
Growing up is anti-human, doing the hard and right thing

author:Jiang Qingbai

Have you found yourself doing something you don't want to do, but it's better for growth? For example, going to bed early and getting up early is good for the body, but everyone habitually stays up late, drowsy during the day, and chases dramas at night.

Although there is nothing important, I am still reluctant to go to bed early.

Today we will talk about the growth of this thing, I will introduce the development logic of growth from three points. They are the definition of growth, the right way to grow, and how to achieve rapid growth.

What is growth?

A person's growth is divided into two aspects, namely physical growth and psychological growth.

Physical growth, we can intuitively feel, such as growing taller and fatter, becoming stronger and so on.

Psychological growth is the most imperceptible place, but also the place that needs the most attention.

When we talk about a person, when evaluating the other person, we often relate to whether the person is mature, and the maturity here is whether it is psychologically mature.

Some people are not very old, but they speak in an orderly manner, do things crisply, and make people feel safe and secure, which is a manifestation of psychological maturity and the result of tempering in things over time.

I have a friend who sometimes takes special care of my friend's feelings.

When eating, he will book the restaurant in advance, remember the taste of each friend, and what does he like to eat? What don't you like to eat? He knows if there are any taboos, and he can always make people feel happy when eating.

If there are so many people who eat, he will try his best to take care of everyone's feelings to avoid leaving anyone behind, and if a friend needs help, he will also be happy to help.

A lot of people are willing to make friends with him, and now he runs a studio with a very objective income.

If we're okay, we'll talk about something together.

What is the right way to grow?

I posted an article about the 35-year-old last night and got a lot of feedback from readers.

Some people have just lost their jobs, and some people worry about their 35 years old, both of which are uncertainties about the boundaries of their abilities.

Competency boundaries refer to the scope of work that one's existing competencies are capable of. For example, you are very good at writing character manuscripts, you can be competent as an editor, a profession of new media writing, but if you can only write, then editing is your ability boundary.

Until the age of 35, we are faced with two choices, one is to devote ourselves to work, and the other is to explore our own second curve, and this contradictory concept has been throughout our work.

If we want to avoid such contradictions, we must choose work that has long-term value for us and can produce compound interest.

For example, writing does not bring me a stable income in the short term, but in the long run, my development space is unlimited, I can write very good articles, I can be an editor, I can be a writer, and I can also be a teacher to guide others to write new media articles.

There is never a shortage of screw work in the world, screw work will eventually be replaced by machines, and the right way to grow is to do high-value creative work and bring yourself long-term satisfaction.

How to achieve rapid growth?

Everyone's growth stage is different, but the underlying logic of growth is the same, and they all need to overcome their own nature and do difficult and correct things.

Our brain is very lazy, as soon as the brain is moved, it will be sleepy, and when it encounters difficulties, it will retreat, which is the original mechanism of our brain.

For example, writing is important to us. When you first want to write with a pen, the brain will signal not to write, too tired, and if we accept its instructions, we will give up this behavior.

The first thing you want to do to achieve your own rapid growth is to overcome your own nature, and when your brain sends a signal, ask yourself why you don't do it.

Ask yourself this often, your mobility will increase, and you will have a deeper understanding of yourself.

Strengthen your beliefs in the process of action, let yourself do the right thing, and emphasize that this thing is very important, it is easy to do, and over time, you will obviously feel that you have changed.

Today's article is written here, hoping to inspire you.

I am Jiang Qingbai dedicated to lifelong reading growth writing, pay attention to me, there is always a book, an article can help you.

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