
Which five of the five countries in the world are the most deadly to fight?

I think that if we want to make a ranking, we should first take out our country, fighting a war without life itself is not a positive word, it is not good to put us inside, especially, we like to compete for the first, it is neither objective nor fair to put inside, and there will even be old men selling melons, selling themselves and boasting.

Fifth place, Finland

Finland was independent after the October Revolution in Russia, originally a small Nordic country, in the Soviet Union and Germany such a powerful country around the periphery, Finland's situation is not good, but it is such a small country, a population of only 4.4 million, a standing army of 32,000 Finland, in the Soviet-Finnish War did not let the Soviet Union take advantage of a little.

Originally the Soviet Union wanted to occupy all of Finland by force, but in the end it did not achieve, although it finally won, it did not achieve the strategic objectives, and suffered heavy losses, in 1944, when the Soviet Union counterattacked, the Soviet Union still failed to annex Finland, and finally the two sides reached an agreement, as long as Finland withdrew from the Axis and fought against Germany, the Soviet Union would stop attacking Finland.

This shows how strong the Finnish nation is.

Which five of the five countries in the world are the most deadly to fight?

Ranked fourth, Vietnam

Looking at the war experienced by Vietnam and vietnam's performance in the war, it can be seen that there was no Vietnam during the two world wars, Vietnam was a colony at that time, but after the end of World War II, Vietnam became the focus of competition between the world's major powers, that is, World War II ended and the Vietnam War began.

In 1954, the French army was defeated by the Vietnam People's Army and surrendered, but the United States began to support the South Vietnamese regime because of the so-called dominoes, from 1955 to 1975, the Vietnam War fought back and forth for 20 years, no matter who arrived in Vietnam, it was not easy to make it, and the United States, the world's first power at that time, because it was trapped in the quagmire of the Vietnam War, also encountered some crises.

Many American soldiers experienced great psychological trauma after experiencing the Vietnam War, because in Vietnam you can't tell who the enemy is, even children and women can suddenly take up arms and shoot at American soldiers, and the United States, a military power across the world, has to be convinced in Vietnam.

However, just after the end of the Vietnam War, Vietnam provoked us, and after the start of the war in 1979, the two sides continued to carry out a border war for 10 years, which shows the fighting spirit of the Vietnamese people who are not afraid of death.

Which five of the five countries in the world are the most deadly to fight?

In third place, the Soviet Union

During World War II, Germany's morale was high when it blitzed Western Europe and had completely occupied half of the European continent, but at this time, Germany suddenly tore up the Soviet-German neutrality treaty and went to war with the Soviet Union, occupying the Soviet Union's industrial and agricultural areas.

Under such circumstances, the soviet situation can be described as very dangerous, but in the subsequent war, the Soviet Union not only resisted the German attack, but finally gained the advantage in the harsh environment, and counterattacked Germany, laying an important foundation for the victory of World War II.

Throughout World War II, the Soviet army lost nearly seven million people and sacrificed 27 million people in the country, and it was with flesh and blood that it finally resisted German aggression.

In second place, Germany

Germany was a defeated country in World War I, and after its defeat, it was subjected to sanctions from many sides, and after the world economic crisis of 1929-1933, Germany's economic level was not very good.

But in the early days of World War II, and even in the end, Germany showed a very tenacious will to fight, Germany's victory was not only a military lead, at the beginning of World War II, France had more tanks than Germany, and it was not only Germany's advanced tactics, but also German soldiers who could carry out this battle.

German soldiers advocated honor, advocated force, soldiers brave and fearless, and obeyed the command, in World War II, Germany faced the enemy was the strong enemy of the world at that time.

Which five of the five countries in the world are the most deadly to fight?

In the first place, Japan

If in terms of strength, the first-class countries in World War II must be britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany, And Japan can only be regarded as a third-rate country, on the advanced level of weapons, the army slag is forced, the navy has several aircraft carriers that can still call for two days, the resources are not to be said, Japan itself is an island country, the resources are narrow, once the resources are cut off by the United States, it is like being hit in the throat.

But if you are not afraid of death, Japan is definitely the first, the Soviet Union is strong, after the Battle of Nomonkan or signed a Japanese-Soviet neutrality with Japan, Britain is strong, or gave up its rights and interests in Southeast Asia, although the United States finally defeated Japan, it also paid a heavy price.

With the strength of the United States, according to the data on the books, it should kill Japan in a second, but in the war, in the face of Japan's suicide charge, there was a palpitation.

The Japanese are not afraid of death, but they are deeply influenced by their Bushido spirit, and they regard death as easy, so there is no doubt that the country in the world that is not afraid of death is Japan during World War II.

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