
"Super Perspective: Technology + Art Exhibition" was held in Qingdao

Recently, the "Super Perspective: Technology + Art Exhibition" was held in Qingdao Haitian Yunshang Art Center in Shandong Province.

It is reported that the exhibition opened on October 27, bringing together the important scientific and technological works of 12 well-known artists at home and abroad, some of whom have deep roots with Haitian Yunshang Art Center, and their creations are of great importance to the diversified development of contemporary art.

"Super Perspective: Technology + Art Exhibition" was held in Qingdao

According to the curator Fei Jun, the exhibition is composed of three units: "Ecological Future", "Cultural Future" and "Urban Future", which respectively put forward three "super perspectives" of "looking at the ecological future from the perspective of the Internet of Everything", "looking at the cultural future from the perspective of digital technology", and "looking at the future of the city from the perspective of mixed reality".

"Super Perspective: Technology + Art Exhibition" was held in Qingdao

Fei Jun said that the works on display are mainly presented in the form of moving images, interactive art, immersive art, biological art, mechanical installations and mixed media, and provide the audience with a "super-perspective" viewing and experience through multi-sensory, participatory and immersive methods, so that the audience can become the deep participants of the exhibition. Interdisciplinary cross-experiments, as well as the intermingling of virtual space and physical space, build a thinking path for the audience to perceive the future, experience the future and foresee the future.

"Super Perspective: Technology + Art Exhibition" was held in Qingdao

As one of the few modern and contemporary art exhibition halls in Qingdao, Haitian Yunshang Art Center aims to continuously participate in all aspects of Qingdao's art ecology by holding high-quality exhibitions such as "Super Perspective: Technology + Art Exhibition". In the future, Haitian Yunshang Art Center will be built into a professional and diversified modern and contemporary art exhibition hall integrating culture, art, leisure, socialization and experience, and become the most worthy of viewing in Qingdao and even the whole country. (China Daily Qingdao Reporter Station)

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