
What are the advantages of fertility through three generations of IVF?

Now IVF, as an effective assisted reproductive technology, has successfully helped many difficult to conceive families realize their desire to have a baby. So AA69 Fertility First Ask You, What are the advantages of doing IVF?

First of all, the most basic and direct is to increase the chances of pregnancy. Third-generation IVF technology can help couples with low fallopian tubes, poor semen quality, or carrying a genetic disease gene obtain healthy embryos for transfer, overcoming the difficulties of natural pregnancy.

Secondly, it can also be eugenics. The third generation of IVF technology will select high-quality sperm for fertilization, and then breed to the 5th day, and then carry out genetic screening before transfer to ensure that the last embryos used for transfer do not have genetic disease-causing genes that can be diagnosed at present, and the transfer of embryos with good vitality and high quality can give birth to a healthier baby.

What are the advantages of fertility through three generations of IVF?

There is also the preservation of women's fertility. In order to pursue a career, or young couples want to have more two-person worlds, many couples will now postpone the creation plan, but they are also worried that with the increase of age, they will leave regrets that they cannot have healthy babies, so they can choose to freeze eggs to preserve women's fertility.

Avoid repetitive manipulations that have less effect on the woman's body. IVF has the technical support of frozen embryos and is able to cryopreserve the remaining embryos after transfer. In case of treatment failure, the frozen embryos can be thawed and then transferred again, avoiding the process of ovulation promotion and egg retrieval again, and saving treatment costs.

What are the advantages of fertility through three generations of IVF?

Of course, you can also achieve both children and daughters. Some families have sons born in the first child, and the second child wants a daughter to screen the sex of the baby through the third generation of IVF technology to realize the wish of both children.

Of course, doing IVF is not only good, it is impossible to say that there are no disadvantages. But the cost of making test tubes is not cheap, so it must be supported by certain family conditions to do it.

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