
The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

Since the "918" incident, anti-Japanese organizations in our country have begun to emerge, and all kinds of heroes and heroes have shown their magic in order to win great victories for the Chinese nation.

However, since war is accompanied by sacrifice, although the Communists have studied the way of using soldiers, the harsh environment and backward weapons have become the two major shackles restricting our army, and in order to break free from the shackles and win victory, countless heroes and martyrs in the War of Resistance Against Japan have paid the price of their lives.

Among them, the Red 14th Army suffered a major defeat in the War of Resistance, in the final engagement they fought with all their strength against the enemy, with their lives to compose the last tragic history of the Red 14th Army, the entire army was almost completely destroyed in the battle, and 3 of the soldiers who survived by chance became high-ranking officials.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

Young team

Compared with other teams under the Communist Party, the Red 14th Army is a young army, and the vitality of this army has brought them the momentum to fight on the battlefield, but it has also made them pay a painful price for their recklessness.

After 1928, the people gradually woke up, and the peasant revolts in the Jiangsu region broke out many times, and each movement was like an earthquake, waking some ignorant people from their drowsiness, and more and more people took up guns to join the ranks of defending the country.

The consciousness of the poor and lower-middle-class peasants in the Tonghai area gradually awakened, and many young people were no longer busy with the hard-working life in front of them, and they poured into the guerrilla ranks of the Red Army and took up arms to fight against the Japanese invaders.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

In this way, the local Red Army team grew rapidly, and the First Brigade of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Jiangsu and the Rutai Workers' and Peasants' Red Army were established one after another.

This rapidly developing contingent soon attracted the attention of the Central Committee, and at the end of January 1930, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee began to intervene, hoping to ride this wave of awakening to build a capable army for the Communist Party.

Through the "Circular on Establishing and Expanding the Work of the Red Army to Party Departments in Various Localities" and the "Letter of Instructions from the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee to comrades in Taixing and Rugao Counties", the Red Army in Jiangsu received systematic training and organization, and this also laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the Red 14th Army.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

In February of the same year, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China officially announced the establishment of the 14th Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in the Jiangsu region, and appointed He Kun as the commander of the Red 14th Army.

The Red 14th Army's history alone differs from many anti-Japanese troops in Chinese history, when the anti-Japanese detachments blossomed everywhere on Chinese soil, but among them, there was only one Red 14th Army in the Jiangsu region that could be recognized by the central government as a formal armed force in the central sequence.

In addition, he Kun, the military commander appointed by the central government, also has a background that is not simple. Many of the generals of the Chinese Red Army were born in mud-legged, but He Kun was different, graduating from the Whampoa Military Academy and receiving an orthodox military education.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

However, belonging to the "Whampoa family", he was not absorbed by the Kuomintang troops, and in 1926, under the call of responsibility and dreams, He Kun joined the Communist Party of China.

Since then, he has become an active activist in the front line of the War of Resistance, when He Kun had not yet entered the battlefield, but he was already skilled in leading peasant rebellions, and at that time, he had already shown a talent for leading troops to fight.

In December 1926, a large-scale uprising broke out in Guangzhou, and unlike the students who shouted loudly in the streets, He Kun led a peasant army to cooperate with the city's rebel army to frequently defeat the Kuomintang troops.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

However, in the end, because of the suppression of strength, the troops led by He Kun were eventually defeated, and he himself was unfortunately captured, after escaping from prison by chance, He Kun recuperated in a hospital bed for a whole month before returning to the public's vision, but even after experiencing such tribulations, He Kun resolutely embarked on the road of resistance against Japan.

Try the bull knife

After the establishment of a new army, the commander always hoped to be able to fight a few battles when the momentum of the soldiers was high, and He Kun naturally thought the same thing.

Although the Suzhou region of China was still in the depths of the water at that time, it seemed inappropriate to pull up an army with such a huge momentum and disappear without doing something, so He Kun decided to lead the Red 14th Army to attack Tiger Village.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

The Red 14th Army is not integrated from the previous team, and many people in this team have just joined the army, and their knowledge and experience in combat can be said to be ignorant.

For such a team, a simple opponent should be chosen as the object of accumulation of experience at the beginning, but the opponent he Kun chose seems to be completely inconsistent with this law.

At that time, in addition to the Japanese invaders who did nothing wrong in dividing the Chinese land, there were also those who wanted to be a powerful and blessed ruler on the heads of the Chinese people, and Tiger Zhuang was under the control of Fu Qiu, the advocate of the land.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

This landlord has been living in this place for many years, and he has colluded with the Kuomintang troops to commit evil with his power and power, and the people living here have long hated this big landlord.

