
I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

author:First cuisine

Today and share with you a "mapo tofu" home-cooked method, mapo tofu has a hemp taste, spicy taste, hemp taste pure, hemp flavor is fragrant, after eating let you sweat, serve on the table a burst of fragrance, instantly arouse appetite, there are likes to quickly learn it.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

Ingredients: Tender tofu

Accessories: garlic, ginger, lean meat

Seasoning: salt, chili noodles, bean paste, old dry mom tempeh, chicken powder, sugar, five-spice powder, dark soy sauce, sesame pepper oil, pepper powder

【Mapo tofu】—— Spicy and fragrant

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare a piece of tender tofu, cut into thick slices, and then cut into diced tofu of about 1 cm.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

2. Start preparing the excipients below

Prepare a few garlic grains, pat flat and cut into minced garlic.

Prepare a small piece of ginger and cut into minced ginger.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

Prepare a small piece of lean meat and cut into diced meats.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

3. Blanch the tofu below

Boil water in the pot, put the tofu cold water into the pot, add a spoonful of salt, the tofu boiled with light salt water is not easy to break, cook for about 2 minutes, pour the tofu out of the control water and set aside.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

4. Start cooking below

Burn the oil in the pot, after fully sliding the pot, pour out the hot oil and add cool oil, so that when frying the diced meat, it is not easy to stick to the pan, pour the diced meat into the pot, quickly fry the incense, and then add ginger and garlic to continue stir-frying, add a spoonful of chili noodles, a spoonful of watercress sauce, a spoonful of old dry mother tempeh, and fry the sauce to fry out the red oil.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

Pour a spoonful of water from the side of the pot, put the tofu into the pot, the amount of water should not exceed the tofu, after the high heat is boiled, add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, a little sugar to freshen, 1 gram of five-spice powder, and then pour in a little old soy sauce color, stir to open the seasoning, turn the heat down and simmer for 3 minutes, let the tofu absorb the soup into the flavor.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

After 3 minutes, the soup has been thickened, we add a little pepper powder, add a little water starch, turn the heat to collect the soup until it is viscous, so that the seasoning can better adsorb on the surface of the tofu.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

Pour a little more sesame pepper oil to increase the sesame flavor, turn well and then put it on the plate, and finally sprinkle a little green onion, and the delicious taste is ready.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

Peppercorn powder and peppercorn oil should be put before the pot, otherwise the aroma is easy to lose.

Well, a simple and delicious tofu dish of mapo tofu is ready.

I want to eat "Mapo tofu" made at home, spicy and tender, traditional old taste, bibimbap is a must

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