
Shaanxi has accumulated 453 closed risk points and closed more than 1,300 related places of various types

The reporter learned from the 38th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Shaanxi Province held today (December 21).

On December 9, after the local case was reported in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province quickly launched an emergency response, and the main leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial government immediately made arrangements, commanded from the front, and carried out on-site scheduling of key tasks such as tracing the source of the flow, nucleic acid testing, isolation and control, and personnel treatment, so as to curb the momentum of the spread of the epidemic at the fastest speed and with the greatest efforts.

First, strengthen the command system for epidemic prevention and control. The prevention and control command system at all levels continues to maintain a 24-hour operation state and implements flat management. Fully mobilize grassroots forces, consolidate the "three-level guarantee" system for county (district), township (street), and administrative village (community) cadres, improve the "five guarantees and one guarantee" mechanism for township (street) cadres and community grid administrators, grassroots medical workers, police, and volunteers, and dispatch a total of 109,000 people to the epidemic prevention and control annihilation war, effectively assign prevention and control responsibility to specific people and specific things, and ensure that there are no blind spots or blind spots in epidemic prevention and control.

The second is to go all out to prevent the spread of the epidemic and spillover. From December 20, the movement of people across cities will be strictly controlled, and the travel of people in the counties (cities, districts) where the designated medium- and high-risk areas are located will be strictly restricted. Advocate driving private cars and chartered cars when people in other areas go out, minimize the use of public transportation, and strictly restrict travel to medium- and high-risk areas and the counties (cities, districts) where they are located to prevent the risk of infection. At the same time, the organization strengthened the "two stations and one station" control work, set up checkpoints at airports, railway stations, bus stations, and high-speed traffic intersections, and required 48-hour negative nucleic acid test certificates and State Council itinerary cards, Shaanxi health codes (Xi'an one-code pass) green codes for those leaving Xi'an, etc.

The third is to pay close attention to the screening of all employees and the traceability of circulation. On the basis of the previous key area testing, since December 18, the whole staff has been organized and implemented nucleic acid testing in Xi'an City, more than 4100 medical personnel have been drawn from the province to form a nucleic acid sampling team, and third-party laboratory cabins, air films and mobile testing vehicles have been dispatched, with a total of 3268 sampling points and 7684 sampling stations. The National Health Commission helped coordinate 5 enterprises to mobilize about 650,000 tubes / day of testing. At present, the first round of nucleic acid testing of all employees in Xi'an has been completed, with a total of 15.6617 million nucleic acid tests, as of 8 o'clock on December 20, the results have been 14.5297 million, and the results to be released are 1.132 million. The second round of nucleic acid testing for all employees has been launched. At the same time, we will comprehensively accelerate the progress of circulation and disposal of positive nucleic acid test cases, confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected persons, carry out in-depth mapping, and track and control close contacts, sub-close contacts and potential close contacts at the fastest speed.

The fourth is to strengthen community sealing and social control. In terms of community sealing and control, for areas where there are already sporadic cases, timely and scientifically divide the scope of sealing, control, and prevention areas. For the sealed control area, in accordance with the "area closed, stay at home, service door-to-door", arrange 24-hour patrol duty; for the control area, the implementation of "only in and out, people do not leave the area, strictly prohibit gathering"; for the prevention area, the implementation of "strengthen social control, strictly restrict the gathering of personnel". In terms of social control and control, adhere to the "non-essential non-gathering", strictly control non-essential personnel gathering activities, Xi'an primary and secondary schools have suspended offline teaching, carried out online class teaching mode, while strengthening medical institutions, farmers' markets, shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels and guesthouses, catering services, cultural and entertainment and other key places to prevent and eliminate killing, and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic caused by the gathering of personnel. At present, the province has accumulated 453 closed risk points, closed more than 1,300 related places of various types, and eliminated 4.15 million square meters.

