Jun below.

The first and third teachings are all common, and the talents are extensive

If a person is too clever, I am afraid he will look like a monster. As Mr. Lu Xun commented on Zhuge Liang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "Zhuge is wise and close to a demon." In my opinion, Yao Guangxiao is like a "multi-wise and close demon".

Yao Guangxiao became a monk at the age of fourteen and studied Buddhism; later studied the Taoist yin and yang techniques with the strange person Xi Yingzhen; and later he was recruited as an official by Zhu Yuanzhang because of his proficiency in Confucianism.

Since ancient times, those who have been able to master one discipline can be said to be geniuses, and those who are proficient in these three disciplines at the same time can be said to be geniuses among geniuses. Moreover, Yao Guangxiao was not only proficient in these three disciplines, he was also proficient in the knowledge of the Fa, the soldiers, the physicians, the Zongheng family, the Miscellaneous Family, etc., which can be said to be the three teachings and nine streams, omniscient, and omniscient.

In addition, when Yao Guangxiao did not have a trace, he was also said to be like "Liu Bingzhong", and Liu Bingzhong's nickname was "Wenzheng". The nickname "Wenzheng" can be said to be the dream of all readers, and there are not many people who have this title in history, but they are all models among readers, such as Fan Zhongyan and Zeng Guofan. Being able to be evaluated in this way shows the breadth of Yao Guangxiao's talents.

If a person only knows these learnings, we can still say that he is a "two-legged bookcase" and a "nerd", but Yao Guangxiao not only knows these knowledges, but also can learn and use them, so it is not too much to say that he is a "demon".

Obviously, he is a capable person who knows all three religions, so why is he called a "black-robed demon monk"?

Second, the heart is not correct, provoking Zhu Di

As a monk, I pay attention to the "six roots of purity." It may be that the monks will go down the mountain in the chaotic world, but in the prosperous world, almost all of them are closed-door Qing cultivation, and Yao Guangxiao is an exception.

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang had already laid the map of Daming, and Zhu Yuanzhang's grandson Zhu Yunjiao was in full swing. At this time, Yao Guangxiao couldn't sit still and ran to ask Zhu Di if he wanted a white hat. When Zhu Di listened, the king added white, isn't he the emperor? Yao Guangxiao also helped Zhu Yuanzhang recruit talents, build weapons, and train troops. Such a "restless" monk really does not look like a serious monk.

There is one more thing that can testify that Yao Guangxiao's heart is not right. A famous Xiangshi Yuan Jue commented that Yao Guangxiao had triangular eyes, like a sick tiger, and had a natural love of killing, and was a figure like Liu Bingzhong. In fact, if you change it to an ordinary person, you should be angry when you hear this, how can I love killing?? But Yao Guangxiao's performance is intriguing, and his performance is a great joy! This shows that Yao Guangxiao's heart is restless, and he wants to make meritorious achievements, and being a monk is just his protective color.

Therefore, from a general point of view, as a monk who should have been pure with six roots, Yao Guangxiao was trying his best to make meritorious achievements, which shows that he as a monk is not right in his heart.

Obviously, he is a capable person who knows all three religions, so why is he called a "black-robed demon monk"?

Third, the vision is poisonous, and the experience is sophisticated

Zhuge Liang's "Longzhong Pair" said that the development trend of the next thirty years was exhausted, and it can be said that he was a great politician with a poisonous vision. Yao Guangxiao is also such a person with a poisonous eye.

When everyone was not optimistic about Zhu Di, he supported Zhu Di as always. When Zhu Di was difficult to break through near Shandong, the talent withered, and the army fought less and less, Yao Guangxiao put forward the strategy of "bypassing Shandong and taking the capital directly", and at this point, a game of dead chess came alive. Zhu Di spent only half a year to lay the foundation of the capital and seize the throne.

Since ancient times, how many people have such old and spicy eyes as Yao Guangxiao? People are mostly obsessed with the small profits in front of them and can't see the overall situation, but Yao Guangxiao is a person who can see the whole situation transparently. This kind of vision and intelligence is very comparable to that of people.

Obviously, he is a capable person who knows all three religions, so why is he called a "black-robed demon monk"?

Fourth, do not seek fame and fortune, green lantern ancient Buddha

Since it is said to be a demon, the pursuit must be different from ordinary people. If he is an ordinary person, after helping the king to make an immortal contribution, he will definitely become a great prime minister, enjoy his old age in peace, embrace beautiful women and petite children, and surround gold and silver treasures.

But Yao Guangxiao did not.

After Zhu Di ascended the throne, Yao Guangxiao rejected the mansion and maids, and returned to the temple alone, not admiring the gold and silver treasures, and giving them all to the clan. Green Lantern Ancient Buddha, a few volumes of books, enough.

Busy half a life, laid the foundation of the world, and so it passed. Yao Guangxiao may belong to that kind of person, living can not be mediocre, living to leave his name in history, living to be vigorous, Qingshi left a name.

Obviously, he is a capable person who knows all three religions, so why is he called a "black-robed demon monk"?

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