
Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

As early as you first learned about the Red Army, you dedicated the last bowl of rice, the last foot of cloth, the youngest son to the revolution. You have the right to live a good life!

—— Han Xianchu

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Picture | Han Xianchu

In 1986, the founding general Han Xianchu died of illness, Taiwan was not liberated, and before his death, he kept shouting "Taiwan, Taiwan".

Han Xianchu had a great record in his life, and his defeated generals all admired him.

Du Yuming said when he left his post in the northeast: "The most difficult thing to deal with is Han Xianchu's whirlwind troops. "

Chen Cheng said: "Han Xianchu is a whirlwind commander who is difficult to deal with, and he does not know when his troops will appear. "

Liao Yaoxiang, who was captured alive by Han Xianchu, was convinced: "Mr. Han, I admire your command. After I came to the northeast, I warned my subordinates many times that they must be careful of your whirlwind troops, but I did not expect that it finally swirled over my head! "

For these famous names, Han Xianchu just smiled lightly: "That's all blown out by you." And his wife also said: "The ancestor is a professional soldier, as long as he is on the battlefield, he will radiate infinite combat effectiveness." "

Chinese the evaluation of Han Xianchu by the military history research community of the People's Liberation Army is: "The best frontline commander." "

Han Xianchu was born in February 1913 to a poor peasant family in Huang'an County (now Hong'an County), Hubei Province, and when he was a child, he worked as a short-term worker in a landlord's family. At the age of 14, he joined the jute uprising, and at the age of 17, he was already a member of the Red Army guerrillas.

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Pictured| Chairman Mao and Han Xianchu

In 1931, at the age of 19, Han Xianchu participated in the anti-encirclement and suppression war in the Eyu-Anhui Soviet Region, when Han Xianchu was still a platoon leader. One day, the guerrillas caught several people inquiring about the Red Army, and the leaders believed that these people were detectives sent by the enemy and must be executed, and Han Xianchu was responsible for this task. Han Xianchu hesitated for a moment and said to the leader, "It is true that these people have come to inquire about the Red Army, but not necessarily all of them are detectives. If they were really the families of the Red Army, would it be too arbitrary for us to execute them? Han Xianchu's intercession did not save the lives of these people, and he was also described as "the revolution is not resolute" and "soft-hearted", and he was removed from his post as a platoon leader and driven to be a brother-in-law and a stretcher. In a scuffle, Han Xianchu and his party encountered more than a dozen Kuomintang militia regiments, and the only weapon in Han Xianchu's hand was a flat shoulder, and he used this flat burden to hand over the barrel of the enemy's gun, captured a squad of the enemy army, and was re-promoted to become a squad leader.

One will be done to dry up! It was thought that it would be difficult for people with generous hearts and kindness to form a big climate on the battlefield, and Han Xianchu's life, from the rural smith to the founding general, created a "whirlwind army" that made the enemy feel frightened, and also became one of the most legendary generals in New China.

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Picture | Han Xianchu in the film and television drama

The most admired mentor of Han Xianchu in his life was Wu Huanxian, who was also the first mentor in Han Xianchu's military career. In 1935, Wu Huanxian was unfortunately shot and killed in The Village of Sipo in Jingchuan, Gansu Province, at the age of 28. The person Han Xianchu talked about the most in his life was this old military commander and old political commissar.

In 1936, the Central Military Commission decided that the Red 1Staff and Red 15th Armies of the Red Front army would form the Western Field Army and go west. The 78th Division led by Han Xianchu came to Dingbian City, and the division commander Han Xianchu made a judgment after surveying the terrain and thought that it could be completely defeated, and the telegram from Peng Dehuai, commander and political commissar of the Western Field Army, arrived: "Attacking Dingbian, I am afraid it will not work." "

Han Xianchu insisted that he could fight, and after consulting with the political commissar, he held a meeting to discuss and asked his superiors for orders to attack. The head of the regiment called back to reject Han Xianchu's proposal and asked them to continue their westward advance. Han Xianchu insisted on using troops in violation of orders. The commissioner and political commissar repeatedly tried to persuade him to no avail, but Han Xianchu insisted: "Everything has me, you don't need to take care of it!" "

That night, Dingbian City was captured by the 78th Division. Peng Dehuai sent a congratulatory telegram: "Conquer Dingbian and celebrate victory!" "

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

The Battle of Dingbian can be described as The Battle of Fame of Han Xianchu, who is known as a "militant" and "whirlwind commander" and has repeatedly resisted "military orders", not only because of courage, he does have strategic vision, and his keen judgment of the war situation is a weapon for General Han to repeatedly defeat his opponents.

Han Xianchu was undefeated in his lifetime, and the most popular thing for posterity was the First World War in Hainan.

On January 10, 1950, when the Central Committee visited Moscow, it had already made up its mind to lay the foundation for Hainan in the spring and summer. However, Sanye's landings on Kinmen Island and Dengbu Island were repeatedly delayed, and the campaign originally scheduled for February and March was postponed to June.

