
What is the secretary of the municipal party committee who caused a sensation because of his writing about Cheng Weigao, what are he doing after retirement?

What is the secretary of the municipal party committee who caused a sensation because of his writing about Cheng Weigao, what are he doing after retirement?

More than a decade ago, Southern People Weekly conducted interviews with the authors of the sensational "Interpretation of Li Zhen's Death" and "I Am right and Wrong with Cheng Weigao". This author is Zhang Chengqi, who has served as secretary of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee and director of the Hebei Provincial Audit Office. Recently, Zhang Chengqi told the story of the people of the times, although he is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, he prefers others to call him a "literary fan", "There are still my legends on the rivers and lakes, this is enough." After retirement, he mainly did four things: reading, writing, traveling, and going to the kitchen.

Tie Ning commented on him: People are very serious and kind to articles

Many years ago, I met Zhang Chengqi twice, both times participating in the "Hebei Writers City and County Tour" activity organized by the Hebei Writers Association, and both times, he participated as a writer, and I participated in the name of the chairman of the county literary federation.

By the time he attended these two events, Zhang Chengqi had been retired for many years. Born in 1946 in Xushui, Hebei Province, he graduated from Hebei Institute of Finance and Economics in 1968 and went to the army for training. Since 1971, he has successively served as a salesman of Zhangjiakou Foreign Trade Bureau, deputy director of the Political Work Office of the Regional Finance Office, deputy county magistrate and deputy secretary of Guyuan County, deputy secretary of the Zhangjiakou Prefectural Committee, secretary of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee, and director of the Hebei Provincial Audit Office.

Zhang Chengqi is also a deputy to the 14th and 15th Party Congresses, a deputy to the 10th National People's Congress, a member of the 5th and 6th Hebei Provincial CPC Committee, a member of the 9th Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a deputy director of the Essay Art Committee of the Hebei Provincial Writers Association, a member of the Chinese Prose Literature Association, and an honorary chairman of the Hebei Provincial Prose Literature Society.

Zhang Chengqi began publishing in 1988 and joined the China Writers Association in 2006. He is the author of the essay collection "Century Dream Language" and "One Branch and One Leaf Total Concern". The essay "Into the Governor's Palace" won the first place in the 2005 Beijing Literature and the China Contemporary Literature Research Association sponsored the Outstanding Prose Award, and "Interpreting the Death of Li Zhen" won the first prize of the 2004 Hebei Prose Literature Association Excellent Prose Selection.

What is the secretary of the municipal party committee who caused a sensation because of his writing about Cheng Weigao, what are he doing after retirement?

Tie Ning, chairman of the China Writers Association, once commented on him: "Zhang Chengqi is basically not a greeting type. Because he doesn't have any nonsense with you, or more polite. His appearance as a person, I would venture to say, does not have much superficial affinity. This face is often more restrained than relaxed, more serious than lively. But if we read his prose, we feel that his prose has a peaceful, sunny kindness. ”

In Zhang Chengqi's 17,000-word essay "My Writing Career", he wrote: "Retired at home, friends and friends. Don't ask Wei Jin, go to tea and drink wine. From time to time, there are invitations to reminisce about the past. The sea and the sky are wide, and the horses roam. ”

Recently, Zhang Chengqi, who has been retired for many years, told the story of the people of the times that he focused on four things after retirement: reading, writing, traveling, and going to the kitchen.

He said that the evaluation of him in the society that he most wanted to hear was this: Zhang Chengqi, you are really a person who wants to do something good — but you have done a lot of wrong things. But you're still a good person after all, and you haven't done anything bad. To this end, he also named his study "Thinking About the Bookstore".

"There are still my legends on the rivers and lakes, and that's enough"

As early as when he was in politics as an official, getting to know Wen Peng's poetry friends was already a big hobby of Zhang Chengqi.

When he was just serving as the secretary of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee, he learned that the famous writer Haoran lived in his "territory" of Sanhe City, and he personally visited: "You are a great writer I respect very much. From middle school to college, I spent reading your "Sunny Days" and "Cotai Strip". ”

"Well——, is it—is it?" Many people who came to see me said this after meeting... Haoran dragged the long tone and said casually.

This made him, the secretary of the municipal party committee, a little embarrassed, but soon, he "snapped" his thigh, smiled, stood up, used a ridiculous trick, and learned the tone of a storyteller and said to Haoran: "Sir don't believe it? Well, please sit down in the line of guests, light a cigarette and continue tea, my hall wood rings, this book field - but it is about to start! It is said that Xiao Changchun died his daughter-in-law and has not been renewed for three years. The whole family is two chopsticks sandwiched between the bones - three single sticks. As the saying goes, two stubble single sticks are not good... The ranks should ask, these two stubbles are bare sticks, why are they so unhappy? I see that you are a sullen offspring, deliberately pretending to be confused, and deliberately teasing the old man with me. Even if I don't say this, you actually know this better than I do..."

These last two sentences, which are not on the book "Sunny Days", are not on the book, and he improvised and added them temporarily.

Zhang Chengqi had just memorized the beginning of "Sunny Days" for two and a half sentences, and Haoran had already laughed and burst into tears on the sofa opposite, and Le bent down: "Quick- stop, stop!" I recognize — I, I recognize..."

Therefore, Haoran broke the self-determined convention of never making friends with any strange political officials and recognized the newcomer secretary of the municipal party committee.

Zhang Chengqi told the story of the people of the times: "People have faded out of the rivers and lakes, but there are always legends about me in the rivers and lakes, and this is enough." ”

Of course, he may prefer to hear: "Secretary Zhang, you are a writer with feelings and responsibilities."

As a member of the Chinese Writers Association, although Zhang Chengqi is already a veritable writer, he still feels very sacred to the laurel of "writer", and he prefers to be called a "literary fan" by others.

Related reading: Confessions of a former municipal party secretary: I and Cheng Weigao are right and wrong"

Source: Time Character Stories

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