In mid-April 1930, He Kun led the Red 14th Army to sneak into Wujiazhuang at night, which was very close to Tiger Village, but the consciousness of the residents was very high.

As an old base area of the Red Army, the villagers here have long regarded the Communist forces as their own children's troops, and the news of the arrival of the Red 14th Army has been blocked by the villagers very well, and there is no leakage of any wind.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

At that time, the Kuomintang Central Committee issued an order to the local troops, requiring nine counties in Jiangbei, including Tongru and Haitai, to complete the plan to suppress the Communists within april, but the Kuomintang troops stationed here did not pay attention to the Communists at all.

Here Zhang Fuqiu and the Kuomintang troops can be said to be in a state of mutual protection, the Kuomintang soldiers help Zhang Fuqiu to guard the surroundings, and Zhang Fuqiu in turn relies on his own strength to suppress the local riots, in the eyes of the Kuomintang, under the suppression of such a combination, the Communist Party has no room for survival.

Therefore, on the morning of the 16th, the Kuomintang officers stationed in Tiger Village did not think at all that they would really encounter the Red Army when these dozen people came to Wujiazhuang to "sweep up."

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

These dozen or so people rode a few tall horses on their toes, with a show-off look in their eyebrows, but who knows how far they did not go before they stepped into the cordon of the Red 14th Army.

Under He Kun's order, the sound of gunfire quickly sounded in all directions, the battalion commander led by the enemy was frightened and rolled off his horse, and the surrounding villagers rushed out to assist the Red 14th Army in battle after hearing the gunshots.

Battle of Tiger Village

The mood of the masses to overthrow Zhang Fuqiu was urgent, and in just one morning, tens of thousands of people gathered around the Red 14th Army, shouting the slogan of "Attack Tiger Zhuang and Capture Zhang Fuqiu alive", while on the other side, He Kun was leading the officials in the team to a meeting for consultation.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

In this action, the masses showed a very high enthusiasm for the war of resistance, and the organization believed that such enthusiasm was extremely valuable and should not be easily disappointed.

In addition, Tiger Village was the central hub of the anti-Japanese guerrilla zone, and if Tiger Village could be successfully taken, the influence of the Red Army would be greatly enhanced, so He Kun and others unanimously decided to attack Tiger Village.

However, He Kun only saw the advantages of capturing Tiger Zhuang, but they failed to correctly assess the gap between the two armies in this battle, and the unit under He Kun's command could be said to be almost all new soldiers, and it was difficult to attack such an easy to defend and difficult to attack position.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

Tiger Village is surrounded by ravines, and in addition to Zhang Fuqiu's own troops, there is also a squadron under the Kuomintang, in addition, Tiger Village is not an isolated position, there are four villages around it to echo it, it can be said that if it is not well prepared, the hasty attack is undoubtedly sending death.

On the night of May 14, the Red 14th Army surrounded Tiger Village under the cover of night, and the battle against Tiger Village officially began.

The battle was difficult, in order to be able to break through the enemy's fire suppression, He Kun stepped on the shoulders of the soldiers to strafe the enemy's positions, trying to exchange a breakthrough for his comrades in this way, but this behavior also exposed him to the enemy's guns, and finally died of excessive bloodshed.

The fall of the Red 14th Army: The commander stood on the shoulders of the soldiers and strafed, and 3 of the survivors were high-ranking officers

Although the Red 14th Army is a new recruit with little experience, but the courage on the battlefield is not lost to the veterans who have been in the battlefield for a long time, Tiger Zhuang was once almost breached by them, but unfortunately the enemy reinforcements have appeared not far away, in order to preserve the strength, the Red 14th Army finally chose to withdraw.

brief summary:

The main reason for the defeat of the Red 14th Army in this battle was that it did not correctly assess the gap in strength between the enemy and our side, and it went to war with the enemy only on the basis of the support and enthusiasm of the masses, which also made this young contingent pay a terrible price, and the main leaders of the entire army were almost all heroic.

However, there were still some people who survived, and Zhang Aiping, who came out of the Red 14th Army, was awarded the rank of general when the people's republic of China was founded, and later became minister of national defense and vice premier; Comrade Huang Huoqing became the chief procurator of the Supreme People's Procuratorate after the founding of the people's republic; Comrade Liu Ruilong served as vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture of the new China, secretary of the party organization, and other positions, and enjoyed the treatment of the party at the ministerial level.

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