
Man at the low point, the most remarkable ability

Author | There are bookshow

Source | There is a book (ID: youshucc)

Anchor | Fan Deng Reading · Children

Man at the low point, the most remarkable ability

What is the most important ability in the trough?

Before answering this question, let's take a look at a story.

Yukiyoshi Marutani is a japanese athlete with outstanding achievements.

At the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, he won a bronze medal in a marathon, breaking the record of zero medals for Japan in athletics.

He became a hit, was hailed as a hero, his hometown celebrated his parade, and the state awarded him the "Special Contribution to Defense Award".

Everyone began to look forward to his more dazzling results in the next Olympic Games.

However, long periods of high-intensity training have left him injured his hamstrings.

After the operation, his ability was much less than before, he used to run for several hours without changing his color, and now he had to stop and rest after running for 10 minutes.

With only a few months left before the Olympics began, he could not accept such a state and ended his life with a blade.

After reading this story, let's go back to the question at the beginning: What is the most important ability at the trough?

It is to maintain self-discipline, learn to precipitate, and dare to break the situation.

Life goes up and down, no one can avoid falling to the bottom, and frustration will only make life more and more difficult.

Only by not losing the courage to live and the perseverance to go out can we get out of the predicament.

There is a question on the Internet: "How to get out of the trough?" ”

The highest praise answer was: "Maintain self-discipline and actively go on." ”

At the low point, it is full of chaos, and it is inevitable that you will be upset.

But blindly complaining and escaping will not only solve any problems, but also make the days gradually depressed.

It is always necessary to face it, rather than being passive and decadent, it is better to be active and self-disciplined.

Man at the low point, the most remarkable ability

When you think of suffering as a kind of tempering, fate may give you all kinds of tenderness.

Zhihu netizen @ Fanxing shared his own difficult experience.

At the age of 39, he failed to start a business, with millions of dollars in debt, and the debt collection calls were made one after another.

During this period, friends left him one after another, and his wife divorced him.

During those days, he was very broken every day, and the only way to vent was to drink and smoke.

Every day, lying in the house with wine instead of water, tobacco instead of food, life is very irregular.

Once, he overheard a report about Mr. Yang Dai and was very touched.

He felt that Yang Dai had suffered all his life, but he was still open-minded and optimistic, and his setbacks were not worth mentioning at all.

He began to quit drinking and smoking, taking fitness classes, running and exercising. After two years, not only has the mental state improved a lot, but people have also been positive and optimistic.

The most important thing is that he has trained a good body for a long time, mastered the systematic fitness skills, and was hired by a gym to become a senior coach, so his life slowly improved.

Writer Liu Tong once wrote in "Your Loneliness, Although Defeated and Glory":

"There is no such thing as a low, and all the hardships are just the uphill road that must be taken to reach the top. If you stop, it's the bottom, and if you're continuing, it's uphill. ”

The more low it is, the more we cannot give up lightly.

Even if sometimes you try very hard or fall to the bottom, as long as you don't give up, all suffering is staged.

Fight hardship with a regular life, and life will inevitably turn around.

Your self-discipline will eventually make you stronger in the face of adversity.

Man at the low point, the most remarkable ability

I would like to ask you a question:

"If a painter loses his sight, how can he paint amazing works?"

In most people's minds, a painter's loss of vision is equivalent to losing his profession.

The blind painter John Brablet did many miracles.

John graduated from the University of North Texas, the nation's first research college, and he suffered from an eye disease at a time when he was just about to go uphill, and until he was completely blind, he was only 30 years old.

At first, he could not bear the pain, so he closed himself off from contact with people.

After a long time, he felt that since he was powerless to change his encounters, it was better to continue to live well in this invisible world with his creation.

He groped for painting in the dark, often forgetting the time as soon as he picked up the brush, forgetting that he could not see anything.

At first, everything was not easy, he did not know the position of the canvas, and he did not know how to color.

Even so, he still believed that practice made perfect, and began to practice desperately, sometimes lying in front of the canvas for more than ten hours a day, constantly experimenting and painting.

