
The experience of marrying a Vietnamese bride, 21 years later, the Vietnamese wife is not running now

author:Di Dan Gray Mom

New Year's wife and children back to Vietnam, their own alone at home, very boring online talk, to Vietnam to marry a wife has been 21 years, really fast, In October 2000 AD, people introduced that Vietnamese girls are very well-behaved, they want to say that in China blind date so much, either I don't like her or the other party doesn't like me, go to Vietnam to see maybe there will be likes...

The experience of marrying a Vietnamese bride, 21 years later, the Vietnamese wife is not running now

The introducer said that it only takes three months to go to Vietnam to do a good girl to return to China, and the man to go twice is fine, then it was easier to handle, not as difficult as now, it takes more than half a year to come back. As for the cost is 70,000 yuan (including the second round-trip plane ticket, the wife's plane ticket, Vietnam accommodation day 10, the guest, the wedding, the photo), but the gold jewelry itself is responsible. After thinking about it for half a month, I finally decided to go.

In early November 2000, I flew to Vietnam...

The experience of marrying a Vietnamese bride, 21 years later, the Vietnamese wife is not running now

Plane to Vietnam a plane on the plane to feel the weather is so hot, out of the air station to see a lot of people outside waiting for relatives or solicitation, I, the introducer and one is also to marry his wife He is a Fujianese, get on the taxi together, he is because of a quarrel with his girlfriend, so he wants to go to Vietnam to marry a wife to be angry with his girlfriend, do you think he will really love his Vietnamese wife? This is what the introducer said, and I will have the opportunity to write his story later. Another one went to the second interview, and later heard his father say that he had not had a child for 3 or 4 years, which was also a kind of Jin's adoptive mother's family. The 4 of us stayed in the same hotel together, it was already 12 o'clock in the evening, and we couldn't sleep the first night because of the sound of locomotive horns outside and the sound of air conditioning in the hotel. The next day at 9 o'clock began to look at the room Miss, Miss came to five at a time, like a beauty pageant, a total of 40 or so, there is a very beautiful dress, long is very beautiful, I asked the introducer, she lives there, the introducer said Ho Chi Minh City, most of them will come out to do, do not dare to choose her, otherwise my wife is him, look at only 2 more like, but my wife is not these 2, is one of the 40 ...

At noon, the introducer called me and the Fujian people to eat with the two young ladies, and did not know what to say, please say Chinese Vietnamese to help me ask some family matters, the introducer asked me if I want to see again, I said to look again, the introducer said that before I saw a girl he thought it was good to ask me if I wanted to see it again, I said good.... After that I learned that it was in Vietnam to introduce people to raise the young lady, know what kind of person my mother-in-law is, I hope I can like her, my mother-in-law was going to go back to Kent's house and did not want to come, the introducer insisted on coming back to the mother-in-law, and finally there were more than a dozen to see, but also did not like, this came to see two chose a 19-year-old with my mother-in-law, Fujian people he wanted to be 19 years old, so decided, there was something going on at dinner at night, the Vietnamese little wife of the Chinese introducer was the cousin of a 19-year-old Vietnamese girl, she asked me to marry her sister, and also called my mother-in-law to marry a Fujianese, My mother-in-law doesn't want it, because he eats betel nut and smokes. Fortunately, her sister did not like me, because at that time I heard the young lady say that eating betel nut is richer, she likes him, quarrel for a while, finally nothing, and then my mother wants to go home to prepare for tomorrow's wedding, the Vietnamese introducer wants her mother to stay and can't go home, here to accompany me, tonight I didn't sleep again, because I didn't dare to touch her, my mother couldn't sleep, afraid of what I did to her, so it passed a day, because my mother was not yet married and could not have a relationship with people, and my mother later told me, if that day was what to do to her, My mother will go home immediately and not get married, I am still able to bear it...

On the third day, my wife got up at 6 a.m. and went to another room to make up, get ready to get married, and take pictures , (we could do a physical examination and interview after marriage, which was completely different from the current way).

I am still sleeping because I don't need makeup, so I don't have to get up so early, my wife's parents and relatives have come, but they ran to the wrong room, thinking that the Fujian people are the husband of the mother-in-law, I have been greeting and shaking hands with him, until the wife finds them, I know that I am wrong, the uncle of the mother-in-law said why not choose a Fujian person, saying that I am thin and dark, I don't know if I am sick. It seems that they prefer Fujian people (this is the little wife of the introducer told me, it was very boring to listen) I didn't laugh much that day, taking photos, the same when I was entertained...

In the afternoon, when my parents and relatives wanted to go back, I finished talking to my mother-in-law, and my mother-in-law ran to the Vietnamese introducer to say something, and when I was confused, the Vietnamese introducer came to my side and asked me to take 1.2 million yuan to charter a car for my wife's parents (at that time it was 1 yuan to 3,000 VND), and I told her that it was not all inclusive? She said no, thinking that maybe next time I don't have to pay any more, I will give it to my wife immediately, in fact, I was wrong, and since then I have been like a lamb to be slaughtered.

