
The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

In October 1934, the Red Sixth Army was surrounded and suppressed by the warlords of the three provinces in Guizhou, and had no choice but to move, and the unit responsible for covering the transfer of the large troops was the Red 18th Division, and the division commander was Long Yun.

Long Yun led the troops to fight heroically, and after all the large troops were transferred, he took the 18th Division to Sleepy Niu Mountain, and later Long Yun climbed down the vines with only 200 remaining soldiers, while Tian Haiqing, the commander of the 52nd Regiment, led more than 170 fighters to go up step by step, attracting enemy fire in order to let Long Yun break through.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

Later, Long Yun was captured because of his serious injuries and bravely rebelled, and the team led by Tian Haiqing also mysteriously disappeared since then, and there was no more news.

The Red Sixth Army could not put this down, but the war situation was urgent at that time, and it was too late to send people to find the traces of the 52nd Regiment. Therefore, it was not until after the founding of the People's Republic of China that the old leaders of the Red Sixth Army sent experts on the history of the Red Second Front to investigate the truth about the disappearance of that unit.

When military history experts came to Shiquan County, where the Red Sixth Army was surrounded, they did not find a clue for a long time, and after they visited and investigated, they found that the local people knew about the battle that year, but they had never heard of the missing 52nd Regiment, or even about The Sleepy Cow Mountain.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

It is not surprising that a force of less than two hundred men disappeared from the mountain, and it is possible that they were killed and sacrificed at that time, but a mountain could not disappear.

However, the Central Committee sent people to investigate three times, but no results were found, which became a pending case, until 70 years after the disappearance of the Red Army, people did not know the truth about the disappearance of the 52nd Regiment that year.

It was in 2002, When Yang Youzhu, deputy director of the Shiquan County Party History Research Office, occasionally heard a folk custom that, unlike other folk customs, was somewhat bizarre.

That is, in the depths of the mountains in Shiquan County, there is a Village of Ganxi Trough, and there is a habit in this village, that is, every September Ninth Yang Festival, they will rush to a mountain next to them, burn incense and paper, and prostrate themselves.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

Yang Youzhu was very curious, could it be that these villagers were worshipping mountain gods just like in ancient times? So he immediately asked someone, and only then did he learn that the villagers were worshipping the "Red Army."

The man also told him that the mountain he worshipped was "Sleepy Cow Mountain", and these three words shook Yang Youzhu's heart, knowing that the Central Committee had investigated the location of this mountain three times in those years, and also knew that the purpose of searching for this mountain was to find the Red Army that had disappeared that year.

After a long period of investigation, it was finally confirmed that the trapped cow mountain where the villagers knelt was the sleepy cow mountain where the 52nd regiment disappeared that year. The Red Army that the villagers worship is the 52nd Regiment

So what really happened that year, causing more than a hundred soldiers to disappear, why do the people of Ganxi Trough Village worship the 52nd regiment every year?

After receiving the order, the Red Sixth Army set up a military committee, with Ren Bishi as the chairman and Xiao Ke wang zhen as the committee member, and they began the western expedition with the 17/18 division.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

Leaders of the Red Sixth Army, from left: Ren Bishi, Xiao Ke, Wang Zhen

The "Western Expedition" is a tragic and magnificent process in China's modern history, when the enemy learned that the Red Sixth Army broke through, immediately launched a pursuit and encirclement, facing an enemy of more than 10 times, the Red Sixth Army had a hard time coping.

On August 23, when the Red Sixth Army came to the Xiang River and was just about to cross the river, it found that the Xiang Army was preparing to intercept them on the opposite side, and the Red Sixth Army had no choice but to turn back to the Yangmingshan area at the junction of Guangdong and Xiang to establish a base area.

The Kemingshan area was small and the supplies were poor, unable to support so many of them to survive, and the terrain was not conducive to their rest here, and in an emergency, the Red Sixth Army once again launched a breakthrough.

After several battles, the Red Sixth Army came to Guizhou, but before they entered Guizhou, the three armies of Xianggui and Guiqian had already agreed on the goal of jointly annihilating the Red Army.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

Therefore, on September 26, the Red Sixth Army had just entered the east of Guizhou and was ambushed by the enemy, and in order to evacuate as soon as possible, Ren Bishi ordered Long Yun to lead the 52nd and 54th regiments to block the enemy.

After one battle after another, the 52nd Regiment successfully broke through, but the 54th Regiment suffered serious losses, and after the breakthrough from Daguang, the Red Sixth Army came to the territory of Weng'an County in central Guizhou.

