
In 581 AD, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian put an end to centuries of division and established the Sui Dynasty.

author:Min Min said gossip

In 581 AD, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian ended centuries of division, unified China, and established the Sui Dynasty. The reign of Emperor Wen of Sui not only saw the reunification of the empire, but also ushered in a series of reforms aimed at strengthening centralization and promoting socio-economic development. The internal power struggles within the Sui dynasty were equally fierce, especially over the succession of the crown prince. Yang Jian's eldest son, Yang Yong, was originally the crown prince and was highly anticipated, but over time, his parents' perception of him changed, and behind this change were complex family and political dynamics and the contradictions of human nature.

In 581 AD, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian put an end to centuries of division and established the Sui Dynasty.

As the night fell, Queen Dugu was slowly reading the letter under the light, and the expression on her face was complicated. This is a secret report about the latest move of the crown prince Yang Yong. Queen Dugu sighed, her heart full of disappointment. She and Emperor Wen of Sui, Yang Jian, had high hopes for Yang Yong, but now, everything seems to be quietly changing.

"Yong'er, why are you doing this?" Queen Dugu muttered to herself.

Yang Yong's life was full of luxury, in stark contrast to the frugal simplicity that his father admired. Once, Yang Yong held a grand banquet in the palace, gold plates and silver plates, delicacies, and music, Yang Yong's laughter spread throughout the palace.

In 581 AD, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian put an end to centuries of division and established the Sui Dynasty.

"Queen Mother, there is nothing to do in the court, I just have a small gathering with my brothers to relieve my worries." Yang Yong explained to Queen Dugu.

But Queen Dugu's brows were tightly locked, and she knew that behind this was more of a manifestation of Yang Yong's desire for power. And what disappointed Queen Dugu and Emperor Wen of Sui even more was Yang Yong's attitude towards his wife Yuan. Yuan, the daughter of the general of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, was supposed to be a role model for the crown princess, but was snubbed by Yang Yong, who spent more time with a woman named "Yun Girl".

"Yong'er, you are destroying your future!" Queen Dugu cried out in pain in the depths of her heart.

In 581 AD, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian put an end to centuries of division and established the Sui Dynasty.

On the other hand, Yang Yong's younger brother Yang Guang behaved very differently. His residence was simple and his life was frugal, and whenever Emperor Wen of Sui inspected, he could always see Yang Guang diligently studying scriptures or handling government affairs.

"Father, I only want to be accompanied by books day and night and lead by example." Yang Guang said humbly.

Emperor Wen of Sui nodded secretly in his heart, becoming more and more satisfied with Yang Guang's performance. Yang Guang not only showed his diligence and thrift in front of his father, but also skillfully won the favor of Queen Dugu. He often accompanied Queen Dugu to talk about state affairs, showing his concern and respect for his mother.

In 581 AD, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian put an end to centuries of division and established the Sui Dynasty.

Yang Yong's behavior finally caused great dissatisfaction among Emperor Wen of Sui. Once, when Emperor Wen of Sui was walking in the imperial garden of the imperial palace, he happened to hear the laughter of Yang Yong and Miss Yun in the garden, and the anger in his heart couldn't help but be ignited.

"Yong'er, as the crown prince, you should lead by example, how can you indulge in the joy of dogs and horses?" Emperor Wen of Sui asked coldly.

Yang Yong's face changed, he didn't expect his father to appear here and now. He stammered and replied, "Father, my sons and daughters are greedy for fun for a while, and they will definitely correct it in the future." ”

In 581 AD, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian put an end to centuries of division and established the Sui Dynasty.

Emperor Wen of Sui's heart was cold, he turned around and left, leaving a cold sentence: "The position of the prince is not child's play, you can do it yourself." ”

As the incidents occurred one after another, Yang Yong's behavior became more and more indulgent, and Yang Guang took the opportunity to show his loyalty and ability, and gradually occupied an important position in the heart of Emperor Wen of Sui. Eventually, Yang Yong was deposed as a concubine in 600 AD and exiled to the outskirts, while Yang Guang was made the new crown prince, a decision that caused great shocks both inside and outside the court.

After his exile, Yang Yong lived a turbulent life, and he went from a prince with supreme glory to a commoner who was almost ignored, and his fate was closely related to the power struggle of the Sui Dynasty. Soon after Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, Emperor Wen of Sui died, and Yang Guang ascended the throne as Emperor Yang of Sui, opening a new era, but it was also the beginning of the Sui Dynasty's transformation from prosperity to decline.

In 581 AD, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian put an end to centuries of division and established the Sui Dynasty.

History is a mirror that reflects the brilliance and darkness of human nature. The story of Yang Yong and Yang Guang is not only a power struggle between brothers, but also an interweaving of personality and fate. Although Yang Yong was born in the emperor's family, because of his personal indulgence and short-sightedness, he became a tragedy in his life. Although Yang Guang eventually ascended to the throne as emperor, he did not escape the curse of power, which led to the further division of the country. All of this reminds us that the power of introspection and self-discipline is indispensable for continuous improvement, both in the long course of history and in the path of personal growth. History, on the other hand, always likes to let people witness cause and effect in reincarnation in its own unique way.

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