
How much was Vietnam destroyed in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam?

Wen - Xiao Xi

In the late 1970s, there was still an inevitable war between China and Vietnam, which we directly returned Vietnam to before liberation, and I think now Vietnam is very regretful and regrets going to war with china. But even if you regret it now, it is too late, the reason why Vietnam dared to compete with us And china in those years was because Vietnam had a backer behind it, and this backer was the Soviet Union that constantly friction with us, plus Vietnam had defeated the United States and Cambodia before. Therefore, his own confidence was even more sufficient, and he began to harass our Chinese border continuously, and also mutilated many of our common people during this period, which made Deng Xiaoping at that time very angry, and directly appointed Xu Shiyou as the general of this counterattack war, personally taking command of the expedition, just like this, China directly sent more than 200,000 troops to counterattack Vietnam, and in less than a month it defeated Vietnam.

How much was Vietnam destroyed in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam?

We did not kill Vietnam this time, otherwise he would not have called Vietnam, the ultimate purpose is to teach them a lesson, during this period we did not hurt the ordinary people of Vietnam. It was aimed at the ignorant Vietnamese troops. After our army broke through The Vinh Son, Vietnam, it began to attack the capital of Vietnam, settled the battle in a short period of time, and completely destroyed the main cities of Vietnam, not only 4 cities in Vietnam were destroyed, but also 320 townships were destroyed.

How much was Vietnam destroyed in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam?

In the end, it directly led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people, and schools, hospitals, etc. were destroyed one after another, but this black cauldron should not be carried by China, but by Vietnam itself, originally the two countries cooperated with each other and balanced development, but you Vietnam yourself broke this balance. Leading to the current result, Vietnam has to take on this responsibility, really lifting a stone and dropping it on its own feet, which is no wonder to anyone!

How much was Vietnam destroyed in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam?

Summary: War is inherently cruel, why do we in China love peace so much, because we mostly start from a human point of view and do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past. At that time, the little devils openly launched a full-scale war of aggression against China, and for fourteen years they constantly persecuted the people of our country, killing our soldiers, which eventually led to the death of 35 million people, but we will never forget the national shame, Xiao Xi hopes to see the little devils in their lifetime to atone for this, from that time on, our country has paid special attention to peace, because we know that peace can be described, and we also know the cruelty of war, so we Will never take the initiative to provoke war, if there is a country that takes the initiative to provoke war, That's another story.

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