
The Red Army Rear Guard Regiment has been missing for 70 years, the central government's three investigations have ended without illness, and the folk customs of mountain villages have restored the truth

"The former servant and the successor should be, such as the king is worthy of Xuanyuan Sun!" Qiu Jin, a martyr who made important contributions in the Xinhai Revolution and finally chose to be righteous in order to overthrow thousands of years of feudal rule, made this sentence in "Hanging Wu Martyr Fan".

In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, backward feudalism was no longer able to lead the people forward, and in this case, in the face of foreign imperialist invasion, many patriots embarked on the road of patriotic salvation.

"The five ridges are full of thin waves, and the mud pills are walking in the mud." In the course of the struggle, people must not only fight against the remnants of feudalism and foreign imperialism, but also against bureaucratic capitalism, which has plundered the people's fat and people's anointing. The troops from the broad masses of the working people struggled very hard in the absence of food and weapons.

The Red Army Rear Guard Regiment has been missing for 70 years, the central government's three investigations have ended without illness, and the folk customs of mountain villages have restored the truth

The rearguard regiment of the Red Sixth Army disappeared after being ordered to cover the transfer of large troops. At that time, the large troops were successfully transferred under the cover of the rear guard regiment, but no matter how the large troops waited and how they sent people to inquire, they could not get any news from the rear guard regiment. At that time, the war situation was chaotic and manpower was thin, and when I went to the local Guizhou Shiquan again 70 years later to investigate, this was the eyebrows.

Cover shift

"Transfer on orders from your superiors." Between September 1933 and October 1934, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized about 1 million troops to "encircle and suppress" the central revolutionary base areas, that is, the fifth "encirclement and suppression."

At this time, the "Left" dogmatism of Wang Ming and others occupied a dominant position in the Red Army, so that in the course of a year's war, the Red Army fell into a passive position.

The Red Army Rear Guard Regiment has been missing for 70 years, the central government's three investigations have ended without illness, and the folk customs of mountain villages have restored the truth

In the absence of victory against "encirclement and suppression", in October 1934 it was necessary to order the central leading organs and the main forces of the Red Army to withdraw from the revolutionary base areas. The mysterious disappearance of the Rear Guard Regiment of the Red Sixth Army occurred during this time.

At that time, the Red Sixth Army was originally on a western expedition, and suddenly encountered a well-equipped enemy army on the road. After receiving orders from their superiors and learning that they were going north to meet the Division of the Red Third Army, the Red Sixth Army changed its marching route and began to adjust the battle plan according to the new order. But on the way north, the Red Sixth Army encountered the enemy's encirclement.

Under the blows of the enemy with superior military supplies, although the Red Sixth Army "launched many vicious battles with the enemy", after a few rounds, the damage was heavy, the weapons and ammunition were left, and the soldiers were exhausted. Faced with this situation, the leaders knew that if they did not break through as soon as possible, the whole army might be surrounded and killed by the enemy.

The Red Army Rear Guard Regiment has been missing for 70 years, the central government's three investigations have ended without illness, and the folk customs of mountain villages have restored the truth

In order to change the existing passive situation, the Red Sixth Army made the decision to "let the 52nd Regiment of the 18th Division break the rear cover". The 52nd Regiment of the 18th Division had strong combat ability and had a lot of experience in fighting and defending battles, so after comprehensive consideration, the Red Sixth Army put this burden on the 52nd Regiment of the 18th Division.

After receiving the task, the 52nd Regiment of the 18th Division immediately accepted it, and overcame many difficulties to cooperate with the command of the Red Sixth Army. At the beginning of the war, the 52nd Regiment of the 18th Division had more than 800 men.

However, as the war progressed, the number of soldiers continued to decrease, and at that time, the soldiers in the regiment faced not only the injuries and illnesses caused by successive wars, but also the physical and mental weakness caused by the accidental consumption of tung oil.

The poison of tung oil

"Tung oil is more toxic, clinically used for external use, contraindicated internal use." The Red Army's military discipline was strict, and the conditions of war were extremely harsh. The troops were often unable to pay their salaries, and in the case of food scarcity, the soldiers had to use local materials, and they were hungry for all kinds of things that were not normally eaten. Tung oil is an oil that is heat pressed with oil tung seeds and is a dry oil.

Tung oil is divided into two kinds of raw tung oil and hot tung oil, raw tung oil is mainly used in medicine and chemical industry, while cooked tung oil "can replace varnish and paint and other coatings", used in machine maintenance and other aspects. The toxicity of tung oil is relatively large, and the poisoned people are mainly caused by cooking tung oil as a general cooking oil and then eating it by mistake.

After tung oil poisoning, most people will develop symptoms of poisoning within 2 hours. In addition to nausea and frequent vomiting, there are many people who will feel symptoms such as "abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, difficulty breathing, twitching of limbs, numbness in the hands and feet". At that time, the medical conditions were poor, and some of the soldiers were in a relatively bad mental state after being poisoned.

