
A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union has been broken for 28 years, but Russians still miss the history of this once superpower. There are also many people who study the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union, in fact, the collapse of the Soviet Union is not an overnight achievement, and there are many events in the history of the Soviet Union that indirectly contributed to the "code" of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union


1953 was a pivotal year for the Soviet Union, the year stalin died and there was a "power vacuum" in the Soviet Union, because it was not clear who the leader was. Thus the Soviet Union briefly entered an era of collective leadership, in which both Beria and Malenkov could succeed, but these two men were not popular within the CPSU. The low-key Khrushchev finally took the position of the number one of the CPSU, and using party rules, first united with Malenkov, arrested and executed Beria, and then Khrushchev used economic weakness as an excuse to continuously weaken Malenkov's power.

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

On June 18, 1957, Malenkov, Kaganovich, Molotov and others were not satisfied, and they wanted to force Khrushchev to step down at the CPSU meeting. Unexpectedly, at the crucial time, Zhukov supported Khrushchev and transported the All-Soviet committee members to Moscow for a meeting in a military aircraft, restricting the voting at the meeting in the form of a plenary session. In the end, Khrushchev was victorious and malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich and others were purged from the CPSU.

After Stalin's death, there was a series of power struggles within the Soviet Union, and this "power shuffle" was ineffective in building the Soviet Union, but this series of struggles was actually similar to a coup d'état, which brought hidden dangers to the stability of the power structure within the Soviet Union.

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

After Khrushchev came to power, he carried out a series of anti-Stalin actions. But Khrushchev himself was a man of little theoretical skill, and even former U.S. President Richard Nixon said: "It is difficult for me to imagine whether he actually read Marx's three thick volumes, and in this respect he differed from Stalin, who read extensively and wrote a large number of theoretical books." ”

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

No one is perfect, and Khrushchev only sees Stalin's shortcomings, but does not see that it is Stalin's governance that has the basis for Khrushchev's rule. But Khrushchev, in the case of negating his predecessors, carried out reforms, thinking that he had found a new policy of governance, but the Soviet Union ushered in the first "thaw". In fact, this is also the result of the power struggle, and Khrushchev's "false big void" remarks have already aroused dissatisfaction within the Soviet Union, especially after Khrushchev's secret speech, it has even confused the soviet union's internal thinking, and some people have no direction. So a struggle against Khrushchev was also going on in secret.


On October 14, 1964, Khrushchev was relieved of his duties as head of the CPSU and chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR at the CPSU Conference. This was the coup d'état that ousted Khrushchev, which scholars have also called a Soviet-style "palace coup." However, according to Russian scholars, the overthrow of Khrushchev at that time had been carried out in secret, that is to say, the "anti-He" operation had a long history, and even Brezhnev planned to assassinate Khrushchev.

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

Brezhnev was a person promoted by Khrushchev, but Brezhnev was not loyal to Khrushchev, and from the photo of the two men, although he was smiling, Brezhnev's heart was very deep.

Brezhnev knew that Khrushchev's governance was not deeply popular, so he and Podgorny had secretly planned the coup a year earlier. Brezhnev knew that the coup d'état should be careful, so brezhnev was very cautious before the coup d'état, and he constantly tried to win over many internal opponents of Khrushchev and secretly allyed with them.

In the coup d'état, Brezhnev knew that it would be difficult to achieve the goal of deposing Khrushchev through the form of the CPSU side, so he only had to secretly win over the anti-Hertzmen. But Brezhnev and others knew that a coup d'état also required a strong military force, so by the end of 1963, Brezhnev had already co-opted the leadership of the Soviet Union's important party, government, and army.

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

Although the "anti-Hed" forces of Brezhnev and others continued to increase, Brezhnev and Shaleepin were increasingly worried that if the coup failed, they would end up miserable. At this time, Brezhnev proposed to assassinate Khrushchev, such as poisoning, shooting, and even using Khrushchev's visit to Sweden to blow up his landline. But the coup d'état were afraid that the guards around Khrushchev were too strong, and the KGB leader, Shemichasne, did not agree with Brezhnev's assassination of Khrushchev.

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

Although Brezhnev and others were carefully planned, their calls were overheard and later caught Khrushchev's attention. The day before the coup, Khrushchev issued a warning. But Khrushchev did not realize that the coup had come too suddenly, nor did he realize the danger, so he still went on vacation to the Black Sea, so the coup d'état accelerated the pace of the coup.


When Khrushchev was on vacation, Podgorny quickly organized personnel to compile Khrushchev's "indictments" and immediately notified the commissioners to go to Moscow for a meeting.

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

On October 12, 1964, the organizers of the coup finally informed Khrushchev to come to the meeting, at which point Khrushchev realized the danger, but he thought that Malenkov had gone bankrupt if he wanted to collapse through the meeting, and it was impossible for anyone to think of passing the meeting again. However, after Khrushchev entered the venue, the National Security Council, led by Semenchasny, quickly replaced Khrushchev's guards at the venue, apartment, and villa.

At the presidium meeting, the coup d'état read out Khrushchev's "indictment" and demanded his immediate resignation. Khrushchev tried to refute it, but no one listened to him, especially Brezhnev's demands that he not argue. When Khrushchev saw that the general trend had gone, he accepted his resignation very calmly. On 14 October, at the meeting of the CPSU, Khrushchev's resignation report was read. A coup d'état against Khrushchev ended.

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

Khrushchev's forced resignation also heralded the end of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union, and it had to be said that Khrushchev should thank Serepin, and if Serepin had not stopped him, he might have been assassinated by Brezhnev. But from Brezhnev's plan to assassinate Khrushchev, it has to be said that this person is a very sinister person in his heart, and if he really wants to assassinate Khrushchev successfully, then this dirty behavior will inevitably accelerate the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

A photo of the Soviet period, why is there a killing machine hidden in the smile? Inside the story of the second coup d'état in the Soviet Union

It was also the sadness of the Soviet Union that the Soviet Union was finally able to bring Brezhnev to power. Judging from the declassified information, Brezhnev was originally a very mediocre man, and he had no superiority in his youth, nor did he have any achievements in the Great Patriotic War, but he was appreciated by Stalin and was promoted smoothly during the Khrushchev period. On the surface, he is a smooth, unambitious person. Brezhnev also showed weakness to outsiders many times, indicating whether he had leadership ability, but in the end this "conspirator" was successfully elected, his ability was far worse than Khrushchev, and with such a person to lead the Soviet Union, the Development of the Soviet Union was not much better.

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