
Farts made Hitler a drug addict: four "farts" that changed the course of human history!

Farts made Hitler a drug addict: four "farts" that changed the course of human history!

Everyone farts, movie stars, financial giants, Catholic emperors, U.S. presidents, you and me. Usually, we try to avoid thinking and talking about farting. If farts smell fragrant, we'll be proud of it and scream, "It's me!" That's me! "Unfortunately, farting is the result of fermentation of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and smells very smelly. Throughout history, these trace amounts of physical qi have changed the fate of the country and reversed the course of history.

Let's take a look at the story of four unimportant farts that changed the course of history!

First, the farting of herring has triggered diplomatic tensions between Sweden and Russia

Farts made Hitler a drug addict: four "farts" that changed the course of human history!

On October 27, 1981, the Soviet submarine S-363 ran aground after hitting rocks 10 kilometers from Karlskrona, Sweden's main naval base. In the early 1980s, hostilities between the Soviet Union and Western countries increased dramatically. As a result of the submarine incident, the Swedish military stepped up surveillance of the coast with the aim of catching any Soviet submarines that sneaked into the vicinity.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the Swedish military conducted multiple hunts against so-called submarines. They compiled a list of "typical sounds" attributed to submarines. Although the Cold War ended in the 1990s, the Swedes still found a large number of submarines in their territorial waters.

In 1994, Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt sent a letter to Russian President Boris Yeltsin protesting Russia's deployment of submarines in Swedish waters. In 1996, Magnus Wahlberg, a professor at the University of Southern Denmark, heard the "typical sound" and soon discovered that it was emitted by a Baltic herring.

Baltic herring releases air through its anus as a means of communication. Because herring swims in large shoals, their farts are loud enough to be detected by military probes.

"I imagined something like a popping sound or a propeller spinning sound, but it wasn't like that! Sounding like someone was frying bacon, coming and going like a popping sound and hissing sound, like small bubbles released from the water, it was not at all my impression of the submarine. ”

— Magnus Wahlberg on "Typical Sounds"

Adolf Hitler farted and caused him to become a drug addict

Farts made Hitler a drug addict: four "farts" that changed the course of human history!

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was one of the largest butchers in human history, and little is known to have suffered from chronic flatulence. Because Hitler often farted, his colleagues described dinner with Hitler as incredibly disgusting.

Hitler would usually abruptly leave the table and return to his private residence, much to the surprise of his guests. Only a few people know that the reason he suddenly left was that he farted badly.

In 1936, Hitler met the quack Dr. Theodore Morel (1886-1948), who temporarily alleviated Hitler's problems of flatulence and stomach cramps. Hitler was convinced that Morel was a medical genius. Later, Dr. Morrell expanded his service program and began supplying Hitler with drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine (methamphetamine).

Hitler was addicted to drugs, and Dr. Morel was his drug dealer.

At the end of World War II, Hitler was physically and mentally exhausted. His hands were so full of injection marks that even Hitler's mistress, Eva Braun, complained about Morrell's behavior.

There is no doubt that Hitler made a lot of crazy decisions under the influence of drugs, which hastened the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. Of course, the decision to exterminate the Jews and start World War II was not because of drugs, but because Hitler was a monster himself.

The farting of Roman soldiers led to the death of 10,000 Jews

Farts made Hitler a drug addict: four "farts" that changed the course of human history!

By 44 AD, Jerusalem was already part of the Roman Empire. This year, as in previous years, thousands of Jews gathered at the Temple in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Passover is an important Jewish holiday commemorating the liberation of Jews from slavery in Egypt.

There was also a Roman garrison in the temple, who maintained order and prevented riots. According to the Jewish historian Josephus, the following happened:

A soldier pulled open his clothes, cowered in an indecent way, turned his ass toward the Jew, and uttered words in this posture that you might think of.

The Jews were so insulted by the fart that they demanded that the rude soldier be put to death. Some of them began to stone Roman soldiers. The Roman officer Kumanus called for a large number of reinforcements. The Jews, seeing the Roman army approaching, panicked and tried to flee the temple, only to be trampled to death by ten thousand men.

A fart propelled the last great Egyptian pharaoh to the throne

Farts made Hitler a drug addict: four "farts" that changed the course of human history!

Pharaoh Aprils (589-570 BC) lost the battle against the Babylonians and Greeks. After Libya's battle against Greece also suffered a huge defeat, Pharaoh's army began a rebellion.

According to the Greek historian Herodotus, in 569 BC, April sent his popular general Armassis to suppress the rebellion. Instead of stopping the rebellion, Amasis joined the rebellion as the new pharaoh.

So Apris sent one of his most trusted advisers, Pata Bemis, to deal with the rebellion. When Pata Bemis met Amasis and began scolding him, Amasis lifted his ass from his saddle, farted, and asked Pata Bemis to "bring it to Apris".

We don't know how Pharaoh got the message across to Pharaoh, but Pharaoh was certainly angry. Apple ordered poor Pattabemis's nose and ears to be cut off. Pharaoh's atrocious behavior caused the remaining Egyptians to oppose him, and he had to flee Egypt.

Apris asked for the support of the Babylonians and invaded Egypt in 567 BC in an attempt to regain his throne. But he was defeated by an angry mob and later killed. Amasis ruled Egypt from 570 BC to 526 BC for Amasis II.

Amasis II was the last great pharaoh of Egypt, and he was of Egyptian descent. A year after his death, the invading Persian army defeated his successor, Psamtik III, at the Battle of Perussim. Interestingly, this battle was lost because of the cat!


An unusual tactic (farting) put the Egyptian pharaoh Amasis II into the position of pharaoh.

The Roman army was one of the best standing armies in human history, because a single fart led to the deaths of 10,000 Jews.

Adolf Hitler's embarrassing flatulence forced him to believe in a doctor he shouldn't trust.

Herring farts misled the Swedish military into believing that Russian submarines were everywhere.

As you can see, it wasn't real farting that caused these events, but fear, anger, and embarrassment, and farting was just an excuse.

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