
Shunzhi died at the age of 24, what is the reason? Getting smallpox is just one aspect!

Wen / JiBu said that the Manchu Qing Dynasty is the last ancient feudal dynasty in Chinese history, in the hundreds of years of Manchu rule, there have been many emperors who have made great achievements, such as the three emperors of Kang, Yong and Qian, who are outstanding emperors, they made the Qing Dynasty degenerate into a heyday, and the Qing Dynasty Zu Kangxi was praised by posterity as "an emperor in all eternity", which shows its superiority. Among the Twelve Emperors of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the Shunzhi Emperor's reputation was not as good as other emperors, and he did not do much. Shunzhi was the ninth son of Emperor Taiji, the third emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and his mother was the very famous Empress Xiaozhuangwen. At the time of the death of Emperor Taiji, it had not yet been decided who would be the successor, and many forces formed factions in order to compete for the throne, dorgon and Hauge were typical representatives, and the competition for the throne was particularly fierce and evenly matched. The Shunzhi Emperor's shrewd Dorgon directly proposed and supported the ninth son of Emperor Taiji, Fu Lin, to inherit the throne, which was finally approved by the support of the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu, and Fu Lin also sat in the emperor's position and changed his era name to Shunzhi. At this time, the Shunzhi Emperor was only six years old and a little naughty boy who did not understand the world, although he did not understand the world, but he had an innate competitive character and a sense of aristocratic superiority, the young Shunzhi Emperor after he ascended the throne, as the regent Dolgun has been assisting him, although the power is in his hands, Dorgon has no idea of replacing him. However, despite this, it still caused great dissatisfaction among Shunzhi, who was young but very suspicious, and always suspected that this Dorgon had attempted to usurp the throne and establish himself as emperor. In fact, if we want to say whether this Dorgon has the intention of usurping the throne in his heart, we don't know, there are many friends who think that Dorgon has different intentions, and there are many friends who think that The Duke of Dorgon is selfless, if he wants to usurp power, then even the 10 Shunzhi Emperors together cannot stop him at all. When the Shunzhi Emperor reached the age of 14, he began to pro-government, taking back many of the special powers of the Qing nobles before. To say that the Shunzhi Emperor is also a Ming Emperor, he reused Han officials and vigorously promoted Confucian culture, and it is precisely because of this that the Manchu Qing avoided the fate of becoming a short-lived dynasty like the Yuan Dynasty. The Shunzhi Emperor also adhered to the nomadic culture, promoted the integration of Manchu and Han, and revived Confucian culture, thus making manchu rule over the whole country more stable. It's just a pity that the Shunzhi Emperor only lived to the age of 24 and died, so why did the young and promising Shunzhi Emperor be so young and so short-lived? During the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the people of the imperial family usually married at the age of 15 in order to pass on the heirs of the emperor, and the Shunzhi Emperor was no exception, and at the age of 14, he had a big wedding ceremony with his cousin Borjigit, and then the emperor's eldest son was born. To say that Shunzhi's life has established a total of 4 orthodox empresses, as for the concubines who fell into the country, it is even more innumerable, in just eight years, he has favored dozens of concubines, and there are more than ten children born together. The Shunzhi Emperor had to get up early during the day to take care of the important affairs of the state, and at night he had to shoulder the task of constantly reproducing heirs, and it is conceivable that even the iron body could not withstand such a high-intensity labor, plus the young Shunzhi did not know what moderation was, which led to a great decline in his health. Among the many concubines of the Shunzhi Emperor, the most favored is Dong Efei, in addition to being busy with political affairs, he will be entangled with Dong Efei almost all day, but Dong Efei later died because she could not bear the death of the crown prince and was depressed. In this regard, the Shunzhi Emperor was in pain, his mental collapse was once looking for death and life, and his physical condition was greatly reduced, and at the same time, the bitterness in the history of the country had always plagued him, and the contradiction intensified to a certain extent and broke out, which made the Shunzhi Emperor once have the idea of becoming a monk. It should be said that in the ancient imperial palace, whether it is food, clothing, housing or medical level, it belongs to the most advanced, but because the medical technology and conditions at that time were indeed limited, if a serious illness was not good, it may be possible to die. Dong Efei in ancient times, "smallpox" can be described as a very contagious and the most deadly infectious disease, infected people will have a high probability of death, and the Shunzhi Emperor is very unfortunate, accidentally infected with smallpox, and the high fever has not receded the disease is getting more and more serious, not long after the death, at the age of 24. For the death of the Shunzhi Emperor, there is also a saying: at that time, the Shunzhi Emperor was still young when he was pro-government, and he very much wanted to make a difference, so he was very dedicated to political affairs, and he would criticize the fold very late every day, and at that time, although the Shunzhi Emperor was named emperor, he did not have real power, he was very unwilling, and over time he was angry to death. It seems that the position of the emperor is indeed not so good, although that position looks like unlimited scenery, but the pressure is not what ordinary people can bear, so there are only a few emperors who can live a long life in ancient history.

Shunzhi died at the age of 24, what is the reason? Getting smallpox is just one aspect!

References for this article: "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty", "Shunzhi Emperor", "Baidu Encyclopedia Related Terms - Manchu Qing Dynasty, Qing Shunzhi, Longevity Emperor, etc."

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