
Spicy chicken preparation

author:Food warriors
Spicy chicken preparation

Spicy chicken preparation

Ingredients: 800 g chicken.

Marinade: 25 grams of vegetable oil, 25 grams of corn starch, 25 grams of oyster sauce, 25 grams of cooking wine, 8 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of sugar, 2 grams of refined salt, five-spice powder or 1 gram of thirteen spices.

Ingredients: 50 g of dried chili pepper festival, 40 g of chopped green onion, 15 g of dried green peppercorns, 10 g of autumn white sesame seeds, 3 g of pretzel salt.

Detailed instructions:

1, to make spicy chicken can use the whole chicken, but in order to taste better, home production is recommended to use chicken wings or chicken legs to make.

Cut the chicken into pieces, about 3 cm each, cut it well, soak it in water, remove it, control the water, and set aside.

2: Put the cleaned chicken into the pot, add 25 grams of vegetable oil, 25 grams of corn starch, 25 grams of oyster sauce, 25 grams of cooking wine, 8 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of sugar, 2 grams of refined salt, allspice powder or 1 gram of thirteen spices, after grasping and rubbing evenly, marinate for 20-30 minutes, set aside.

3: When the appropriate amount of vegetable oil is added to the pot and the temperature is 70% hot, put the marinated chicken nuggets into the oil pot, fry on low heat until basically mature, and fish out. The oil is then raised to 80% hot and then re-fried for about 20 seconds, a step designed to make the surface of the chicken more crispy.

4, add an appropriate amount of bottom oil to the wok, add 40 grams of green onion, sauté the aroma and then add 50 grams of dried chili peppers, 15 grams of dried green peppers, stir-fry the aroma of chili peppers and peppercorns over low heat and put in fried chicken nuggets, wrap the oil in the meat and then sprinkle 10 grams of cooked white sesame seeds, you can put out the pan and plate, after loading the plate, sprinkle about 3 grams of pepper and salt powder to eat.

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