
How to do three generations of test tubes to adjust the uterine environment so that the embryos implant smoothly?

Some infertility patients will remind when they check the report when they check the report that the uterine environment is not good, and in order to improve the success rate of IVF fertility, they will recommend that patients and friends first adjust. So, what kind of uterine environment does the embryonic baby prefer? How to adjust the uterine environment so that the embryo implants smoothly? Let's see what the experts say.

AA69 Fertility Center said that the environment in the womb is not good, the blood flow is not smooth, and the nutritional supply between the mother and fetus cannot be guaranteed. If the uterus is soil, then the fertilized egg or embryo is the seed, and the development of seeds with poor soil quality will inevitably be affected, and the same soil quality will affect the development of seeds no matter how good the soil is.

How to do three generations of test tubes to adjust the uterine environment so that the embryos implant smoothly?

So, what kind of uterine environment does the embryonic baby like? How do you condition your uterine environment?

First of all, if you want the embryo baby to implant smoothly, the thickness of the endometrium must be reached, the ideal endometrium thickness is 8mm-12mm, if the endometrium is too thin, it will lead to the embryo can not implant smoothly, or the implantation is not stable enough, and eventually because of insufficient nutritional supply and re-free, resulting in IVF failure.

Secondly, there can be no foreign bodies in the uterus to grab the "house" with the baby, such as uterine fibroids are one of the factors affecting the success rate of test tubes, if the fibroids are large, it will hinder the implantation of the embryo, even if the implantation is successful, the fetus's activities in the womb will also be affected by fibroids, which may lead to incorrect fetal position, affect the normal development of the fetus, and improve the risk of premature birth and miscarriage.

In addition, if some patients have uterine malformations, it will also affect the success rate of IVF, and the degree of uterine malformations will also have different effects on IVF.

How to do three generations of test tubes to adjust the uterine environment so that the embryos implant smoothly?

Finally, it is also more important that patients who do IVF may have insufficient luteal secretion, in order to implant the embryo, we must supplement progesterone on time after transplantation.

It can be seen that in order for the embryonic baby to implant smoothly, the endometrium must reach a certain thickness, the size and shape of the uterus should be normal, and if the uterus has a certain disease, it will also cause the fetus to be unable to implant and affect the pregnancy rate of IVF. Ivy infants will also have a relatively low pregnancy rate in patients with uterine defects, uterine dysplasia, or severe damage to the uterus.

It is recommended that patients visit the doctor regularly, actively cooperate with treatment, and protect their uterus in daily life, avoid cold in the human body, affect uterine blood circulation, and pay attention to keeping warm. It is also necessary to actively participate in some physical training appropriately, which can also effectively improve the intrauterine environment.

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