
A group of people who remained in China after Japan's surrender? 20,000 Japanese troops hid in the Changbai Mountains, and have not been seen so far

In modern times, China encountered aggression by Western powers and signed various unequal treaties, but why China hates Japan the most is Japan. At that time, only Japan did inhumane things to the Chinese people, violating the laws of war and massacring the Chinese people on a large scale. In the case of Japanese Unit 731, a large number of Northeastern compatriots were mutilated, injecting viruses into their bodies and studying bacteriological weapons. When the documentary was exposed at that time, it caused an uproar all over the world. After the defeat of the Nanjing Defense War, Japan began the Nanjing Massacre, which lasted for more than 40 days, killing 300,000 people. In a war of resistance against Japan, China's cumulative death of 35 million soldiers and civilians.

A group of people who remained in China after Japan's surrender? 20,000 Japanese troops hid in the Changbai Mountains, and have not been seen so far

The Japanese occupied large areas of China, invaded the northeast to establish the puppet state of Manchukuo, and finally targeted areas such as North China and Shanghai, and was expected to occupy all of China in three months. In the Lugou Bridge Incident, the Sino-Japanese War broke out in an all-round way and became one of the important battlefields against fascism. The Soviet Union then formally joined the war against Japan, providing china with a large amount of weapons and equipment and military resources. The Soviet Union defeated the puppet Manchurian government in the northeast region, and Japan, which needed supplies, took the risk and sneaked into Pearl Harbor of the United States, pulling the United States into the battle. Japan, which was caught between the three sides, was defeated and launched the Jade Crushing Project, which was eventually pacified by two American atomic bombs.

A group of people who remained in China after Japan's surrender? 20,000 Japanese troops hid in the Changbai Mountains, and have not been seen so far

The fighting in Germany on April 30, 1945, ended once and for all after Hitler shot himself, and the fascist regime came to an end. After 14 years of hard work, China finally drove the invading Japanese army out of China, and Japan, which was initially stubborn and recalcitrant, also announced its surrender on August 15, 1945, ending World War II.

A group of people who remained in China after Japan's surrender? 20,000 Japanese troops hid in the Changbai Mountains, and have not been seen so far

After Japan's surrender, there were still a number of diehards who were unwilling to accept defeat, and when other Japanese troops withdrew, they still insisted on staying in China. 20,000 Japanese troops hid in the Changbai Mountains and waited for the Japanese to make a comeback before continuing to fight. In order to find them, China has sent teams to search for them many times, but there is still no trace of them, whether they are living people or corpses, and they have not been seen so far.

A group of people who remained in China after Japan's surrender? 20,000 Japanese troops hid in the Changbai Mountains, and have not been seen so far

There is also a lot of speculation about where the Japanese soldiers ended up, some people think that the environment of Changbai Mountain is cold, the climate is harsh, and as the Japanese army's supplies are getting less and less, they eventually starved to death in the mountains and were eaten by wild beasts. It is also believed that they were absorbed by the Kuomintang and returned to Japan after Chiang Kai-shek's defeat. But no matter how you speculate, decades have passed, and even if they really stay in Changbai Mountain, they are already just old people with broken candles, and the only thing waiting for them is death.

A group of people who remained in China after Japan's surrender? 20,000 Japanese troops hid in the Changbai Mountains, and have not been seen so far

No matter what they expect, the Second World War is over, they have no chance to make any more contributions to their country, and China has developed and will no longer be bullied by anyone. Whether it is military or economic power, we are no longer afraid, and we do not want war. Countries that have experienced world wars are hungry for peace, and the current inhabitants of Japan do not want to see war happen again. We will not retaliate because we have a benevolent heart, but what Japan has done cannot be forgiven by us, and only those who are entitled to forgive are those who have died in the military and civilians. What we can do is to face our relations with a peaceful but inoffensive heart, and we must always remember the shame of the past.

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