
Babies cry without tears! Fake crying is a manifestation of the baby's high intelligence, and the mother should not be upset

Before babies learn to speak, crying is the only way they can communicate with their parents. Whether they are hungry, thirsty, cold or hot, they need to inform their parents by crying. Adults lie, and babies who can't talk can lie, and they often cheat their parents with "fake crying."

Babies cry without tears! Fake crying is a manifestation of the baby's high intelligence, and the mother should not be upset

I remember when my daughter was 6 months old, every time she was put on the stroller, it didn't take long for her to start crying loudly and loudly, but not a single tear would fall. When you get closer, she will stop crying and even laugh happily. My mother said to me, "Boy, you start deceiving people at such a young age." ”

Later, probably because fake crying is too physically demanding, my daughter changed her strategy of fake crying. Every time I fake crying, as long as she can see me, she will cry loudly, and when she can't see it, she will start crying quietly to save energy, maybe just trying to see if I will come over and hug her.

Why does your baby fake crying?

Babies cry without tears! Fake crying is a manifestation of the baby's high intelligence, and the mother should not be upset

Fake crying is also a sign of your baby's brain development. Studies have found that human conditioning occurs between 10 and 20 days after the baby is born. When your baby cries for the first time, Mom and Dad will come over soon. The baby will slowly establish a connection between "crying" and "mother coming", and will form the conditioned reflex of "as long as you cry, you will see your mother".

When the baby is 6 months old, they begin to learn to deceive people, often like to use "fake crying" and "fake laughter" to attract the attention of parents, let parents come and accompany them.

In addition, the baby's fake crying is also an expression of emotion, which helps them develop their emotions and improves their interpersonal skills.

Fake crying, although annoying, is characteristic of high intelligence

Babies cry without tears! Fake crying is a manifestation of the baby's high intelligence, and the mother should not be upset

After the child is one year old, self-awareness begins to sprout, and the typical feature is the love to say words such as "my" and "I don't". At this time, the baby's fake crying just wants to get the attention and companionship of the mother, parents must not be bored and angry, should meet the needs in time, is a good way of parent-child communication.

When the baby fakes crying, if the parents can respond in time, it will not only make the parent-child relationship more intimate, but also make the baby's personality become lively, extroverted, and confident, especially the improvement of social skills is more obvious.

Therefore, when the baby fakes crying, we should not be bothered, we should be happy, because it is a feature of the baby's high IQ.

In the face of a baby who loves to cry, what should parents do

Babies cry without tears! Fake crying is a manifestation of the baby's high intelligence, and the mother should not be upset

1. Find out the cause of crying

Crying is inevitable until your baby can talk. When the baby is crying, we should find the real reason why the baby is crying, whether it is sick, hungry, cold and hot. As long as your baby's needs are met, they will stop crying.

2. Timely response

Many people have always been superstitious about the Western theory of delayed gratification - "crying, don't hug, don't cry, only hug", but this theory is not suitable for infants and young children. When the baby cries, the mother is worried that meeting the baby's needs immediately is not conducive to the baby's growth, and it is easy to spoil the problem.

In fact, infants and young children are very insecure, when they send a signal to their parents about the need for "companionship" - fake crying, parents turn a blind eye and delay satisfaction, which is not conducive to the establishment of a baby's sense of security and belonging, and is not conducive to the formation of a good parent-child relationship.

Babies cry without tears! Fake crying is a manifestation of the baby's high intelligence, and the mother should not be upset

After reading the article, I believe that everyone has a preliminary understanding of the baby's "fake crying" phenomenon. In the future, don't worry about the baby's fake crying, you should be thankful for the baby's high IQ.

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