
When children do not eat, they must grasp the switch of healthy spleen and appetizer - the middle neck and the root of the spleen

TCM Book Club No. 3005

One issue a day to accompany the growth of Chinese medicine people

I Introduction: This article in addition to the TCM treatment part, the last paragraph, how to cultivate children's good eating habits there, written really good, "hunger is the best cook", children eat less or do not eat a meal, there is no problem, when he shouts hungry, absolutely do not give snacks to eat, must not be forced or coaxed. (Editor/Wang Xingyun)

Healthy spleen appetizer switch - middle neck, root

Author/Zhao Hong

Babies are anorexic, and parents are troubled. Eating is a very difficult and painful thing for anorexia children and their parents, and children have no interest in the face of a table full of food. Some are eating and playing, turning around, adults chasing after them; some are eating a mouthful of rice for half a day, not chewing or swallowing in the mouth, and a meal cannot be eaten for 1 to 2 hours; some are reprimanded, scolded, crying and making trouble by parents, and finally they still can't eat a few bites, ending in the helplessness of parents.

According to medical statistics, the incidence of anorexia and partial eating in children is now as high as 40%, and it is mostly in children with vigorous growth and development, such as early childhood and adolescence, which seriously affects the growth and development of children. Anorexic children are often yellow-skinned, dry skin, anemia, mental atrophy, often shorter than children of the same age, and some have the characteristics of solitude, stubbornness, willfulness and moodiness. The problem of eating has become a major problem for young parents, how to make the baby eat more? To solve this problem, we must first know the causes of anorexia in children, so that we can "medicate" the "symptoms".

Chinese medicine believes that anorexia in children is mostly caused by improper feeding, damage to the spleen and stomach; or disorders after illness, spleen and stomach insufficiency; or congenital insufficiency, spleen and stomach weakness; or emotional disorders, liver loss, and spleen and stomach and lead to anorexia. The core principle of treatment should start with the conditioning of the spleen and stomach.

Acupuncture: middle, root.

Acupuncture point localization:

Midrib: On the anterior midline, 4 inches above the navel.

Root: Under the 1st lumbar spinous process, 3.5 inches apart.

Efficacy: And stomach and spleen, reduce reverse water, line qi and relieve pain.


1. Patch method:

Take 30 grams each of cloves and evodia, 10 grams of cinnamon, fine spices and wood incense, and 20 grams of baishu and schisandra, and study the end of the study. Take 5 to 10 grams of powder each time, mix it into a paste with wine or ginger juice, apply it to the middle cavity, and fix it with adhesive tape. Each application is applied for 2 to 4 hours.

2. Massage method: use the palm of the palm or the root of the palm to place at the middle acupoint and the root of the root, gently press, 30 to 60 times each time.

3. Suspension moxibustion method: select a moxa stick, ignite at one end, place the ignited end in the middle of the acupuncture point or about 1 cm above the root acupuncture point to apply moxibustion, if you feel the skin burning pain during the moxibustion process, you can appropriately move the moxa away from the skin surface, and continue to apply moxibustion after the burning sensation is relieved, each time moxibustion for 5 to 10 minutes.

Treatment: Patch once a day or once every other day, massage and suspension once a day.

Precautions: When applying, pay attention to observe whether the child has allergies, if the patch is itchy or painful, or the skin is abnormal, remove it as soon as possible.

The application time should not be too long, and the children's skin should be delicate to avoid damage. If there are blisters, go to the hospital in time for treatment, and should not be bandaged.

Children's skin is delicate, and when massaging, the intensity should be appropriate to avoid skin breakage.

A word is broken

The middle acupuncture point belongs to the Ren pulse of the Eight Pulses of the Qijing, which is mainly used for digestive system diseases, and is one of the main acupuncture points on the ren pulse of the human body, and has obvious therapeutic effects on anorexia, food accumulation, stomach bloating, and stomach pain. Chinese medicine believes that "the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow". If a person is born with insufficient endowments and a weak physique, he can further replenish his essence through a strong spleen and stomach. Because of some bad habits, many people have spleen and stomach weakness problems, such as some people sleep after eating, often this will cause bloating, limb weakness; some people have a bad temper, love to be angry or have a tendency to depression, which will also affect the operation of the spleen and stomach. At this time, it is not possible to simply use drugs to treat, because if the spleen and stomach itself are sick, it is not easy to absorb the medicine, which affects the efficacy. In this regard, we can turn to the middle cavity.

