
China lost and regained land after 1 year, equivalent to 5 Japan, and now found 10 billion tons of oil

China lost and regained land after 1 year, equivalent to 5 Japan, and now found 10 billion tons of oil

In China's millions of square kilometers of land, many territories have been lost and recovered in history, the most representative of which are: the three eastern provinces, Lushun, Xinjiang and other places, and among these lost and recovered lands, Xinjiang is undoubtedly the largest, its area is equivalent to 5 Japan. But in China's history, Xinjiang was almost taken away by others, and in the end, under the unremitting efforts of the ancestors, it was finally able to return to the embrace of the motherland, and what we want to talk about is about Xinjiang, a feng shui treasure land with rich mineral resources.

China lost and regained land after 1 year, equivalent to 5 Japan, and now found 10 billion tons of oil

The moon rises from the heavenly mountains, between the vast clouds and the sea. The long wind is tens of thousands of miles, blowing the jade gate off. Such a magnificent scenery, presumably people who have been to Xinjiang have had this feeling. As a land closely related to the Central Plains since ancient times, Xinjiang not only has beautiful scenery, but also its customs and customs are beautiful, in the grassland where cattle and sheep are chased, herders are not only hospitable, but also able to sing and dance, and because of the simple folk customs, it is quite favored by tourists from all over the world. And in the vast land of Xinjiang, 20.8 billion tons of oil resources have been found.

China lost and regained land after 1 year, equivalent to 5 Japan, and now found 10 billion tons of oil

However, it is only the special geographical location of Xinjiang and the abundance of various resources that have made it almost become the territory of other countries due to the decline of national strength in China's history. During the Han Dynasty in China, Xinjiang had been included in the jurisdiction, but with the turmoil of the Central Plains Dynasty, Xinjiang was far from the Chinese mainland, so that the rulers of the Central Plains Dynasty always lacked the importance of this land, and eventually fell into the hands of others. During the Qing Dynasty, Xinjiang once again became China's inherent territory.

China lost and regained land after 1 year, equivalent to 5 Japan, and now found 10 billion tons of oil

However, with the slow decline of the Qing Dynasty's national strength, the Western powers began to invade China and wantonly burned and plundered Chinese soil, at this time, the xinjiang region, which was far away, also began to fall into crisis. Because the imperial court's control over remote areas became more and more powerless, and eventually some Western powers began to gradually infiltrate into the land of Xinjiang, the Qing rulers at that time were difficult to take care of Xinjiang thousands of miles away, and finally under the instigation of Tsarist Russia, Xinjiang began to be invaded by external forces, and Xinjiang soon fell under artillery fire.

China lost and regained land after 1 year, equivalent to 5 Japan, and now found 10 billion tons of oil

At this time, the Qing court saw that Tsarist Russia took advantage of the situation to invade Xinjiang, but there was really no extra strength to resist, so the DPRK and China germinated the idea of abandoning Xinjiang, and at this time, Zuo Zongtang, as a major minister of the DPRK, bravely stood up and suggested to the imperial court that Xinjiang must be protected, because once Xinjiang fell into the hands of others, then northwest China and the hinterland of the central region would be completely exposed to the guns of others, and the consequences would be unpredictable at that time. Although some people disagreed with this and advocated abandoning Xinjiang, at Zuo Zongtang's insistence, Empress Dowager Cixi finally accepted Zuo Zongtang's suggestion.

China lost and regained land after 1 year, equivalent to 5 Japan, and now found 10 billion tons of oil

In order to show his determination to recover Xinjiang, Zuo Zongtang took a coffin with the army before the expedition, and made a decision: do not recover Xinjiang, swear to die and not return. At this time, with the support of Tsarist Russia, the external forces Agubai has occupied Xinjiang and carried out brutal rule in Xinjiang, which has also met with strong resistance from the locals, Zuo Zongtang after arriving in Xinjiang, quickly formulated a series of military deployments, and finally under the joint efforts of the military and the people, defeated the Agubai army in one fell swoop, and will make solemn negotiations to eliminate all external forces occupying Xinjiang in one fell swoop, so that Xinjiang once again returned to China's embrace after 1 year of separation.

China took 1 year to recover the territory, the size of 5 Japan, and found 20.8 billion tons of oil

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