
The straw that crushed Chiang Kai-shek, Dewey, who had a huge advantage, why did he lose to Truman in the end?

author:Min Min said gossip

In 1945, as the dust settled on World War II, the global political map ushered in a drastic change. The United States and the Soviet Union, two wartime allies, quickly transformed into Cold War adversaries because of their vast ideological differences. In this new international landscape, the United States urgently needed to find reliable allies in Asia to contain Soviet expansion. China, a country that showed great combat power in the War of Resistance Against Japan, naturally became the first choice of the United States. The Kuomintang government in China at that time, with its anti-communist stance, was highly consistent with the ideology of the United States, so it gained high hopes from the United States.

The straw that crushed Chiang Kai-shek, Dewey, who had a huge advantage, why did he lose to Truman in the end?

In 1948, on the stage of the general election in the United States, an unexpected behind-the-scenes role was quietly exerting force, he was Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Chinese Kuomintang. How could this leader, who is far away on the other side of the Pacific, be inextricably linked to the US election? It all started with the delicate relationship between the Kuomintang and the United States.

The straw that crushed Chiang Kai-shek, Dewey, who had a huge advantage, why did he lose to Truman in the end?

At that time, the Kuomintang government was in the midst of internal and external troubles. Internally, the Communist Party is growing in strength; Externally, U.S. economic and military assistance is needed to maintain combat power. Chiang Kai-shek knew very well that if he could support a candidate who was friendly to China in the US general election, it would undoubtedly be a relief for the Kuomintang.

Chiang Kai-shek then set his sights on the Republican candidate, Thomas Dewey, a politician who had shown a strong anti-communist stance in the caucuses. In a secret meeting, Chiang Kai-shek told his cronies: "We need a firm ally, and Mr. Dewey's position is exactly what I want." ”

The straw that crushed Chiang Kai-shek, Dewey, who had a huge advantage, why did he lose to Truman in the end?

In the summer of 1948, Chiang Kai-shek ordered his diplomatic team to secretly contact Dewey's campaign, made a large number of political contributions, and built momentum for Dewey through various channels in China. According to a Kuomintang official who participated in the meeting, Chiang Kai-shek personally said: "We must prove by our actions that our choice is correct." ”

What Chiang Kai-shek did not expect was that the United States did not buy his move. The U.S. government and the public complained about the corruption and inefficiency of the Kuomintang government, and this dissatisfaction gradually affected the perception of Dewey. In an internal discussion, U.S. Secretary of State Marshall told Truman: "Mr. Chiang Kai-shek may have misjudged the situation, and we cannot allow the preferences of foreign leaders to influence our decision-making." ”

The straw that crushed Chiang Kai-shek, Dewey, who had a huge advantage, why did he lose to Truman in the end?

As the campaign reached its climax, polls showed an unexpected rise in Truman's approval ratings. On a rainy night, Truman spoke passionately at a rally in Missouri, saying, "We want a just government, a government that represents the American people, not foreign interests." ”

In the end, when the election results were announced, Truman won by a narrow margin, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to Chiang Kai-shek. He didn't say anything for a long time after receiving the news, but took a deep breath and pondered for a long time.

The straw that crushed Chiang Kai-shek, Dewey, who had a huge advantage, why did he lose to Truman in the end?

Truman's victory marked Chiang Kai-shek's complete loss in this bet. Although he tried to gain more support and resources for the KMT by influencing the U.S. election, his plan failed due to antipathy and resistance from many sides. The results of this election were not only a personal blow to Chiang Kai-shek, but also a major test of the Kuomintang's international status.

The straw that crushed Chiang Kai-shek, Dewey, who had a huge advantage, why did he lose to Truman in the end?

With the ascension of Truman, the US policy toward China has also begun to quietly change, and it is more from a strategic perspective to examine and balance Sino-US relations. Chiang Kai-shek and his government gradually felt the pressure and demands from the United States, and this change heralded the marginalization of the Kuomintang in the international arena.

The straw that crushed Chiang Kai-shek, Dewey, who had a huge advantage, why did he lose to Truman in the end?

The wheels of history roll forward, and every decision has the potential to leave a lasting impact in the future. Chiang Kai-shek's gamble, an attempt to manipulate elections far overseas, reflects the struggle and helplessness of a leader in despair. His actions remind us that the political arena is far more complex and changeable than it seems. True leadership is not only about seizing the moment, but also about understanding the limitations and respecting the trends of history. In this eternal history, every choice is like a pebble, and the ripples caused by the investment sometimes affect the unexpected shore.

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