
Zodiac rat, belonging to the rat people marriage is the most taboo which zodiac sign

The rat man is a rather lazy person who does not like to deal with boring chores. They want their lives to be as simple as possible, and they don't want to live too much of a tortuous life. Therefore, when a rat person gets married, he must find someone he loves and is most suitable for him. Let's take a look at which zodiac sign is most taboo for a subordinate rat person to get married.

Zodiac rat, belonging to the rat people marriage is the most taboo which zodiac sign

Which zodiac sign is the most taboo for rat people to marry, and what is taboo for people who belong to rats in the zodiac

First, which zodiac sign is the most taboo for rat people to marry

Rat people are most afraid of marrying horse people, because the meridian is clashing, and the disobedient personality of the horse will make the rat people have a headache and feel that the other party does not know how to change. The two often quarreled and disagreed together. Especially in the relationship between husband and wife, it is difficult to get along for a long time, it is best to live separately in two places, otherwise it is easy to torture each other.

Second, why is it taboo for rat people to marry horse people

1. The degree of coincidence of the emotional fortunes of the genus rat and the genus ★ horse

This combination of emotional fortunes is relatively poor, which is mainly due to the opposition between the two. However, if the zodiac rat is female and is born in december of the lunar calendar, the situation will improve, because the December of the lunar calendar is combined with the zodiac rat, which can effectively dissolve the aura of each other.

2. The degree of coincidence between the genus rat and the descendants of the genus ★ horse

The fortunes of this combination will be relatively poor, mainly because the two sides restrain each other and break through the phenomenon is still relatively heavy. However, if it is a zodiac rat woman born in the 8th month of the lunar calendar, this situation will be alleviated. Because the August of the lunar calendar is the golden month, and the golden water can play a role in helping the aura of the zodiac rat, which is conducive to the fortunes of the descendants of both sides.

Third, the method of dissolving the marriage of the rat and the noon horse

Rats and horses clash, so you can make friends who belong to the tiger to resolve, or give birth to a child belonging to the tiger, as a bridge link, life can use tender green colors to neutralize and integrate, feng shui can choose the master bedroom in the north-east, east-northeast and southeast for the auspicious star of the apartment, you can also place wood, or tiger-shaped ornaments to increase the fortune, can play a certain role in resolving conflicts.

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