
Striving for a hundred years of road to set sail for a new journey| Changxing County, Zhejiang Province: the transmutation of old industrial zones

Street lights with photovoltaic panels on main roads, electric vehicle charging piles in parking lots, new energy bus stations on the streets that are convenient for people to travel... On December 9, the reporter walked into the new energy town of Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, where the elements of green life can be seen everywhere, and a low-carbon life demonstration area of production, life and ecological "three-life integration" is taking shape.

Who would have thought that this innovative town was transformed into an old industrial area. The key lies in the local rectification of industrial inefficient land as the starting point to promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

Rectify inefficient land and promote industrial upgrading

The predecessor of Changxing New Energy Town is Changxing County Huaxi Industrial Park. The park, developed in 1997, covers an area of 6.9 square kilometers. With the changes in the market, the development of the park has gradually fallen into difficulties. "Miscellaneous industries, low taxes per mu." The relevant person in charge of the Huaxi Subdistrict Office described the situation before 2016.

At that time, the traditional industries such as textile, refractory and machinery in the park accounted for a relatively heavy weight, and "low scattered" enterprises such as marble processing and tile sanitary ware sales were gathered in large quantities, and only tiles, sanitary ware and other shop warehouses reached 180, covering an area of 380 acres, with a storage area of 173,400 square meters. "There are 91 inefficient enterprises in the whole park, covering an area of 1,119 mu, and the average tax revenue per mu is only 15,100 yuan." The person in charge introduced.

In January 2016, the new energy town with a planned area of 3.3 square kilometers was shortlisted for the second batch of characteristic towns in Zhejiang Province. Changxing County took this opportunity to increase the rectification of heavy pollution and high energy consumption industries, comprehensively rectify "low scattered" enterprises and non-leading industries, focus on vacating processing enterprises such as marble, waste silk, waste plastics, manhole covers, etc., shut down 53 marble processing enterprises, 3 glazed tile production enterprises, 5 waste wire processing enterprises, and 9 waste plastic processing enterprises, accumulating more than 25,000 square meters of plant area.

"We have implemented the special action of land disposal of low-efficiency land 'five un'(approval but not supply, supply but not use, use but not exhausted, construction but not investment, investment and not standards) land disposal, formulated 'one enterprise, one policy', adopted measures such as 'cleaning, rectification, reconstruction, and upgrading', and accelerated the disposal of 61 cases of more than 1132 mu of land." According to the relevant person in charge of the Changxing County Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, through the adoption of effective measures, 19 enterprises were forced to withdraw and 7 enterprises were closed according to law, and a total of 289.5 mu of land was vacated and revitalized.

The remediation of inefficient land in Changxing County has also promoted the active upgrading and transformation of enterprises. There are 30 enterprises in the park that have identified a technical transformation plan with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan, involving a land area of nearly 584 mu, accounting for 56.7% of all industrial inefficient land.

Focus on new energy to activate development potential

By promoting the special action of "five unturned" land disposal, the land vacated by the park provides space for the development of characteristic industries in new energy towns.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Huaxi Street Office, in the past few years, the new energy town has closely followed the leading industry to select businesses to attract investment, relying on a number of leading enterprises in the field of new energy, focusing on leading industries such as new batteries, new energy vehicles and their key components, solar thermal photovoltaic three leading industries and new materials and other advantageous industries as the characteristics of the "3 + X" leading industrial system.

At present, there are 350 enterprises settled in the new energy town, of which 79 are above designated size. In 2020, the industrial output value of Huaxi Street will reach 9.4 billion yuan, and the new energy town will account for 90% of it; at the same time, the average annual tax revenue of the new energy town will increase to 280,000 yuan. The person in charge said.

This difficult and gorgeous transformation has won support and affirmation from many parties. In September 2019, Changxing New Energy Town was officially named a provincial-level characteristic town by the Zhejiang Provincial Government.

Nowadays, with the goal of building China's new energy R&D and innovation pilot zone, new energy industry cluster agglomeration demonstration area, new energy product concentration display area, new energy low-carbon life experience area and national AAA-level tourist attractions, the new energy town has been successfully selected as the creation list of Changxing New Energy Equipment High-tech Industrial Park and High-tech Characteristic Town; relying on the advantages of new energy industry agglomeration, using carriers such as Huaxi Wisdom Entrepreneurship Valley and "City Living Room", it has successfully created a provincial science and technology incubator, a co-creation space, Industrial innovation service complex and green battery industry innovation center.

Adhere to the "integration of three lives" to create a green life

As the only characteristic town in Zhejiang Province named after "new energy", Changxing New Energy Town actively plays a leading role in demonstration, creating a low-carbon life demonstration area with "three-life integration" of production, life and ecology, and creating a green production and living environment for enterprises and residents.

Low-carbon life demonstration zones require corresponding infrastructure. In cooperation with Hangzhou Aoneng Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Huaxi Street took the lead in building 37 electric vehicle charging piles in street offices, party and mass service centers, etc., which led cadres and surrounding masses to actively purchase new energy vehicles. In order to promote green shared travel, more than 1,600 solar street lights have been installed in Huaxi Street, 16 green bus stations and 29 shared electric bicycle spots have been set up, basically achieving full coverage of new energy towns.

Low-carbon life demonstration zones also need demonstration technologies with leading roles. Huaxi Street signed an agreement with Zhejiang Yangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. to install 800 square meters of solar panels on the top of the street office building. This move eliminates the concerns of enterprises and the public about the safety of rooftop PV projects. At present, Changxing New Energy Town has built a solar photovoltaic power generation roof of more than 100,000 square meters.

The "urban living room" put into use at the end of 2019 is a typical demonstration of low-carbon life in Changxing New Energy Town. With a total land area of 21,000 square meters, this "urban living room" integrates a new energy science popularization experience hall, a tourist reception center, a comprehensive cultural station, and a provincial new energy industry innovation service complex. The relevant person in charge of the Huaxi Street Office told reporters that the building adopts a distributed photovoltaic building integrated power generation system, and the roof partition can be adjusted according to the weather and light changes, saving energy while ensuring warm winter and cool summer, and solar energy can also be used to produce hot water and improve basement lighting. The excess electricity generated by rooftop photovoltaics can also be integrated into the grid, generating green revenue.

On the basis of the low-carbon life demonstration area, the exploration of Changxing New Energy Town has gone further, that is, nearly zero emissions.

In March 2018, Changxing County's Huaxi New Energy Near-Zero Carbon Emission Park became a pilot project of the Near-Zero Carbon Emission Park in Zhejiang Province, which is located in the core area of the new energy town and is the only park in the province to become the pilot. In recent years, the new energy town has promoted the construction of near-zero carbon emission projects, and established a carbon emission accounting system and a low-carbon operation management system. "In 2020, the carbon emissions of industrial added value above unit size will be less than 0.2 tons of carbon dioxide / 10,000 yuan, and the carbon emissions per unit of regional GDP will be less than 0.15 tons of carbon dioxide / 10,000 yuan." The person in charge said.

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i Natural All Media

Special correspondent: Li Feng

Correspondent: Zhu Ziqiang, Liu Chensheng

Editor: Cao Yueni Zheng Yanan

Review: Lan Shengwei

Review: Zhao Xiaotao

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