
Okamura's 180 officers in this campaign were served by a pot, from lieutenant to general, who did it?


It is said that during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese army had a senior general named Okamura Ningji. For friends who know the history of the war, they must not be unfamiliar with this name. Yes, this man was a notorious executioner.

At that time, Ninji Okamura, commander-in-chief of the Japanese Army's Chinese Dispatch Army (North China Theater), was a well-known figure in the Japanese army, even in Japan.

Since Japan launched the war of aggression against China, northeast China, which even Hideki Tojo could not take down, was easily taken care of by him, Wuhan, which Itagaki Seishiro could not take, Okamura Ninji was still able to do it, and the North China Theater, which Tada Jun could not suppress, was also suppressed by his wrist.

Okamura's 180 officers in this campaign were served by a pot, from lieutenant to general, who did it?

Okamura Ningji not only can lay out, but also in his sphere of influence, he has also bribed a large number of traitors through various means and established a puppet regime (Wang puppet regime), which is really a good chess game. Moreover, there are historical records that his victory rate on the battlefield is also very high, more victories and fewer defeats, it can be said that Okamura Ningji is our Chinese fierce enemy.

Okamura's biggest defeat was also in the Chinese battlefield, in which a total of 180 Japanese officers were killed. Who did such a big thing? Please listen to the editor slowly.

To speak of this event, it must be said from 1943 onwards. At that time, Okamura Ninji, who was then the commander-in-chief of the North China Theater, had been carrying out a bloody suppression campaign in North China for two years, and he did achieve remarkable merit for the Japanese army.

Okamura's 180 officers in this campaign were served by a pot, from lieutenant to general, who did it?

After several victorious battles, Okamura Ninji began to swell, and he thought that the time was ripe, so he began to carry out "liquidation and suppression" against our Chinese anti-Japanese forces.

In order to carry out the "clearance", Gangcun Ningci specially transferred the Supreme Headquarters of the North China Theater to Baoding, and formulated a very detailed battle plan in Baoding. Okamura Ninji ordered his two divisions and regiments to attack our side at the same time as the puppet army's divided line, and also sent troops to set up a tight blockade line on the route of our retreat.

This time, Gangcun Ningji wanted to play a big one and annihilated all the anti-Japanese forces in northern China. After that, Okamura Ningji ordered the officers in his area and the key officers above the rank of squadron commander to go to a secret stronghold to learn the "tactics of suppressing bandits."

Okamura's 180 officers in this campaign were served by a pot, from lieutenant to general, who did it?

There is no impermeable wall, and on our Chinese soil, he thinks he is foolproof, but he ignores the power of the Chinese people. Local civilians see a large number of Japanese military vehicles constantly coming and going, do not think, the little devil's such a big "pomp", there must be a big action.

So the good people told the underground party about this important information, and the underground party staff began to collect all kinds of intelligence, and finally after various calculations, it may be that the devils are gathering a large number of officers to formulate certain strategies or hold meetings.

After receiving the information in advance, the Eighth Route Army began to lay various traps and ambushes on the only way for the ghost army vehicles, waiting for the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow.

Okamura's 180 officers in this campaign were served by a pot, from lieutenant to general, who did it?

As time passed, more and more ghost army vehicles headed for the "secret" gathering place, and the scouts of the Eighth Route Army obtained information and relayed it to the brigade commander at the first time, who knew that this time the war intention was absolutely fat, and all of them were big fish. So he ordered the whole regiment to go out and wait for the order to launch a full-scale raid.

At that time, Wang Jinshan, then the commander of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army, thought that the time was ripe and immediately fired the first shot. After the sound of gunfire, the guns of the Eighth Route Army's position were fired in unison, just like the New Year, the ghost officers in the secret stronghold had not yet made any reaction, and most of them were already dead and wounded.

The remaining officers who were lucky wanted to rely on the nearby fortifications to counterattack the Eighth Route Army, but with the remnants of them, how could they possibly stop the eighth route army soldiers who had been carefully prepared for a long time.

Okamura's 180 officers in this campaign were served by a pot, from lieutenant to general, who did it?

The devil's officer was also anxious, regardless of pulling out his saber, he rushed upwards, sent to the door of the head, do not be white, after a charge, and then died a large half, some older devil officers, directly cut their stomachs and committed suicide, in order to thank the emperor. According to our statistics after the war, a total of 180 ghost officers were eliminated in this battle, and the ranks were all from lieutenant to the middle army, and the ghosts suffered heavy losses this time.

After Okamura Ninji got this military information, he was furious and not only dismissed the chief reconnaissance officer and the frivolous chief officer of the Japanese division and regiment, but also shot all the leaders of the puppet army in charge of security work.

It can be said that this battle was the worst battle in Okamura Ninji's military career, but for our Chinese, it was a great pleasure!

Okamura's 180 officers in this campaign were served by a pot, from lieutenant to general, who did it?

References for this article: "China's Complete Record of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression 1931-1945", "1942 North China Sweep", "Gangcun Ningci", "CNKI Related Literature - 1942 Gangcun Ningci North China Sweep and Other Related Anti-Japanese Literature", "Baidu Encyclopedia Related Terms - General Wang Jinshan, Gangcun Ningci, 1942 Japanese Army North China Sweep, etc."

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