
Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary


Tofu is a common ingredient in our life, its history is very long, our country is the birthplace of tofu, this is the wisdom of the ancients crystallization, tofu is known as "plant meat", stewed to eat, fried to eat, fried to eat, steamed to eat, mixed to eat, can be meat cocoa, nutritional versatility, under the wine under the rice, everything is OK, in addition, the nutritional value of tofu, can not be underestimated, it can supplement the qi, clear heat and dryness, thirst, help the human body digestion, enhance appetite, I know the benefits of tofu, every three to five, There will always be a change of tricks to eat, tofu soup bibimbap, the whole family loves to eat, three bowls of rice is no problem.

Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary

There are also many famous dishes about tofu, Sichuan cuisine has a mapo tofu, this dish is characterized by hot, crisp, tender, crisp, spicy, fresh, very delicious, today's mapo tofu, has crossed the ocean, in some surrounding countries have a small reputation, from the family table to become an international dish, on the elegant hall, with the popularity of watercress sauce, mapo tofu this dish, more and more widespread, gradually to the table of thousands of households.

Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary

Tofu has the difference between north tofu and south tofu, north tofu texture is harder, suitable for stir-frying, frying, south tofu soft and delicate, try to burn to eat, make soup, the taste of the two kinds of tofu is completely different, in the face of Mapo tofu this dish, it is recommended to use old tofu, that is, north tofu, easy to form, will not fall off, the taste is good, although tender tofu can also be done, but the technical requirements are high, the heat is not good, the operation is improper, it is easy to burst the pot and scatter, made into tofu residue, affecting appetite, and finally delicious and difficult to eat.

Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > mapo tofu</h1>

Ingredients: Old tofu, green onion, garlic slices

Seasoning: Peppercorn powder, peppercorn oil, paprika, bean paste, oyster sauce, salt, chicken essence

1, prepare a piece of old tofu, the texture of the old tofu is harder, there are obvious pores inside, the elasticity is small, the water content is small, the color is yellow, first clean the tofu, cut into squares, boil the water, boil the water into the tofu, blanch the water for 1-2 minutes, fish out the control of dry water, the fire is easy to boil and scatter.

Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary

2, stir-fry with the best iron pot, the iron pot with its own "pot gas", pay attention to the urgent stir-fry, than those non-stick pan to do the meal, to be much more delicious, from the pot to burn oil, such as the oil temperature 50% hot, put in the chili noodles and garlic slices, burst out the aroma, and then pour in 2 spoons of watercress sauce, stir-fry out of the red oil over low heat, the fire is easy to splash out.

Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary

3, after frying the red oil, put the tofu pieces in turn, continue to stir-fry a few times, according to personal taste, sprinkle salt and pepper powder, so that the tofu is evenly wrapped in spices.

Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary

4, at this time, the tofu has become red and plump, along the side of the pot poured into a bowl of boiling water, the amount of water to reach two-thirds of the tofu on the line, and then scoop a spoonful of oyster sauce, cover the pot lid, simmer for 5 minutes.

Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary

5, add a spoonful of starch, three spoons of water, stir well, mix a simple starch paste, after opening the pot, pour into the pot, let the soup become more viscous, after drying the juice, you can season, add the appropriate amount of pepper oil, pepper powder and chicken essence to enhance the taste, put coriander, green onion garnish, you can come out of the pot.

Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary

6, after all done, you can come out of the pot, according to this way to do mapo tofu, spicy and tender, fresh and delicious, it is too delicious, bibimbap under the wine are suitable, like to eat tofu friends, must not miss it.

Make Mapo tofu, keep in mind the 3 tips, eat more than meat, and at home can also do a very authentic Mapo tofu skill summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > skill summary</h1>

1, tofu is best to use old tofu, easy to form, not easy to scatter, for the novice with low technology, it is very easy to operate.

2, when frying watercress sauce, be sure to reduce the heat, remember the hot oil into, otherwise it will splash the oil, because the watercress sauce contains water.

3, pepper noodles and pepper noodles, is an indispensable condiment of this dish, hemp and spicy to count on them both, must not be lacking.

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