After eating at 7 p.m., the little wife of the introducer said that she would take her mother-in-law and 19-year-old to buy clothes to wear tomorrow, and asked me to take money to my mother-in-law, and I gave my mother-in-law 1 million. I came back at about 9 o'clock, my mother bought 4 pieces of clothes and pants, and there are 200,000 to return to me, I said to you, (the first good impression will not be spent randomly).

Finally ready to sleep, I asked my wife if I could take a shower together? Probably understood shyly nodding and pulling me up together.....

The third night still can't sleep, may be next to one more person, the mother can not sleep, really tired....

The fourth day, today is the body examination and interview, the mother got up at 6 o'clock in the morning, one thing is to wash clothes, brush my teeth with toothpaste, (the second impression will automatically do housework, the mother told me to wash clothes at home, sweep the floor, cook vegetables are all arranged by her alone, you don't think that her family is not a few, plus she has 11 people, parents, 1 brother, 1 sister, 2 brothers, 4 sisters).

7:30 after eating first go to the health examination, to the hospital gate, the Vietnamese introducer opened his mouth again to ask for car money, this time it is 200,000, for the wife I am also obediently taken out, when I went in, I opened my mouth again, this time it is US$20 said that it is a doctor and nurse 4 people, fortunately there is a belt, some of them want more than currency, some want US dollars, the introducer has called me to bring, the Vietnamese introducer told me to clip in the list, do not let people see, otherwise they do not take, the results of my examination are more sad, do as you want... Sure enough, it passed quickly, and the mother also came earlier than me, not good, probably not taken...

Another Fujian person who came together did not pass his wife, a question about the information is not right, come back another day, the reason they do not say... (The wife said that there is a problem with the age of the identity card information, that is, to take her sister's identity card, but there is no relationship with the red envelope, it is OK, and it is good to use her identity card to do it, unlike now that they are going to be sentenced, because they have not yet done the marriage certificate.) )

11 o'clock from the afternoon interview is still a long time, go to the outside street to see, eat Vietnamese snacks, just sat down on someone to sell things, were driven away by the mother-in-law, never eaten French bread with the mother-in-law said delicious, she smiled ... When it was time to enter the embassy, there were almost 20 pairs waiting there, 10 pairs at a time went into the conference room, we went in for the second time, there was just listening to the Chinese officials, talking about 30 points of husband and wife signatures came out, no red envelopes, no questions and answers, (at that time, China married Vietnamese wives No wonder there were many divorces, so easy to do, each other did not know how to cherish and manage the relationship between husband and wife, like now divorce has become less), the office is done, just wait for the next marriage certificate and go to Kent for an interview (the mother is living in Kent)...

Back at 5 p.m. back to the hotel, I discussed with the Fujian people to go to the wife's house tomorrow and agreed to pay half of the car money of 1 million yuan, and the introducer told him to go with our little wife... On this day there was sleep but only slept for 4 hours ...

The fifth day at 2 o'clock in the morning on the up, today more than a pair, that is, a 7, want to say in the car can make up for sleep, in the city road still sleep, suddenly the brake and the locomotive collision, riding the motorcycle hand has a bruise, want to say that it may take a long time to call the police to come, see the driver get off the car to see the car, began to scold the motorcycle, at the same time many people ran to see, can not think of the driver to drive away, Ali (the little wife of the introducer) said that the locomotive is not right, did not want him to compensate has been very good, Vietnam as long as it is not death or serious injury can go without ignoring it, It's okay...

The experience of marrying a Vietnamese bride, 21 years later, the Vietnamese wife is not running now

There was no way to sleep outside the city, when the Vietnamese economy was taking off, some roads were being built and expanded, and cars were walking up like dancing. Fortunately, I will not get motion sickness, there is no way to sleep, I have to look at the scenery outside, see the house built with coconut leaves, it is better to use iron sheets, and the rich people use cement. No wonder they want to marry their daughter so far away from China, so that life can be improved, some bridges are made of wood, these have not been seen in China, simply do not sleep, first go to Ali's house to say to take things, her home is a cement cover is rich, my mother-in-law was called in, do not know what to say, out Ari asked me if I want to marry her sister, how to come again, I asked her what my mother-in-law meant, Ari said to ask you, why choose me not to choose a Fujianese, she said you are better, I refused again, not heard by others, Maybe she knows the situation of the Fujian people and is afraid that her sister will be hurt...

Go to the Fujian man's wife's house again, see her home is OK, the roof is covered with tin, but the water under the house, because the rain will flood, the house is deliberately built a little higher, it feels very novel, after eating over there, I set off to my wife's house.

