
From the perspective of Xue Yue, a famous general of the Kuomintang, he commented on the combat strength of the Central Red Army in the early days of the Long March, which was concise and profound

author:Happy cheese tells history

In modern Chinese history, the Red Army's Long March is a history full of legends. It was a time of gunsmoke and war. Especially in the early days of the Long March, the five major armies of the Central Red Army showed different combat effectiveness and strategies under the pursuit of the Kuomintang. How did Xue Yue, the former commander-in-chief of the Kuomintang enemy, a general with unique strategic vision, evaluate these legions?

From the perspective of Xue Yue, a famous general of the Kuomintang, he commented on the combat strength of the Central Red Army in the early days of the Long March, which was concise and profound

In 1934, the Red Army faced an unprecedented dilemma. The hundreds of thousands of Kuomintang troops pursued and intercepted like wolves, in an attempt to wipe out the main force of the Communist Party in one fell swoop. Under these circumstances, the five major corps of the Central Red Army showed their magic and launched a life-and-death contest. Xue Yue, as the former commander-in-chief of the Kuomintang enemy, had a deep understanding and unique insights into these five corps.

From the perspective of Xue Yue, a famous general of the Kuomintang, he commented on the combat strength of the Central Red Army in the early days of the Long March, which was concise and profound

The first to appear was the Red First Army, which was led by Lin Biao and was known as "Zhu Mao's descendant troops". They staged many life-and-death battles on the Hunan and Jiangxi borders, and their combat effectiveness was second to none in the Red Army. Xue Yue once commented on this army: "Lin Biao's team is young and impactful, and their actions are like tigers descending from the mountain, which makes people unguardable. Indeed, in the face of the strict encirclement of the Nanchang camp and the Southern Route Army, the Red First Army successfully broke through many times with its excellent mobility ability and Lin Biao's wise command, causing a lot of trouble to the Kuomintang army.

Then there was the Red Third Army, which was led by Peng Dehuai. Peng Dehuai, a famous general of the later Chinese People's Liberation Army, was also famous during the Long March. His troops were mainly composed of former officers of the Hunan army, with strong combat effectiveness and strong independence. In the battles between Jiangxi and Fujian, they repeatedly performed well, and their "hard-hitting" style of play was impressive. Xue Yue commented: "Peng Dehuai's troops, calm and calm, good at dealing with complex battlefield environments, are a difficult bone to gnaw. ”

From the perspective of Xue Yue, a famous general of the Kuomintang, he commented on the combat strength of the Central Red Army in the early days of the Long March, which was concise and profound

The Red Fifth Army was commanded by Dong Zhentang, and the composition of this force was relatively complex. They consisted mainly of soldiers from the northern provinces, often acting as rearguards in battle, covering the retreat of the main forces. Although this force had some disorganized elements, they showed stubborn defense in the battle for Kiangsi. Xue Yue's evaluation of them was: "Although Dong Zhentang's troops may not be radiant, they can always stabilize their positions at critical moments and are a solid backing in the Red Army. ”

The Red Eighth Army is a relatively special existence. This corps was not known before the Long March and is said to be a newly formed unit. They were repeatedly seen on the flanks during the battle, performing the tasks of containment and cover. This flexible and mobile tactic, although they were inferior to several other main army corps in terms of combat effectiveness, played an indispensable role in the entire Long March. Xue Yue once described them as follows: "Although the Red Eighth Army did not fight bloody battles on the front line, their existence was of self-evident importance to the safe retreat of the Red Army. ”

From the perspective of Xue Yue, a famous general of the Kuomintang, he commented on the combat strength of the Central Red Army in the early days of the Long March, which was concise and profound

In this arduous and arduous march, each legion has its own unique role and performance. Xue Yue, a veteran military strategist, was full of respect and vigilance for the evaluation of the Red Army. He clearly knew that although the Kuomintang army was powerful and technologically advanced, the Red Army's spirit of defying strong enemies and daring to fight was incomparable with any material force.

From the perspective of Xue Yue, a famous general of the Kuomintang, he commented on the combat strength of the Central Red Army in the early days of the Long March, which was concise and profound

Every breakthrough of the Red Army was completed in a race against death. In an extremely harsh environment, they not only had to confront the pursuing soldiers of the Kuomintang, but also had to face all kinds of tests in the natural world. Snow-capped mountains, torrential rivers, along the way, the Red Army's footprints almost covered most of China's borders. They are not just battles, but legends of faith, courage and sacrifice.

From the perspective of Xue Yue, a famous general of the Kuomintang, he commented on the combat strength of the Central Red Army in the early days of the Long March, which was concise and profound

Looking at the combat effectiveness of these five Red Army regiments through Xue Yue's eyes, it is not difficult to find that each unit has its own uniqueness. In the baptism of blood and fire, whether it was Lin Biao's Red First Army or Peng Dehuai's Red Third Army, they all showed extraordinary combat effectiveness and perseverance. The Long March is not only a great strategic shift, but also a spiritual baptism and sublimation. This period of history not only allows us to see the cruelty of war, but also makes us feel the most glorious parts of human nature.

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