The Red Army Rear Guard Regiment has been missing for 70 years, the central government's three investigations have ended without illness, and the folk customs of mountain villages have restored the truth

Under multiple harsh conditions, the soldiers of the 52nd Regiment finally resisted all difficulties and successfully helped the large troops break through. After the large troops broke out of the encirclement, in order to give the large troops valuable time to leave, the 52nd Regiment began to lead the troops all the way to "transfer to Ganxi Cao Village, Shiquan County, Guizhou", so as to make the enemy mistakenly think that this was the direction of the transfer of the large troops.

Because it was a temporary task to cover the breakthrough of the large troops, the 52nd Regiment was not familiar with the local area and did not know the specific terrain of the corresponding route, so after asking the local people, the 52nd Regiment began to march to the mountain known as the Sleepy Cow Mountain by the locals. Since the 52nd Regiment entered the Sleepy Cow Mountain, the main force has not been able to obtain any information from the 52nd Regiment.

The mystery is solved

"When the 52nd Regiment arrived at Sleepy Cow Mountain, there were only about 200 people left." At that time, the enemy was in hot pursuit, and the 52nd Regiment was forced to climb the very steep Sleepy Cow Mountain, trying to use the terrain to fight high and low.

The Red Army Rear Guard Regiment has been missing for 70 years, the central government's three investigations have ended without illness, and the folk customs of mountain villages have restored the truth

After this, the original plan went very smoothly, and the low-lying enemy troops were beaten by the fierce attacks of the 52nd Regiment fighters and could not advance, but after some operation by the enemy, the 52nd Regiment fighters could no longer fight.

Unable to conquer for a long time, the enemy simply captured the people near the Trapped Niu Mountain, thus threatening the 52nd Regiment. Because if they continue to attack, they will hit the innocent people, and the soldiers of the Red Army fight to defend the people and save the country and save the people, so in the face of this situation, the soldiers have to stop attacking.

Warriors, who are well aware of the enemy's cruel interrogation methods, would rather die than be captured by the enemy. Therefore, in this case, the soldiers of these 52 regiments chose to jump to death. Looking at the "more than a hundred Red Army soldiers who jumped down the river valley to save themselves", the local people were deeply shocked. Afterwards, people went to the river valley to search for the Red Army that jumped down.

The Red Army Rear Guard Regiment has been missing for 70 years, the central government's three investigations have ended without illness, and the folk customs of mountain villages have restored the truth

The terrain of the Sleepy Cow Mountain is steep, and the people have searched for several times before they finally found a few Red Army troops who were still alive. Not long after taking these Reds home to recuperate, the enemy came to the village to search. Under the close search of the enemy, only one Red Army soldier survived because of his young age and relatively minor injuries. The warrior, Chen Shirong, died in 2001.

Later, in order to thank these warriors, the villagers lit incense and burned paper money in the direction of Sleepy Cow Mountain on the Chongyang Festival every year. Sleepy Cow Mountain is only the name of the local people's word of mouth, in fact, there is no official name, although people spontaneously go to pay tribute every year, but they do not know that the investigators are looking for these people, so although the central government has sent people to investigate three times before, but in the end they could not find the whereabouts of the 52nd Regiment.

The Red Army Rear Guard Regiment has been missing for 70 years, the central government's three investigations have ended without illness, and the folk customs of mountain villages have restored the truth

This situation continued until 70 years after that incident, in 2002, when Yang Youzhu, a staff member working in the party history department of Shiquan County, overheard the local folk custom, the Chongyang Festival worship service, he thought about it. Yang Youzhu followed him to the local area to learn more about the situation, and after combining the history of the Red Sixth Army, Yang Youzhu realized the connection between the two.

Through the in-depth investigation of Yang Youzhu and others and the collection of evidence through multiple parties, the mystery that has plagued many years has finally been solved. After the facts were confirmed, more and more people came to Sleepy Cow Mountain to commemorate the martyrs. At present, on the Sleepy Cow Mountain, "stands the Monument to the Red Army Jumping off the Cliff", and many people come to the monument every year to pay tribute to the martyrs.

The Red Army Rear Guard Regiment has been missing for 70 years, the central government's three investigations have ended without illness, and the folk customs of mountain villages have restored the truth

brief summary:

"Killed Xia Minghan, and the people who came after him." In those most difficult years, countless people, who may not be remembered by anyone, put their lives and deaths aside for the sake of the blood in their hearts, for the sake of the land under their feet, and for the sake of the country and people behind them, and threw themselves into dangerous battles.

The rear guard regiment of the Red Sixth Army completed the arduous task of covering the transfer of large troops under extremely difficult conditions. After this, the warriors, who had already beaten the enemy and could not go any further, gave up their lives to protect the local people and jumped from the mountain without hesitation.

The central government, which did not know about this situation, sent people to investigate the whereabouts of the rearguard regiment three times, but there was no result, and it was not until 70 years later that the local villagers' folklore was investigated to solve the mystery.

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