He uses the touch of his fingers to perceive different colors, blue is as smooth as silk, white toothpaste is thick, black is soft as running water...

That's it, from morning to night, from spring to winter.

He not only broke through the bottleneck of blind painting, but also successfully attracted the attention of the public.

He has lectured at the Metropolitan Museum in the United States, and his works are collected by art lovers in more than 20 countries.

His deeds have been reported by the BBC, the New York Times and other media, and some people even made a documentary "Line of Sight" to tell his story.

Man at the low point, the most remarkable ability

I've heard this sentence:

"The trough of life is that the individual's ability has not reached that ability. After the ability is improved and the height is changed, those mountains that were previously thought to be unable to pass and mountains that cannot be turned over have become flat. ”

Sometimes, many people are accustomed to attributing their misery to fate.

In fact, the so-called adversity is nothing more than your current ability is not enough to support the life you want.

Entering the trough, all you have to do is concentrate on cultivation and wait for the flowers to bloom.

When you are willing to take the time to precipitate yourself, many of the problems that you originally thought could not be solved will be solved.

I don't know if you've ever experienced such a dilemma:

When encountering a certain problem, no matter how hard you try, you will not be effective.

The philosopher Schopenhauer said:

"The biggest prison in the world is the human mind."

Once people are imprisoned by their minds, no amount of effort is futile.

You know, when God closes a door for you, what you have to do is not to pry the door open with great effort, but to find the window that God has opened for you, and break the window to have a new scenery.

Christopher Levy was a famous Hollywood movie star, and his starring role in "Superman" became a sensation in the world as soon as it was broadcast.

Man at the low point, the most remarkable ability

However, in a fierce equestrian competition, he had an accident, resulting in paraplegia in his high position and never being able to stand up again.

When he woke up from his coma, he was unable to accept this cruel fact and even wanted to end his life.

Once, his wife took him on a trip, the car through the winding road, looking at the mountain road turning around the peak circuit, he suddenly woke up:

Instead of getting bogged down in the pain of not being able to be a star anymore, it's better to get out of the deadlock and use your strong expertise and talented brain to work in other fields.

So he began to focus on his career as a director, gritting his teeth and writing hard.

Later, his first film won a high award, and his first book, "Still Me", topped the bestseller list when it came out.

Man at the low point, the most remarkable ability

Coincidentally, Sunland is a famous female gymnast in China, who has won the national vaulting championship.

During one exercise, she accidentally fell and fractured her cervical vertebrae and was paraplegic from the chest below.

Such a desperate situation made her lose her qualification to chase her gymnastics dreams, but she not only did not give up, but also found a new way out of the trough - journalists.

After graduating from the Department of Journalism at Peking University, she became an official special correspondent for the Beijing Olympics.

There is no dilemma that cannot be walked out, and there is no trough that cannot be climbed.

The road ahead is long, and the mountains do not turn and the water turns.

When fate throws you into the lowest trough, it must also leave you a way uphill.

Self-hatred and self-pity will only make you miss the opportunity, only dare to break the situation in order to get out of the predicament and break the deadlock.

Mark Twain said:

"In life, you must not do everything as you wish. Anyway, if you encounter something disappointing, you don't have to be discouraged. You should make up your mind to fight back this breath. ”

In this world, there are no bad things, only bad moods.

Even if you fall into the lowest trough, as long as you don't give up, no matter which direction you work in, it is up.

Maintain self-discipline and be active, and life will turn around.

Learn to precipitate, immerse yourself in hard work, and your life will gradually reach a better state.

Dare to break the situation, go up against the current, and life can climb the peak again.

In the trough, An An buried his head in things, used all his strength to climb up the hill, and sprinkled all sorrow, all unfairness, and all resentment on his actions, even if he knelt, he would eventually reach the top.

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Typography | Zheng to the north

Image | Some of the pictures in this article come from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Music | Gao Zhijian, Xiaoping, "Martyrdom"

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