
The devils sneaked in, and the bride rescued the chief of the "104", and was picked up by a special car into Beijing 14 years later

One day in mid-November 1955, Kong Xiuying, a villager in Shengxuzi Village, Su County, Anhui Province, was busy in the yard when a jeep suddenly stopped in front of her house. In the countryside at that time, cars were still rare items, so many villagers came to watch. After the car stopped, two young men in military uniforms got down. One of them walked up to Kong Xiuying and said to her, "You're Sister-in-law Kong, right?" Our chief sent me to pick you up and take you to Beijing as a guest. ”

The head of Beijing sent a special car to pick him up and take him into Beijing? Kong Xiuying was stunned, she hadn't even met the township mayor a few times, how could she know the head of Beijing? Looking at Kong Xiuying's doubtful eyes, the young man said: "14 years ago, our chief spent the night at your house, and you saved his life from the hands of the devil, when his code name was 104." The young man's words instantly brought Kong Xiuying's thoughts back to the war-torn era 14 years ago.

The devils sneaked in, and the bride rescued the chief of the "104", and was picked up by a special car into Beijing 14 years later

On the night of November 18, 1941, Kong Xiuying's family was preparing to rest when there was a sudden knock at the door. Kong Xiuying's husband, Sheng Weifan, was very cautious and did not rush to open the door, but asked in the courtyard: "Who are you?" What's the matter? ”

"Fellow, we are the New Fourth Army, we missed the camp on a mission, and we want to spend the night at your house, can we?" Kong Xiuying's younger brother was also a soldier in the New Fourth Army, and as soon as she heard that it was her own team, she immediately opened the gate with her husband and let the three people outside in. After entering the house, a twenty-seven or eight-year-old young man said to Kong Xiuying: "Fellow, I have caused you trouble, we will spend the night at your house and leave at dawn." ”

The devils sneaked in, and the bride rescued the chief of the "104", and was picked up by a special car into Beijing 14 years later

At that time, Kong Xiuying and her husband Sheng Weifan had just married, and there were several new quilts in the family, so she cleaned the West House with her hands and feet, laid out new bedding, and called for foot wash water. From the guards, Kong Xiuying learned that the young chief was "104". So who is this "104"? He was Zhang Zhen, then chief of staff of the 4th Division of the New Fourth Army. On the same day, Zhang Zhen came to the Sudong area to inspect the work, and summoned the relevant local responsible persons to hold a meeting in Xiaoqinzhuang, and deployed the specific work of the next stage of anti-sweeping.

After the meeting was over 9 p.m., because Xiaoqinzhuang was close to the Devil's stronghold, for the sake of safety, the Sudong guerrilla detachment sent a company to escort Zhang Zhen to Shengxuzi Village. Because the road is not easy to walk in the dark, it is already more than 10 o'clock in the evening when I come to Shengxuzi Village. The guard company stayed at the homes of the villagers, and Zhang Zhen lived in Kong Xiuying's home with two guards. When the hundred and ten people entered the village, the movement was naturally not small, so it alarmed a traitor, and he took the opportunity to run to the devil's stronghold to report the secret.

The devils sneaked in, and the bride rescued the chief of the "104", and was picked up by a special car into Beijing 14 years later

At three o'clock in the morning, the ghosts of more than a dozen trucks came to shengweizi village. When the sentries at the mouth of the village discovered the enemy situation, they immediately fired warning shots, and the guard companies, because they lived scattered, had no time to assemble, so they could only fight for themselves. The enemy's fire was fierce and soon rushed into the village. Zhang Zhen has been on the battlefield for a long time, and his combat experience is very rich, judging from the sound of gunfire, there are many enemies, and he cannot fight hard, but can only break through. But sheng weizi village he came for the first time, the terrain is completely unfamiliar, do not know from which direction to break through.

The devils sneaked in, and the bride rescued the chief of the "104", and was picked up by a special car into Beijing 14 years later

At this time, Kong Xiuying stood up, pulled Zhang Zhen out of the house, and turned along the wall into a north-facing alley. After rushing into the alley, he entered a dry ditch, and then crossed the Tuo River under the cover of reeds to get rid of the enemy. Most of the guard companies in the village who fought fiercely with the enemy were killed, and only a few rushed out of the enemy's encirclement. If it were not for Kong Xiuying's wit, Zhang Zhen would have been more fierce than Ji. After escaping from danger in Shengxuzi Village, Zhang Zhen participated in many important battles and battles, and was awarded the rank of lieutenant general in 1955.

Due to the tense war and busy work, Zhang Zhen has never had the opportunity to return to Shengxuzi Village to thank Kong Xiuying for saving his life. Since he couldn't leave, he could only send someone to bring Kong Xiuying to his home, which happened at the beginning of this article. After Kong Xiuying and his wife entered Beijing, they were warmly welcomed by Zhang Zhen. He also took time to accompany Kong Xiuying and his wife to visit the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. Because Zhang Zhen's work was very busy, Kong Xiuying and his wife went home after staying for a few days, and before leaving, Zhang Zhen gave them a lot of clothes and a sum of money.

The devils sneaked in, and the bride rescued the chief of the "104", and was picked up by a special car into Beijing 14 years later

In the 1980s, Zhang Zhen returned to Shengxuzi Village and visited Kong Xiuying, who was already full of children and grandchildren. In order to commemorate the comrades who died here, General Zhang Zhen funded the construction of the Shengxuzi Martyrs Cemetery and personally wrote an inscription for the martyrs' monument. In 2007, Kong Xiuying died, and Zhang Zhen could not personally go to mourn due to physical reasons, so he sent a condolence telegram and sent condolence money. In 2015, General Zhang Zhen died of illness at the age of 101.

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