
Why is the skewer so delicious, the chef shares the soul recipe and dipping sauce with you

author:Junjie Food Diary

#My Fancy Life # As a chef, I rarely go out to eat, and once in a while, I heard a friend say that there was a skewer shop with a particularly hot business, so we went to try it.

Why is the skewer so delicious, the chef shares the soul recipe and dipping sauce with you

To put it bluntly, it is similar to the nature of spicy hot, but it has changed the form, the material is still that material, but the spicy hot pot and hot pot fusion method, deeply liked by young people, and a variety of semi-finished products compound young people's tastes, to tell the truth I boiled boiled fish base, spicy hot base, spicy shrimp base, combine them, to share the production methods and steps of skewer incense.

Why is the skewer so delicious, the chef shares the soul recipe and dipping sauce with you

1) Prepare ingredients, 5 kg of butter, 5 kg of chicken fat, 10 kg of rapeseed oil, 300 g of Qin pepper, 200 g of 200 g of 200 g of 200 g of chili pepper, 200 g of dried chili pepper, 200 g of green peppercorns, 1 kg of Da Hong Pao peppercorns, 200 g of bean paste, 100 g of tempeh, 1 kg of green onion, ginger and garlic.

2) Prepare spices, any base can not be separated from the spices that add fragrance, cumin 30 grams, white kon 30 grams, nutmeg 20 grams, grass fruit 20 grams, fragrant leaves 15 grams, cinnamon 15 grams, galangal 5 grams, sand kernels 5 grams, angelica 5 grams, row grass 3 grams, lemongrass 2 grams, spirit grass 3 grams, wood fragrance 3 grams, cloves 3 grams, gardenia 3 grams, thyme 10 grams.

Why is the skewer so delicious, the chef shares the soul recipe and dipping sauce with you

3: Peppercorns can be broken or not broken, I recommend breaking and mixing together, all spices are broken, soaked in an appropriate amount of white wine, stir up the aroma for later, soak three kinds of peppers or boil in boiling water for five minutes to fish out and beat into rice dumpling peppers, before in Beijing every time to boil more than a hundred pounds. The pot is heated and then under the rapeseed oil, burn until it smokes and then put in the butter chicken fat to cool down, the bottom of the pot is not easy to heat the pot, remember this point, in turn into the onion ginger garlic onion ah coriander celery leaves, fried golden fish out, do not fry paste, fried paste is easy to have bitter taste. Wait for the oil temperature to drop, down into the rice pepper, this time must master the oil temperature, because the hot oil encounters the moisture inside the rice pepper, easy to overflow the pot danger, the last time I boiled the bottom material, it was careless, overflowing the pot, my hand burned a little, pain for several days, so experienced masters, generally use a larger pot, and the surface of the oil should be lower than the side of the pot ten centimeters, otherwise when the material is stirred, it is easy to overflow the outside of the pot.

Why is the skewer so delicious, the chef shares the soul recipe and dipping sauce with you

Then put into the bean paste, constantly stir the bottom of the pot, simmer slowly, about half an hour, down into the tempeh, mashed a bottle, a small amount of rock sugar to neutralize the bitter taste of the spices, and then fry for ten minutes, down into the spice powder, and then fry for ten minutes, after cooling, you can add beef flavoring, chicken flavoring, sealed preservation, precipitation, the upper side is the hot pot oil, you can also make dry pot oil, the bottom is the hot pot base.

4: Modulate the bottom of the pot, add the appropriate amount of base, the right amount of hot pot red oil, a spoonful of mash, chicken essence, MSG, you can add an appropriate amount of perfume, and finally add the broth boiled in advance to the table to open the shabu. In fact, he is a spicy hot pot, but it has become a skewer.

Why is the skewer so delicious, the chef shares the soul recipe and dipping sauce with you

5: Shabu-shabu is inseparable from the dipping sauce, no matter what kind of hot pot, shabu-shabu some do not taste, so there must be dipping sauce, before there was hemp sauce, garlic paste, fat beef juice, now increase chili noodles, pepper noodles, capers, cooked peanuts, shallots, minced garlic, cooked sesame seeds, cumin noodles, aged vinegar, oyster sauce, that is, skewers of incense now have dry materials and wet ingredients, adjust their own taste. By the way, share several dipping sauces that can be adjusted according to personal taste, (1) oyster sauce + garlic paste + coriander + chives + peanut crumbles + millet spicy + sesame oil (2) chili noodles + cumin + peanut crumbles + sesame seeds (3) millet spicy + chili oil + peanut crumbles + sesame seeds (4) I personally like the original taste, sesame sauce + leek flower + curd milk juice + sugar + vinegar + green onion + coriander chili oil.

Why is the skewer so delicious, the chef shares the soul recipe and dipping sauce with you
Why is the skewer so delicious, the chef shares the soul recipe and dipping sauce with you

6: There are many varieties of skewer incense, different kinds of raw materials, and its knife change method is also different. Meat things cut into slices, or small pieces, add salt, pepper, oyster sauce, pepper noodles, after pickling skewers, including vegetables have their own characteristics, there are special people responsible for skewers, sealed with plastic wrap to prevent air drying, there are also a lot of finished products, not easy to skewer, generally according to the portion on the table. For example, brain flowers, vermicelli, tofu, duck blood, etc., also need to be used flexibly and play freely. This base is also suitable for dry pots, hot pots, spicy hot, boiled series, including impounding vegetables, many experienced chefs, are a sauce multi-purpose.

Why is the skewer so delicious, the chef shares the soul recipe and dipping sauce with you

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