
Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

Actress Zhu Zhu shared her confinement experience after confinement, she said: "Pregnancy is difficult, I thought that after giving birth to a child, it will be fine, but in fact, it is more difficult to adjust and recover after childbirth." ”

If you want to recover well after childbirth, what to eat is very important, she summed up the essence of the eight characters: one row, two tones, three warm, four supplements.

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

In the first week, the lochia is discharged, and the first week after childbirth is a light diet, because the main lochia is excreted, so it is appropriate to eat some foods that help to drain lochia, such as five red soups (red dates, red beans, red skin peanuts, goji berries, brown sugar boiled together).

In the second week, nourish the spleen and stomach, due to the weakness of the spleen and stomach after childbirth, it is recommended to still eat light, easily digestible foods to nourish the spleen and stomach.

In the third week, mild replenishment. Bao Mom just gave birth to the baby's weak body, like my caesarean section, especially easy to sweat at night, so the body needs to be mildly supplemented.

In the fourth week, supplement nutrition, eat more nourishing foods, and promote the recovery of the mother's body and breastfeeding.

Dietary recommendations for women during confinement in Chinese Nutrition

1. Follow the principles of the Dietary Guidelines for Lactating Women

From the perspective of modern nutrition, it is not supported that the mother who has just given birth to a baby needs to follow any food taboos, and its physiological condition, nutritional needs and corresponding dietary principles are basically similar to those of pregnant or generally lactating women. From a nutritional and health point of view, the diet during confinement should also follow the principles of the Dietary Guidelines for Lactating Women:

(1) Increase animal foods and seafood rich in high-quality protein and vitamin A, and use iodized salt;

(2) The food in the puerperium is not too diverse, and the nutrition of the entire lactation period is attached to it;

(3) Happy mood, adequate sleep, promote milk secretion;

(4) Insist on breastfeeding, moderate exercise, and gradually restore suitable weight;

(5) Avoid tobacco and alcohol, avoid strong tea and coffee.

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

2. The diet in the first few days after childbirth should be light and easy to digest

A mother who gave birth to a child

The first meal can be eaten in a moderate, easily digestible semi-liquid food, and the second meal can be eaten with a normal meal.

Some mothers feel tired or have poor gastrointestinal function one to two days after giving birth, and can choose lighter, softer, and easier to digest foods, such as noodles, noodles, wontons, porridge, steamed or boiled eggs, and boiled meat dishes, and then transition to a normal diet.

If there is a shredd of the perineum I or II degree during childbirth, but the mother has been sutured in time, a normal diet is enough;

Third degree tear suture of Bao Ma, it is recommended to eat low fiber, easy to digest, liquid semi-liquid food for about a week, because of laceration, the sphincter will also be broken, when the molded stool passes through the anus, it will make the sutured sphincter tear again, which is not conducive to wound healing, and will also make Bao Ma more painful.

The mother of the cesarean section

Because the cesarean section surgery generally uses local anesthesia, the impact on the gastrointestinal tract of Bao Ma is relatively light, and liquid food is generally given after surgery, but flatulence foods such as milk, soy milk, and a lot of sucrose are avoided; exhaust (appropriate consumption of radish soup can help exhaust) can resume normal diet.

For women who have undergone a caesarean section with general anesthesia or more complicated surgical conditions, their diet should be prescribed by a doctor.

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

3. A variety of types, eat less and eat more meals, to ensure balanced nutrition

The diet during the confinement period should be diversified to meet the mother's postpartum energy and various nutrient needs.

The daily food type should include all kinds of foods in the balanced diet pagoda, such as grains, fish, poultry and eggs, vegetables and fruits, beans and their products, milk and its products, etc.

In many places, due to the traditional confinement customs, the food type is very single, for example, in some places, Bao Ma can only eat eggs, brown sugar, noodles, millet porridge, etc. during confinement, and the food is particularly single, resulting in unbalanced nutrition of Bao Ma, which is not conducive to postpartum recovery.

Dietary recommendations during the confinement period are diversified and appropriate intake, after all, eating too much will also lead to postpartum obesity, which is not conducive to the recovery of mothers.

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

4. Increase the intake of foods rich in high-quality protein in an appropriate amount

If moms want to have plenty of milk to feed their babies, they also need to ensure high-quality protein intake. Foods rich in high-quality protein are these: animal foods such as fish, poultry, eggs, lean meats, etc.

In order to prevent or correct iron deficiency anemia and vitamin A supplementation, Bao Mama should appropriately ingest some iron-rich foods such as animal liver, animal blood, and lean meat.

In addition to being rich in protein, marine fish and shrimp are rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, shellfish are also rich in zinc, and kelp and seaweed are rich in iodine. Mom can pass these nutrients to the baby through milk, which is beneficial to the baby's growth and intellectual development. Therefore, during the confinement period, Bao Mama should consume seafood 1 to 2 times a week.

It should be noted here that the appropriate intake of animal foods, if excessive, will also lead to a lack of vitamins and other nutrients.

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

5. Mix the thickness and thickness, and consume melons, fruits and vegetables in an appropriate amount

In order to ensure the health of Baoma's intestines, fine rice noodles and coarse grains, miscellaneous grains (such as millet, oats, red beans, mung beans, etc.) and whole grains should be ingested, because coarse and coarse grains are rich in B vitamins and dietary fiber, in addition to ensuring the supply of vitamin B1 and other nutrients, it is also conducive to intestinal health.

In addition, melons, fruits and vegetables are also indispensable, because during the confinement period, Bao Ma is prone to constipation due to less activity.

Generally during confinement, it is not recommended that Bao Mom eat raw and cold food, such as the mother of confinement in winter, it is recommended to put the fruit on the heat to bake, or use hot water to bubble, I eat fruit during confinement.

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

6. Properly replenish water and soup

During the confinement period, Bao Mom must replenish sufficient water, drinking more water is also helpful for the secretion of milk.

In addition, Bao Mama can properly eat chicken soup, fish soup, rib soup, pig's trotter soup, tofu soup and so on about a week after giving birth

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

Rumors about confinement diet

1. Do not eat salt

Many mothers have been told by the old man during the confinement period not to eat salt, even if it is stewed fish, stewed meat can not put salt, which really affects the appetite. During the confinement period, it is recommended to eat a light diet, but you can't put no salt at all, if you don't eat salt, it will also lead to sodium deficiency, which will make Bao Ma lose strength. Therefore, it is no problem to put salt properly.

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

2. Do not eat fruit

I still remember that a few years ago, during my sister-in-law's confinement, my aunt has always let my sister-in-law eat noodles, eat eggs, eat more than a dozen eggs a day, and do not let me eat fruit, afraid that it will be too cold to eat a bad spleen and stomach. Now think about it, it is no wonder that the sister-in-law was seriously constipated during the confinement period, because she ate too many eggs but did not eat fruit.

Fortunately, I did not have this statement during confinement, because the confinement period is in winter, eating directly is really cold, and it will be easy to diarrhea. So I soak it in hot water or eat it when it's not so cold in the heating. For the mother of confinement in the summer, it is no problem to eat the normal temperature fruit directly.

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

3. Immediately after childbirth, make up for it

There are many old people in order to let the mother hurry to milk, after giving birth to the baby a day or two began to let the mother drink pig's trotter soup, crucian carp soup and other soups of various major supplements, do not know that this is not easy to milk, but also easy to let the mother because of milk blockage caused breast pain.

Zhu Zhu talked about confinement diet after giving birth, and wanted to recover as soon as possible after childbirth, and suggested that Bao Mama eat like this

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