
Where is Genghis Khan buried? Why haven't you found it for more than 800 years, expert: probably here

In the more than two thousand years of feudal dynasties, Genghis Khan and the "emperor of the ages" Qin Shi Huang, has a great achievement that is difficult to surpass, the American "Time" selected "the ten most influential figures in this millennium" Genghis Khan ranked first, his influence surpassed Peter the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon and others, his descendants established a dynasty, rewriting the world map.

Where is Genghis Khan buried? Why haven't you found it for more than 800 years, expert: probably here

Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum has long been found, the exploration mission has been carried out for decades, with the current technology, the excavation of the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is obviously unlikely, but people can find out sooner or later, but Genghis Khan's mausoleum has been looking for more than 800 years, and its whereabouts are still unknown, and it is known that the tomb of Genghis Khan located in the Yijinholo Banner Grassland of Ordos City is just a crown tomb.

Boer Jin Temujin was really the Khan of the Mongol Empire, honorific title "Genghis Khan", meaning "the great chief with the four sides of the sea", he has always been a mystery in history, his birthplace, his name, the cause of his death are very controversial topics, and what is more unfortunate is that his mausoleum has not been found so far.

Where is Genghis Khan buried? Why haven't you found it for more than 800 years, expert: probably here

The concept of "mausoleum" in Mongolia is different from the "mausoleum" of the Central Plains Dynasty, which is "Big Earth Mountain" in ancient Chinese, but according to the "Black Tartar Chronicle", (the Mongols) have no tombs, and they are trampled by horses, making them as flat as the ground. If there is no tomb of Theojin (Temujin), then the arrow is thought to be a wall, more than thirty miles wide, and the horse is considered to be a guard.

In the "Secret History of Mongolia", there are specific details about the burial of the royal family, after the royal family is buried, it is necessary to use hundreds of war horses to flatten the cemetery, and then plant grass and trees on it, and the tomb keepers must wait until the surface to see that there is no trace on it before leaving, and the rest of the insiders will be killed.

Where is Genghis Khan buried? Why haven't you found it for more than 800 years, expert: probably here

Mongolia has always revered shamanism, in the doctrine of the separation of body and soul is closely linked, after the death of the person, the soul will leave, attached to the nearby camel hair, legend has it that when Genghis Khan was buried, he trampled the land with tens of thousands of warhorses, in order to facilitate future generations to find the mausoleum.

They also killed the baby camel in front of a mother camel and sprinkled blood on the cemetery, and when the green grass sprouted the next spring, the cemetery was like any other place, and the sacrificor only needed to take the camel to find the cemetery, but with the death of the camel, Genghis Khan's mausoleum disappeared into the tide of history.

Where is Genghis Khan buried? Why haven't you found it for more than 800 years, expert: probably here

However, in order to sacrifice Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan built the "Chief Deity", that is, the Eight White Houses, the center of the Eight White Houses is dedicated to Genghis Khan's palace tent, in order to guard the Eight White Houses, the Birth of the Dargut, in Mongolian is the person who "undertakes the sacred mission".

Although they guarded the mausoleum for more than 800 years, the real mausoleum is not known, and in recent years some experts have also tried to find the tomb of Genghis Khan, at first they thought that in the Altai Mountains, they found a lot of artificial excavations, but after consulting the literature.

Where is Genghis Khan buried? Why haven't you found it for more than 800 years, expert: probably here

It turns out that these excavations are left over from the mining of gold, and there have been miners in the Altai Mountains since the Han Dynasty, although it is not certain, but in the "Travels of Mark Polo", there is an account of the escort on the way to the Alta mountains, and the escorts will meet all the people they meet along the way as martyrs.

Where is Genghis Khan buried? Why haven't you found it for more than 800 years, expert: probably here

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