
Master Long Yin: What kind of marriage partner are you looking for?

Text/Dragon Yin Master

Before getting married, you need to choose your marriage partner carefully. If the object you choose can't treat you well, even a good lover can't be a qualified husband. So, among the many suitors, who is right to be your marriage partner? Let's take a look at it with Master Dragon Yin

Master Long Yin: What kind of marriage partner are you looking for?

Positive printing pattern

People in this pattern have a strong affinity and usually have no utilitarianism. No matter where you go, you can make people feel at ease, worry-free, and the popularity is also good. Therefore, a pattern that can play a role in dependence is needed to match this fate. The men and women of the positive Indian pattern are kind and peaceful, they are not good at fighting, have a strong sense of security and inertia, and they have home dependence and stability. I don't like to be too drilled, and I'm not good at fighting with others. Therefore, it is suitable for the partial financial pattern, the partial official pattern, from the financial official pattern, from the weak pattern can also be.

Positive financial pattern

This pattern of people is suitable for a small life, suitable for accounting and other occupations, and belongs to the thrifty and thrifty type. The most obvious point of men and women in the positive financial pattern is that they are meticulous, cautious, and very good at living a life. Further, he is a bit stingy, stingy, and has limitations in doing things. Ideal for making a fuss around narrow thinking. So most women who are well-off are good wives. Scrooge, keep the family, of course, if a man is a positive financial pattern, there are some stinginess, not generous. In this way, you will not be able to make more friends. This character also seems to be weak and lacking in consciousness. Therefore, this pattern is most suitable for the partial official pattern.

Master Long Yin: What kind of marriage partner are you looking for?

The official pattern

People in this pattern love face, focus on honor, look pedantic, or are overly cautious and self-disciplined. Men and women in the official position are very responsible, conservative in thought, relatively honest, upright, and kind. They think that they are more noble and will not take advantage of others. Of course, they are even less likely to infringe on the interests of others. In such cases, there is a need for better integration into society. The other spouse must be more utilitarian, able to steer well of the situation, or be better at handling social relationships. Therefore, it is suitable for the pattern of financial officials, from the weak, from the god of food, and from the partial financial pattern.

Partial Indian pattern

People with this pattern are looking for food injury patterns. Generally speaking, the God Eater pattern is the best, and the God Eater pattern has a strong affinity. The wounded officer seemed to be too hasty or self-aggressive. Suitable for the positive financial pattern, suitable for the robbery pattern. Because it is more lively, lively, and has more friends than the robbery pattern, it will buffer the loneliness of the partial Indian pattern.

The men and women of the partial Indian pattern are not unfriendly, but partial to the god of the month, and the Japanese lord will appear shallow and cold due to the lack of antagonistic consciousness, indifferent to the world, and a calm behavior that lacks humanistic care. The lack of a kind of giving and caring, like the interdependence between father and son, does not seem so intimate, but it belongs to the outside cold and warm-hearted people. Although there is no specific external manifestation, the heart still reflects the relative dependence on responsibility.

Master Long Yin: What kind of marriage partner are you looking for?

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