
After 2,500 years and still under construction, why did the project in China take so long

China has a long history of thousands of years, and in this long history, each dynasty and generation has left behind its own dynasties' construction projects, some of which have gone through several generations. The Great Wall of China is the most famous representative. The Great Wall was built during the Spring and Autumn Period, but some to fight against the Xiongnu and some to defend its neighbors. After the Qin Dynasty unified the world, in order to fight against the Xiongnu, the walls built by various countries were connected together, and the prototype of the Great Wall was born. Subsequently, after various dynasties of repair, until the Ming Dynasty, the Great Wall was officially completed, and most of the Great Wall we see today was built by the Ming Dynasty.

After 2,500 years and still under construction, why did the project in China take so long

From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Ming Dynasty, the construction time of the Great Wall can be described as a long time, but in the history of China, there is another project, which was built longer than the Great Wall, and even today it is still under construction, which is the "Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal".

The "Grand Canal" was built in the late Spring and Autumn Period, when the State of Wu ordered the construction of this canal in order to conquer the Central Plains in the Northern Expedition to the State of Qi, in order to serve as a transportation channel. Since then, after the repair and expansion of successive dynasties, the scale of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has continued to grow, and its role has gradually changed, from the initial military use to commercial use. The existence of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal connected the north and south of China, making trade between the two places smoother, and thus becoming an extremely important water transportation route for various dynasties.

After 2,500 years and still under construction, why did the project in China take so long

However, the excavation of the Grand Canal is not so easy to complete, not only after the efforts of successive dynasties to have such a scale, but also in the process of construction is the loss of a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, in order to build the Grand Canal, there are countless people killed. During the Sui Dynasty, the Sui Emperor recruited millions of people to dig the Grand Canal, which led to the death of many people here, and because of this, the people's resentment boiled over, and accelerated the demise of the Sui Dynasty. Therefore, the excavation of the Grand Canal is the painstaking effort of the Chinese people of all generations, and it is a transportation channel dug out by the ancient people with their own blood and bones.

Due to the importance of the Grand Canal, almost every dynasty attached great importance to it. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the Grand Canal was excavated, and the Qin Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty made its north and south more open, communicating the development of the north and south, and thus having the prosperous scene of the Tang Dynasty. In the subsequent Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, all dynasties and generations were constantly repairing and excavating the Grand Canal, and by the time of the Qing Dynasty, the Maritime Transportation Capacity of the Grand Canal had made great progress. After the founding of New China, the state paid more attention to the excavation of the Grand Canal, the south-to-north water diversion, and the scope of the canal have been developed on the basis of the original, and the governance of the Grand Canal has never slackened.

After 2,500 years and still under construction, why did the project in China take so long

To this day, the water conservancy project of the Grand Canal is still under construction, this project built from the Spring and Autumn Period to the present is still not completed, the Grand Canal is a building that crosses China's history, is a symbol of the wisdom and spirit of the Chinese people, and the vast number of Chinese people are creating another great miracle in the history of the world with their own hands.

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