
There are five fathers and sons, and they are named two dukes, a marquis and a county king, why is this family so prominent?

author:Happy cheese tells history

In the long course of history, there are always some families that are remembered by future generations for their illustrious glory. In the Qing Dynasty, how a small tribe in Manchuria could sit firmly in the world in just a few decades depended not only on the force of the iron cavalry sweeping the Central Plains, but also on the assistance of a cadre behind it. Especially those families with different surnames who were crowned princes, their fates were magnificent enough to shake the stability of the entire empire. Speaking of the heroes of the Qing Dynasty, I have to mention the Fucha family, a family that left a strong mark in the history of the Qing Dynasty. How did this family achieve such high glory?

There are five fathers and sons, and they are named two dukes, a marquis and a county king, why is this family so prominent?

When it comes to the Fucha clan of the Qing Dynasty, many history buffs will certainly not be unfamiliar. The prominence of the Fucha clan is inseparable from the promotion of one person, that is, Emperor Qianlong. Why did Emperor Qianlong favor the Fucha clan so much? There is a historical inevitability in this.

There are five fathers and sons, and they are named two dukes, a marquis and a county king, why is this family so prominent?

From the beginning of the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, the Fucha clan began to show its prominence. At first, this family was not prominent, but with the unification of Nurhachi and the establishment of the Jurchens, the Fucha clan began to gradually enter the center of the historical stage. As one of the early tribes who submitted to Nurhachi, the patriarch of the Fucha family, Wangjinu, made great contributions. Entering the period of Emperor Taiji and Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, the status of the Fucha clan rose even higher.

Especially during the Kangxi Emperor's reign, the Fucha clan had become an important minister in the court. Emperor Kangxi had deliberately weakened the power of the vassal kings, a policy that caused quite a stir in the court, and most ministers opposed it. Mi Sihan of the Fucha clan was one of the few ministers who supported Kangxi. Mithham was not only an insightful politician, but also a loyal fighter. In the rebellion of the three feudatories, he exhausted his mental strength and finally died of illness, which made Kangxi extremely sad.

There are five fathers and sons, and they are named two dukes, a marquis and a county king, why is this family so prominent?

In the Yongzheng and Qianlong periods, the influence of the Fucha clan reached its peak. In particular, Emperor Qianlong's favor for the Fucha clan reached an unprecedented level. Why? It turned out that Emperor Qianlong's mother was Empress Xiaoxian, who was born in the Fucha clan. It can be said that the prominence of the Fucha clan is inseparable from the status of Empress Xiaoxian.

And Empress Xiaoxian's younger brother Fucha Fu Heng and his four sons Fu Ling'an, Fu Chang'an, Fu Long'an and Fu Kang'an, were promoted by Emperor Qianlong and became extremely popular ministers. Emperor Qianlong even named "five fathers and sons in a family" the glory of the county king, two dukes and one marquis. This dual interest of family affection and politics made the Fucha clan almost the core power of the empire in the Qianlong era.

There are five fathers and sons, and they are named two dukes, a marquis and a county king, why is this family so prominent?

When it comes to how to manage such a huge empire, Emperor Qianlong naturally can't do without the support of the Fucha clan. Not only politically, but also in the military, economic, and even cultural and artistic promotion, the influence of the Fucha clan can be seen everywhere. For example, when Emperor Qianlong expanded the centralization of power, Fucha Fu Heng took control of the imperial government, and he was not only proficient in internal affairs, but also an excellent military commander. He performed well in many battles to govern the frontier, which provided strong support for stabilizing the Qing Dynasty's frontier.

There are five fathers and sons, and they are named two dukes, a marquis and a county king, why is this family so prominent?

In terms of culture and art, the Fucha clan has also made great contributions. Emperor Qianlong loved literature and held many literary meetings, in which members of the Fucha family often participated, which not only won the emperor's appreciation, but also promoted the prosperity of culture. It can be said that the Fucha clan not only assisted Qianlong politically, but also shared the same heart and mind with Emperor Qianlong culturally, and jointly promoted the great development of culture.

There are five fathers and sons, and they are named two dukes, a marquis and a county king, why is this family so prominent?

However, history always has its irony. Just when the power of the Fucha clan was at its peak, the seeds of crisis were also planted. As Emperor Qianlong advanced and became more dependent on the Fucha clan, other forces in the court began to become dissatisfied with the power of the Fucha clan. A series of measures to support orphans in Qianlong's later years put the Fucha clan on the cusp. After the death of Emperor Qianlong, with the accession of Emperor Jiaqing, the fate of the Fucha clan also underwent earth-shaking changes.

There are five fathers and sons, and they are named two dukes, a marquis and a county king, why is this family so prominent?

In order to consolidate his rule, Emperor Jiaqing began to weaken the power of the Fucha clan, and the members of the Fucha clan were gradually marginalized and even liquidated. This process of turning from prosperity to decline makes people sigh at the impermanence of history. The glorious achievements of the past and the fate of the family later constitute a complex and changeable historical picture.

There are five fathers and sons, and they are named two dukes, a marquis and a county king, why is this family so prominent?

The rise and fall of the Fucha clan is like a wonderful historical drama. From a small and humble family, to becoming the core power of an entire empire, to its eventual decline, it was all fraught with dramatic transformations. They not only reflect how the fate of individuals and families is closely related to the rise and fall of the whole country, but also reflect the change of power and the ruthlessness of history. The prominence of the Fucha clan tells us that they have left an indelible mark both in the long river of history and in the hearts of people.