Luo Rulong of the Qing Dynasty recorded in the "Secretary of Juvenile Tuina", "The middle is under the heart socket, and the stomach is also." Accumulation of food is stuck here. Rub it, put the child to sleep on his back, rub it with the palm of my hand, rub it left and right, and then accumulate food and stuffiness, that is, digestion. That is to say, the middle acupoint is the position of the spleen and stomach in the scorched food, for the problem of children's accumulation of food, you can let the child lie flat on the back, use the palm of the practitioner to rub at the acupoint, and at the same time can be stacked with both hands, in the child's entire abdomen, in accordance with the clockwise direction, in the form of a circular massage can eliminate the accumulation of food and help digestion. Therefore, the middle acupuncture point has a clear effect of strengthening the spleen, walking qi and eliminating stagnation, and is an "appetizer point" and a "anti-accumulation point".

The root of the root is the external acupuncture point, the root, the root, the root, the root, the meaning of the root. The root point has the effect of strengthening the spleen and scattering knots, which can cure the root of the block, just like the role of cutting off the root of the root of the root of the root, so it is called the root of the root. Indications for the treatment of abdominal mass, low back pain, stomach cramps, stomach pain, psoas muscle strain, etc.

Use it as soon as you use it

The child, 5 years old, ate less than 1 year. In the past 1 year, the amount of food eaten by the child has gradually decreased, he is partial to meat and sweets, he is thirsty, but he does not drink much water, his body is slightly thin, he is irritable and easy to cry, he sometimes has low-grade fever in the afternoon, bloating, stool 2 to 3 times a day, dry stool, white and greasy tongue. Because the child is young and afraid of acupuncture treatment, moxa can be used in acupuncture points such as middle and root, and Chinese medicine is prescribed to apply chinese medicine to the middle axillary point. At the second visit, the family complained that there was more exhaust after returning home, the taste was more foul, and a large amount of foul stool was discharged in the next two or three days. After the child insisted on treatment for 3 months, the appetite gradually improved, the amount of food was significantly increased, and the stool was basically 1 line per day.

Due to the improvement of living conditions, the real malnutrition of children has been very rare, most of them are due to snacking or too much fat and sweet taste, and the amount of exercise of children is small, resulting in spleen and stomach transport disorders, food accumulation, phlegm block in the scorch and disease. Therefore, it is particularly important to develop good living and eating habits.

First of all, it is necessary to cultivate good eating habits, eat regularly and quantitatively for children, reduce snacks between meals, and develop the habit of not being picky, not partial to food, eating miscellaneously, and eating all. Do not laugh when eating, do not eat while watching TV, this will affect gastrointestinal peristalsis and the secretion of digestive glands, resulting in indigestion. Do not squat to eat, otherwise it will cause belching, hiccups, bloating, and affect the amount of food eaten.

Secondly, it is necessary to appropriately increase the amount of children's activities, especially outdoor activities, which can promote children's metabolism and accelerate the digestion and absorption of food. Children who have a sense of hunger will "hunger and not choose food". However, the amount of activity before meals should not be too large, so as not to overexcite and quiet down and affect appetite.

Again, for children who have anorexia habits, when the child is absent-minded during the meal, do not be angry, you can give the child a time limit for eating (such as 15 minutes or 20 minutes), if you can't finish eating, don't make a fuss, but quietly take the food away, the child eats less or does not eat a meal, there is no problem, when he shouts hunger, absolutely do not give snacks to eat, do not force or coax.

Finally, it is necessary to create a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere for eating, so that he feels that eating is a pleasure. Parents should not add psychological pressure to their children for eating, and should not reprimand or even physically punish their children at the dinner table. Children eat more and eat less should be calm, this meal can not be eaten, the next meal may eat more, "hunger is the best cook", do not force the child to eat, chase the child to feed, this will arouse the child's psychological antipathy to eating. Do not force a child to eat when he is overly tired or unwell, first comfort and let the child rest, and then let him eat. Do not use food as a reward for good behavior in children, nor as a punishment for depriving children of food.

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