
Yunnan painter Zhong Bo: a diverse painter who constantly innovates and changes

Zhong Bo's art studio is located in the university town of Chenggong District, Kunming, and paintings can be seen everywhere at the entrance. The curtains are drawn, the sun shines into the room, and the daily life of a painter begins.

Zhong Bo in the studio, dressed in a denim coat, a long black curly hair, the whole person exudes a strong artistic temperament, he does not say much, only when talking about painting is excited.

Zhong Bo currently lives and works in Kunming, and is currently a member of the China Artists Association, the Yunnan Artists Association, the Special Painter of the Yunnan National Painting Institute, and the Kunming Artists Association.

Yunnan painter Zhong Bo: a diverse painter who constantly innovates and changes

Painter Zhong Bo

In recent years, his artistic activities have been frequently featured in and outside the province, and he has continuously demonstrated his extraordinary artistic strength and creativity in the form of personal exhibitions, and his works have won many awards and been collected by professional institutions and collectors.

Being far from the world, not loving sociability, liking to be quiet, this is the label on him. Relative to the arrogance of his personality, his art is very diverse. He told reporters that his painting art has gone through the stages of image expression painting, folklore heavy color, folk ink painting, modern ink painting, contemporary oil painting, and contemporary ink painting. The ink freehand grape runs through his various artistic stages. This is also the only preservation and inheritance of his traditional freehand painting, and it is a landscape that has been continued by his special love for grapes and allegories.

Ink freehand grapes pay attention to the fusion of traditional freehand and oil painting light and color, virtual and real treatment, coupled with his own unique expression methods, the grapes are full and vivid, crystal clear, and the picture is filled with a pastoral lyrical meaning.

Yunnan painter Zhong Bo: a diverse painter who constantly innovates and changes

In Zhong Bo's studio, admiring the grape paintings, it is as if you are in a vineyard and smell the ripe honey. Looking around, ink freehand grapes, with their skillful pen and ink skills and unique artistic freehand expression techniques, make their works unique and unique.

"The sense of light, color and flowing lines blend together like a cheerful, rhythmic symphony." Zhong Bo said that when he saw the grapes, he felt that when he saw the mountains and fields, he felt that he saw the prosperity and harvest of summer, and he saw the brilliance and sweetness; the grapes that were dense and dense, half green and half purple were refreshing, joyful, and let people feel the aesthetic pleasure and charm.

For more than 30 years, Zhong Bo has changed from sincerity to obsession with painting, and from obsession to sincerity, showing that the diversity of his works is overwhelming.

Now Zhong Bo seems to be closer to life and close to nature. Through the windows of his studio, you can see lush woods, blue skies, white clouds and distant mountains. His work is more like a poem than a painting.

In the painting "Autumn Colors Fluttering", the autumn clouds float lightly above the mountain, and the picture permeates the thick, childish and pure pastoral spiritual connotation.

Yunnan painter Zhong Bo: a diverse painter who constantly innovates and changes

In the works of "Starry Sky", it depicts a distant and quiet night, the transparent sky shines with fairytale stars, the earth sleeps, and the peaks are solemn. Under the illumination of the starlight, the mountain is like a huge living body, reborn in the undulating ups and downs. The dreamy night sky, the thick and mysterious ink mountains, bring people into a peaceful and mysterious night.

Yunnan painter Zhong Bo: a diverse painter who constantly innovates and changes

Compared with outdoor sketching, he prefers to feel the magic of nature with his heart, and then return to the studio to draw his feelings on paper, which is a long-lost freedom to express desire.

In Zhong Bo's view, the art of painting brings people not only the pleasure of the senses, but also shock, enlightenment, association, motivation and thinking about life. Only such works have the value of appreciation and collection.

In Zhong Bo's artistic career, art is diverse. He insists on exploring and innovating on traditional rice paper, attaches importance to tradition and advocates the expansion and expression of contemporary visual language in painting, and tries to break through between the inner image of the mind and the external image of reality, and find all kinds of possibilities for art. In his view, contemporary and traditional, oil painting and Chinese painting, pastoral and reality, sadness and happiness, can be freely transformed, integrated and regulated. This is the source of his artistic vitality that can continue to expand.

"Life is so complex and wonderful, brilliant and colorful. I'm not going to stick to one style of painting for the rest of my life. The meaning of life is to constantly break through yourself, gain unlimited freedom and inexhaustible creative inspiration. Zhong Bo said.

Yunnan network reporter Liu Chang

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