Fifth, comprehensively do a good job in the reserve and material scheduling of isolation sites. Strengthen overall planning and scheduling, increase the reserve of centralized isolation sites, and select public rental housing, hotels, hotels, schools, etc. as backup points for centralized isolation points, to ensure that they are needed and used at any time. At the same time, we will strengthen the scheduling of material supply, sort out the reserves and inventories of key varieties of commodities item by item, make up for the inventory gap in a timely manner, coordinate key commercial and trade enterprises to actively expand the supply of goods, smooth supply channels, and effectively ensure the basic living needs of isolated personnel and the market supply of daily necessities.

Sixth, we will continue to do a good job in external defense input without relaxing. Persist in moving forward to ports and customs, strictly implement closed-loop management measures such as customs quarantine, nucleic acid testing, closed-loop transfer and isolation observation, diagnosis and treatment for personnel entering Shaanxi, and strictly implement the "double closed-loop" management of entry security personnel; for those from medium- and high-risk areas and border cities who come to Shaanxi and return to Shaanxi, fully implement classified control measures such as "point-to-point" operation, directional diversion, isolation observation, and nucleic acid testing; implement 48-hour negative nucleic acid testing certification measures for all people returning to Shaanxi and include them in communities (villages), Hotels and reception units are managed to form a "closed loop" of epidemic prevention from the port entrance to the community focal point.

Next steps

First, continue to compact prevention and control responsibilities. Adhere to unified leadership, front-line command, sinking the front line, and responsibility to the people, consolidate the prevention and control responsibilities of the main responsible comrades of the party and government at all levels, maintain the all-weather operation and flat management of the prevention and control system at all levels, increase the supervision and supervision of key links and important points, optimize and improve the overall allocation mechanism of the circulation team, testing institutions, isolation sites, and medical forces, and concentrate resources to support Xi'an to fight the epidemic prevention and control annihilation war.

The second is to promote nucleic acid screening at full speed. Further refine the nucleic acid testing plan for all employees, accelerate the mobilization of testing resources in the province, focus on Xi'an City, and scientifically carry out follow-up rounds of full testing on the basis of completing the first round of full testing, to ensure that due diligence should be checked, no one is missed, the number of infections can be found out as soon as possible, and the hidden transmission chain is blocked.

The third is to accelerate the traceability of circulation and investigation. Continue to give play to the synergistic role of the "three gongs", further draw professional forces to enrich the flow adjustment team, continuously improve the flow adjustment method, improve the efficiency of the flow adjustment, optimize the flow adjustment method, organize expert forces to do a good job in the analysis of the results of the flow adjustment, continue to carry out genetic sequencing for confirmed cases, quickly and accurately lock in the close and sub-close contact personnel, and classify and control in place.

The fourth is to resolutely prevent the spillover of the epidemic. Dynamically delineate and adjust medium- and high-risk and control areas, organize elite troops to strictly guard against key areas, strictly control the scale of personnel gathering activities, and implement the "three-level guarantee" system and the "five guarantees and one" mechanism. At the same time, we should firmly establish the awareness of the "chess game" of national epidemic prevention and control, strengthen the control measures of airports, stations, ports and other passages out of the province, and those who leave Xi'an must report to their units or streets (townships) and perform the approval procedures for leaving Xi'an to ensure non-proliferation and non-spread.

Fifth, make every effort to do a good job in medical treatment. Adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, strengthen the reserve and scheduling of medical supplies, concentrate the high-level medical team in the province, one person, one plan, the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and make every effort to treat patients. At the same time, the compaction of the fine courtyard sense of prevention and control responsibility, safe and meticulous and efficient to do a good job in isolation and sealing of the place service guarantee work, go all out to protect the life and health of the people.

Please be sure to strictly adhere to the prevention and control measures such as scanning codes, measuring temperature, wearing masks, gathering less, and one-meter lines, and do not flow unless necessary. Actively participate in nucleic acid screening, if there is fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, decreased sense of smell and other symptoms, wear a mask in time to the nearest fever clinic for treatment, avoid taking public transportation, and truthfully inform the travel history. If there is an overlap with the confirmed case or the trajectory of close contacts, please report to the community, unit, or hotel as soon as possible. At the same time, we will not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, and do not create rumors, and gather the joint efforts of the whole people to defeat the epidemic.

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Source: Starting Point News App New Media Editor: Liu Lu Wang Yueyao

Review: Wang Dong, Chen Fan

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