Orders to postpone the battle were given to the 15th Corps, and Han Xianchu's 40th Army and Li's 43rd Army had diametrically opposed attitudes. The 43rd Army chose to obey the military orders, while Han Xianchu insisted on violating the regulations and continued to carry out the strategic preparations for the February and March attacks.

In February, the 15th Corps issued an order to postpone the campaign originally planned for June until the end of the year, but Han Xianchu still insisted, obstinately, that is, to fight, and the sooner the better!

The shadow of the defeat at Kinmen hung over the hearts of the soldiers, Han Xianchu vigorously grasped the training of troops, and the 40th Army once had a strong resistance. In Han Xianchu's heart, the conquest of Hainan and even the capture of Taiwan is the final battle of the war of liberation, and New China has been established, many instructors in the army are war-weary and have serious feelings of seeking peace, most of the soldiers are unwilling to fight, and everyone wants to go home and live a good life. However, Han Xianchu insisted on advancing the time for the large-scale crossing of the sea army, which required how much pressure and how powerful the courage was needed!

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Picture | the Battle of Liberating Hainan

Han Xianchu asked that the list of the first and second batch of personnel who landed be reported, but at first glance, the list was all deputy posts, and the number of political work cadres was even greater than that of command cadres. Han Xianchu was furious and announced on the spot that he would go to the island with the first batch of vanguard troops. The other commanders were ashamed and did not dare to back down.

When March was about to pass, Han Xianchu called the 15th Corps to request a sea crossing, but was unsuccessful. In April, Han Xianchu continued to call for the launch of the Hainan Island Campaign as soon as possible, and in the face of the 43rd Army, which had been silent, Han Xianchu did not care and expressed his willingness to issue a military order. In order to start the war ahead of time, he even slapped the table with the commander of the corps, Deng Hua, and was absolutely reluctant to convey the decision to land in June.

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Pictured| Han Xianchu's wooden boat army

Han Xianchu understood that if it was delayed again and again, the monsoon season would come, and landing on the island would become a fantasy. Under Han Xianchu's repeated requests for battle, on April 10, the order for the qiangdu operation was issued. The 43rd Army thought that it would not be possible to land on the island until at least June, and when it received the order, it was not ready at all, and the 40th Army was ready to go, waiting for Han Xianchu's order.

On April 16, the sea was calm and calm, and the wind was in the east direction. On the 17th, the army gathered, suddenly lightning and thunder, and a strong wind was set off on the sea. Han Xianchu found an old fisherman to inquire, and the old fisherman told Han Xianchu based on years of experience in fishing at sea that after dark, there would be an east wind on the sea. At six o'clock in the evening, as the old fisherman said, the east wind rose on the sea, so the modern version of "borrowing the east wind" was staged.

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

At 7:30 p.m., Han Xianchu personally led 30,000 soldiers to set sail on more than 500 wooden sailing boats carrying earthen gunboats. Without the cooperation of the air force, without the escort of the navy, there could be no transfer, no backup, and so the sea was forcibly crossed.

At 3:00 a.m., Han Xianchu led the line troops to seize the high corner of the beach, and the follow-up troops immediately landed successfully. The good news of landing on the island quickly reached the Beijing General Staff War Room, and Nie Rongzhen finally breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the news, saying: "Han Xianchu landed on Hainan Island, which means victory!" "

Xue Yue, the general of the Nationalist army guarding the island, always thought that our army was still smuggling on a small scale, but he did not expect that Han Xianchu had already landed on the island and quickly launched an attack. After landing on the island, the 43rd Army was surrounded by 5 enemy divisions, and Han Xianchu took the plan and led the 40th Army to quickly encircle from the outside line, but in 48 hours, the enemy was scattered one after another.

In the early morning of the 23rd, Xue Yue ordered the withdrawal of troops to flee, and he immediately fled to Taiwan. On the 30th, the 40th Army planted the red flag at the end of the world. The so-called three-dimensional defense system of the national army, land and air, unexpectedly collapsed under the siege of Han Xianchu's wooden sailing army.

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Battle of Hainan Liberation

Xue Yue, who had been named the "Tiger of Changsha" by the Japanese army, was expelled from Hainan by Han Xianchu. While the generals were cheering, he sat alone in front of the vast sea all night. For others, the founding of New China is equivalent to the "completion of the revolution", and what Han Xianchu saw was that New China still did not have a strong navy and air force, and could only fight a victory with the flesh and blood of its sons and daughters and wooden sailing ships. Facing xue yue who had fled, Han Xianchu was still powerless to cut off their escape route by sea.

When Han Xianchu proposed to attack Hainan quickly, he was met with a lot of opposition, dragging it from March to June. No one could have imagined that the Korean War would suddenly break out in June. If it were not for Han Xianchu's forced crossing of the sea with a military order, then after the outbreak of the Korean War, it might not have been possible to recover Hainan.