The way to my wife was also very bad, driving 3 hours to the Mekong River, to take a big boat across the Mekong River. After another 1 hour, to the bridge Ari told us to get off, thought it was coming, and said that it would take a boat to get to my wife's house, it was my father and brother who drove a very long boat, the first time I took this kind of boat, I asked Ari why not drive in, she said that the road is too narrow to drive. The boat swayed on the surface of the water, feeling afraid. Drive 8 minutes to the shore, see the wife's home, it is covered with coconut leaves, the ground is soil is not cement, but very clean. It is also a lot of people who come to see, and when they eat at noon, there are only cabbages and chicken, I don't know if there is no money, or it is too late to prepare. After eating, we rushed back to Ho Chi Minh City....

The experience of marrying a Vietnamese bride, 21 years later, the Vietnamese wife is not running now

The sixth day did not go out in the hotel to talk to the wife than to go, to the seventh day to go back, the introducer opened his mouth again, said to give the wife to learn Chinese two months to 1300 yuan (the result asked the wife to learn what, the answer is not what will not be said, the teacher did not teach hard in class, the money is really good to earn) At noon to go to the airport, the introducer did not want the wife to send me, saw the wife shed tears, a little unwilling in the heart, just like this one back to China, wait for two months to go to Vietnam to see the wife ....

In January 2001, he went to Vietnam for the second time to sign a marriage certificate. Arrived at the airport at noon and saw 11 people following the introducer. When I asked, I learned that 7 people were going to Vietnam to marry their wives, and one was divorced after his wife came for half a year, saying that he was not used to life in China. The introducer again helped him introduce for free, but the plane ticket and the hotel had to go out on his own (came 3-4 years and also ran away because he didn't have a job later), a nearly 50-year-old who had a wife but wanted to marry back to take care of his parents, (later gave birth to 3 children) Two are twins but both are short.

Arrived at the hotel at 11 o'clock in the evening, the wife was waiting there, when she saw me, she was very happy to hold me, the wife of the Fujian person asked the introducer why his husband did not come, and the introducer told her that she would not come the next day. I asked the introducer, and he said that the Fujian people and his girlfriend reconciled and did not marry a Vietnamese wife, originally did not come, the introducer insisted that he come, after the divorce. Look at her disappointed look, a little sympathetic, don't people still sleep with people, and treat marriage as a child's play?

The second day of the second trip to Vietnam, when I got up in the morning, I wanted to say that I wanted to see the lady of the house, but the introducer said that she was going to Kent for an interview today, so I had to go with my wife. Going to Kent for interviews is also to ask for red envelopes, this time it seems to be more than 100 US dollars, whether all to the officials I do not know. Asking you a few times during the interview will let you pass, and the same is true for the wife. After the interview, I went to the street to walk, my wife said to Ari to buy apples for her parents to eat, I said good, Ali said that they have less money, rarely buy apples to eat, to take money when they found that the bag was missing, first asked Ari to help me pay, saw the mother-in-law's face was very unhappy, a little overwhelmed, hurry to find ... Fortunately, under my seat in the car, I was not taken away, and I thought that if I really didn't see it, I didn't know what to do, my wallet contained my id and credit card and cash...

After buying things, I waited for my mother-in-law there, after greeting my mother-in-law, I went back to Ho Chi Minh City, I didn't go to my wife's house, I was really happy to see them paired up when I arrived at the hotel, the introducer told us to attend their wedding tomorrow, and waited until the sixth day to sign the marriage certificate...

The third day of the second trip to Vietnam. Their wedding was the same place as mine in a park in the city, most of them were held there, this time invited 15 tables, also invited people to sing, really lively...

Fourth day of the second trip to Vietnam. In the morning, someone with his wife's gold is missing, she put it in the room, she got up in the morning and didn't see it, this kind of thing the hotel is not responsible, fortunately there was no more than 20,000 yuan at that time, if it is now absolutely more than 40,000 yuan, his wife has been crying, because this is very important for her to get married, until her husband said to go back and buy it for her, she did not cry...

The fifth or sixth day of the second trip to Vietnam. Today with 8 of them to go to the beach to play, and visit the military base of the previous war with the US military, play water scooters on the beach, half an hour to 200 yuan, I played with my wife, when I came home, my whole body was wet, and I did not bring clothes, and I blew air conditioners in the car, my whole body has been shaking, fortunately there is no cold...

The sixth day is to sign the marriage certificate, the seventh day is to return to China, the wife is going to shed tears again...

The experience of marrying a Vietnamese bride, 21 years later, the Vietnamese wife is not running now

My wife came back to China before the New Year, she also blamed me why I came back to China after the new year, I told her that I had money and no money to marry a wife for the New Year, and my wife smiled....

The above is my experience of marrying a wife in Vietnam. Time flies so fast, 21 years have passed. Remember again, as if it happened yesterday.

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