
What did the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam leave for Vietnam? It's really "a day back to the pre-liberation period"

In 1979, Vietnam was instructed by the Soviet Union to begin illegally crossing its territory. After many unsuccessful persuasions, our army launched a counterattack in self-defense against Vietnam, which dealt a very serious blow to Vietnam. After that, China launched a ten-year round war with Vietnam, so what kind of impact did this self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam have on Vietnam? What "traces" are left behind?

What did the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam leave for Vietnam? It's really "a day back to the pre-liberation period"

Vietnam became a chessboard

The first is the destruction of Infrastructure and Industrial Facilities in Viet Nam. After the End of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China had a considerable deterrent effect on the United States, so after the United States provoked the Vietnam War, China drew a ceasefire line near the 17° north latitude line, saying that as long as the United States crossed the line, China would resist the United States and aid Vietnam just like it did in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

What did the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam leave for Vietnam? It's really "a day back to the pre-liberation period"

After the 17th degree line was demarcated, the United States never dared to cross it. So the North Vietnamese made a series of strategic adjustments to this line, the most typical of which was to build a large number of its own industrial facilities to the Sino-Vietnamese border. So when it came time for the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the industrial zone that Vietnam should have done logistics was directly a front-line area.

What did the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam leave for Vietnam? It's really "a day back to the pre-liberation period"

In addition, our army launched a counterattack war of self-defense against Vietnam with a thunderous momentum, and struck Vietnam by surprise. Originally, Vietnam wanted to act as a pawn of the Soviet Union in the Sino-Soviet contradictions to seek benefits for itself, but it did not expect that this directly became a chessboard, and the northern part of the country became a battlefield.

What did the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam leave for Vietnam? It's really "a day back to the pre-liberation period"

In addition, our army destroyed Vietnam's factories, hospitals, farmland and other facilities all the way in the process of retreat, directly allowing Vietnam to return to the pre-liberation period.

The impact of the Two Hills Round War on the Vietnamese economy

After the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, a decade-long Lao Shan Lun War began between china and Vietnam, forcing Vietnam, which had a population of only 53 million in 1979, to maintain an army of more than one million people for a decade. This was a huge burden for vietnam as a whole, and Vietnam's economy came to a standstill, painting a deep trace of war.

What did the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam leave for Vietnam? It's really "a day back to the pre-liberation period"

As a result, Vietnam missed the window of industrial development during the decade-long battle of the Two Mountains, and the country that had to rely on Soviet blood transfusions was even more devastated after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Two years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, our country saw that the national strength of the Soviet Union had declined, and its foreign policy began to tighten, ending the border confrontation with Vietnam and turning to the full development of its own economy.

What did the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam leave for Vietnam? It's really "a day back to the pre-liberation period"

Up to now, Vietnam is an economically backward region, and the domestic development is basically to make light industries such as toothbrushes and toothpaste, shoes, and towels, and the heavy industry base is very weak. The essence of industrialization is to increase its own production capacity, and the development direction of Vietnam's partial discipline has also laid certain hidden dangers for the future.

What did the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam leave for Vietnam? It's really "a day back to the pre-liberation period"

The impact of the two-mountain round war on our country

However, China's losses in this war are also relatively large, and China's Guangxi, Yunnan and other regions have missed the development window because of the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. So now, the economies of these two regions are relatively backward in the country. The two provinces can only wait for China's Belt and Road Initiative to advance and carry out more in-depth cooperation with Cambodia, Laos and other countries to obtain access to the Indian Ocean.

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