
Why do people from the grassroots like Xu Da and Chang Yuchun fight so hard?

There is no better way to win the country than the Han Ming, because these two dynasties were founded by a white-clad southern conquest of the Northern War, driving out the Tartars and restoring China, and this slogan during the Xinhai Revolution was actually put forward by Zhu Yuanzhang at the earliest time.

And Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, these two famous generals in the early Ming Dynasty, brave and fierce in battle, can fight good battles, but these two famous generals actually did not read the art of war in the early days, and these two people were born in this way, but later they fought one beautiful victory after another.

Why do people from the grassroots like Xu Da and Chang Yuchun fight so hard?

When you are studying, you often hear the phrase "never come to the meeting", when you are just in contact with the work, is not sometimes so handy, I am not talking about the right professional people, but the kind of people who originally studied science, but suddenly did a liberal arts work. When these people come into contact with areas they have never experienced before, they will inevitably be unfamiliar at the beginning, but once they have been over time, they will be handy, which is what I want to say that they will never come to the meeting. Therefore, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun are like this, they continue to accumulate experience and constantly summarize, so in the end they can grow into relatively outstanding generals.

Why do people from the grassroots like Xu Da and Chang Yuchun fight so hard?

In fact, "never come to the meeting" is a general general way; take these two people, both of them are born of the toiling masses, both are born of rough people, but they are slowly climbed up from the bottom in the early days, these two are from countless charges, from the pile of dead people in many battlefields, this kind of actual combat experience from the bottom of the ladder, can be much more powerful than several military books. For example, Xu Da, who once exercised at the grassroots level, so his military ability is constantly learned the day after tomorrow; and Chang Yuchun is admired by the world because of his high martial arts and bravery, so his birth is a pioneer birth. In fact, the vanguard did not need to consider what kind of tactics and what formations at the beginning, as long as they obeyed the orders of the generals to charge, but in the later stages, the more generals they followed, the more they learned, after all, they were deaf and blind, and the contact with these generals was long, and the Dao Dao in them would also be groped out, and these experiences played an important role in their later growth.

Why do people from the grassroots like Xu Da and Chang Yuchun fight so hard?

Moreover, it is the "theory that has been fought"; when our Party was first founded, most of the peasant generals were excluded from military school, but they fought a war in which one was more courageous than the other, and it was not the accumulation, study, and application of what they had learned after that rush, and then after that rush. Xu Hechang is like this, both of them are civilians, and they are all playing step by step. They could learn from some generals before, but when they sat in the position of general step by step, they needed to take command by themselves. In fact, they are also a big place to gain experience in the competition with Chen Youyu. Because Chen Youyu was also from the peasant rebel army, most of the generals in his army were illiterate and did not understand the military, so when the two momentum armies collided, it was a duel between two people of the same level, so it would be more fair in combat, and it would also be more experienced for Chang Yuchun and Xu Da.

Why do people from the grassroots like Xu Da and Chang Yuchun fight so hard?

Therefore, as far as Chang and Xu are concerned, the experience of the two of them has two levels, one is the experience of seeing, and the other is the experience of playing, the former is that they have learned under the command of the general, and then they will ask for advice and summarize later; and the latter is based on the experience seen and applied to the measures in practice.

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