They wanted to take the opportunity to cross the Wujiang River in the west, but because they received a wrong piece of information, the entire army fell into the enemy's encirclement again, and the entire Red Sixth Army was cut into three sections by the enemy.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

Dragon Cloud

In order to cover the retreat of the main force, Long Yun's 18th Division once again took on the task of blocking the enemy, but the 18th Division at that time, although it was a division organization, only had more than 800 people, and the main force of this division was the 52nd Regiment.

And there are many wounded soldiers in the team, plus they have eaten the local tung oil by mistake, causing many warriors to have diarrhea, if they are in such a situation, to block the enemy, it is undoubtedly to send to death.

However, Long Yun resolutely stated that no matter how great the difficulties and sacrifices, he would block the enemy and let the main forces move safely.

At that time, the Red Sixth Army began to break through at five o'clock in the morning, and when they quickly passed through the enemy's gap, Long Yun immediately led the warriors to chase the main force, and if they could leave before the enemy caught up, then they could avoid a fierce battle.

Who knew that they were just about to leave, the enemy surrounded them, Long Yun found that the other side was the strength of three regiments, which meant that it was the enemy's vanguard force, if the enemy all chased over, then the main force would definitely be dragged.

So Long Yun resolutely led the warriors to fight with the enemy, and after Xiao Ke, the last of the main team, heard the gunshots, he immediately understood that Long Yun was fighting the enemy, and he also knew that Long Yun now had only 800 people in his hands, and he was still trapped.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

So immediately sent the 49th Regiment back to meet Long Yun and the 18th Division, at that time Longyun was indeed in a very difficult situation, the enemy was several times the 18th Division, the firepower was also very fierce, after a short exchange the 18th Division suffered heavy casualties.

Helplessly, Long Yun withdrew to the rear of the dense forest, but they were surrounded by the enemy as soon as they withdrew, fortunately, at this time, the 49th Regiment rushed over and rescued Long Yun.

Originally, Long Yun could quickly retreat with his brother, but at this time he found that the enemy was chasing too tightly, and if he went to chase after the large troops at this time, he would definitely attract the enemy's firepower.

After much deliberation, he asked the soldiers of the 49th Regiment to find the main force, and he took the soldiers to take charge of the rear, and at this time the Red 18th Division only had more than 400 soldiers left.

For the safe transfer of the main force, Long Yun rushed towards Ganxi Trough Village with more than 400 soldiers, Long Yun was not from Guizhou, he did not know where the front was, but he could only move forward.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

Later, he found a guide, but the guide was not familiar with the road on the mountain, and when he led them up the mountain, he heard the gunshots of the enemy behind him and nervously led them to the Sleepy Cow Mountain.

When Long Yun realized that something was wrong, he found that they had circled the mountain several times, so he began to ask the guide, who looked closely and found that they were trapped on the Cow Mountain.

The guide told Long Yun and Tian Haiqing, the leader of the 52nd Regiment, that they could climb down with the vines, and at this time there was already the sound of enemy gunfire behind them, and the soldiers could not all climb down.

So Long Yun climbed down the vine with more than two hundred warriors, while Tian Haiqing led the remaining 170 fighters to the top of the mountain.

The enemy saw the Red Army on top, but never went up, in order to break the deadlock they arrested more than a dozen villagers in Ganxigou Village, looking at the innocent masses in front, the soldiers could not shoot.

But they didn't want to be prisoners of the enemy either, so more than 170 Reds jumped off a cliff.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

This is also the reason why the Red Army of the 52nd Regiment disappeared from there, and this is why the villagers of Ganxi Trough Village worship the Sleepy Cow Mountain and the Red Army every year.

At that time, more than 170 Red Army soldiers, only a few survived, the villagers of Ganxi Trough Village brought them back to the village, but they were all killed by the bandit army, only a small Red Army, under the protection of all the villagers, survived.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

He was later adopted by Chen Guoshan and renamed Chen Shirong, but he died in 2001, leaving only a charge.

The Red Army troops mysteriously disappeared in the Sleepy Cow Mountain, and 70 years later, the mountain village folklore unveiled the thrilling truth

What a tragic history, more than 170 Red Army, each very young, in order not to be threatened by the enemy, in order not to harm the people, one by one jumped off the cliff, what did they think at the moment of jumping?

After reading all this, what qualifications do we have to talk about forgiveness?

(A few days ago, I saw a news, a history teacher's bad remarks about the Nanjing Massacre, which made the editor feel inexplicably sad in his heart, why did the ancestors pay for us for less than a hundred years, and many people forgot them?) )

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