The Battle of Hainan was the final battle of the Liberation War, and it was also the first naval battle of the People's Liberation Army, and it was only up to the army to break the sea, land and air defense lines, which was not only unique in the history of the PLA's wars, but even in the history of the world's wars.

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Figure | the Hainan landing campaign

Many people believe that without Han Xianchu, there would be no Battle of Hainan, and Hainan would have become the second Taiwan, and the Qiongzhou Strait is probably today's Taiwan Strait. The difficulties that Han Xianchu faced at that time were unimaginable, the central authorities were hesitating, Deng Hua was hesitating, and even his army chief of staff hurt himself in order to avoid battle... Han Xianchu did not accidentally change the strategic pattern of today's China; he was not a civilian official, a cowherd, who grew up from the smoke of war, and used soldiers to excel in strangeness and eclecticism, which was not a miracle, but not easy.

Han Xianchu is the PLA general with the largest number of US war history intelligence archives, and he has achieved great achievements in his life, but he did not see the return of Taiwan in his lifetime, which became his biggest regret. Awarded the rank of general in 1955, he was born in hundreds of battles and almost undefeated, Taiwan was his last dream, Han Xianchu was officially appointed in 1957, to December 1973, transferred away, sitting on the front line of the struggle in the Taiwan Strait for a full 16 years. In Han Xianchu's lifetime, this position was the longest he held. Recovering Taiwan was also the most important thing he had in his later years.

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Figure | liberates Hainan Island

In 1980, Han Xianchu retired from his post as the leader of the Lanzhou Military Region. Since then, the residence of the Han family at No. 220 East Diaoyutai has been full of vehicles.

Han Xianchu was not suitable to be a Beijing official, he had been fighting real battles and doing practical things all his life, and soon after he was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission, he was overwhelmed by the guests who came and went. Han Xianchu opened a piece of land in the courtyard, and each vegetable was like a recruit he had trained, horizontal is horizontal, vertical is vertical. A generation of famous generals, returning to the countryside, the happiest is when the vegetables are harvested, these vegetables are given away, and they are happy to say: "Eat it, eat it, no fertilizer, no pesticide." "It's like Xu Shiyou, living in the house where Sun Ke lived in Nanjing, after living for a while, he felt uncomfortable, and simply dug up all the flowers and plants in the garden and planted all the vegetables." Because they came from poor peasant backgrounds, because they believed in their lives that they would return to the ordinary, they were destined to remain.

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Pictured| group photo of the leaders of the liberation of Hainan Island

From the Changbai Mountains to the ends of the earth, Han Xianchu was famous for "obstinately going his own way" and "disobeying military orders". As a soldier, he knew very well that "obeying military orders" was their duty, but from the emergence of the northeast, except for Lin Biao, whether direct or indirect leadership, he could not "control" him. Han Xianchu was not an obedient soldier, but he was the one who could fight the most and the one who could most reassure his superiors.

It is true that he is a militant, but in peace years, there have always been many people who have kept to themselves, and only Han Xianchu has been the few. He knew the trajectory of his life and decided that he would die on the battlefield. He felt that where he was, he should be a command post, and where he was the front line. When the comfortable pension life suddenly comes, he will not be suddenly awakened by the war situation, nor will he survey the terrain and stick to the front in countless windy nights, but he cannot be at ease.

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Pictured| Han Xianchu and his wife

Since 1965, Han Xianchu lived here, and every autumn, he would take out his general's general's dress and dry it indoors, silently staring at the three gold stars. Han Xianchu once said that after he died, he would be buried with his parents. And he knew in his heart that he did not belong only to the simple and generous parents, but to thousands of Chinese li people.

In the spring of 1985, Han Xianchu's former secretary Yang Xuhua came to visit the old leader, and at Diaoyutai No. 220, Han Xianchu was busy in the vegetable field. Han Xianchu looked at Yang Xuhua's 85-style uniform, quickly washed his hands, touched the texture, and said, "Good spirit!" It's better to have a rank."

Yang Xuhua said, "The cadres above the regiment level are all wool materials. "

Han Xianchu smiled, "I'm hairless." If I could be awarded, what would it be now? "

Han Xianchu, commander of the whirlwind, fought away from Xue Yue on the third day to liberate Hainan, and muttered on his deathbed: Taiwan, Taiwan

Tu | Han Xianchu returned to his hometown in his later years

Han Xianchu's heart has never left the battlefield, he joined the Red Army because of oppression in his childhood, and rushed to the front line again and again, not to promote officials and get rich, soldiers are his only destination and mission. Therefore, when others ask for a corner of stability, he wants to fight! In this way, we can understand his dying sentence "Taiwan, Taiwan", just like Zhao Yun's "Northern Expedition, Northern Expedition", Zong Ze's "Crossing the River, Crossing the River"! The God of War has his own map in his heart.

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