
Yu Haiqing: Why is it said that a person's life experience will change a person's habits?

author:Yu Haiqing

#Men like me #In 1995, when I was often active in Shangqiu, Henan, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, and Zhongshan, Anhui, but this place was very chaotic during that period. One day I was in the city of Shangqiu, I made a tricycle, and according to the distance at that time to this place only three dollars, but the person he turned around, turned for a long time, charged me 12 yuan, in fact, I knew that he took a detour, so I reasoned with him, and finally he refunded me five dollars, but it made me particularly unhappy. When I went to the hotel at night to sleep, I suddenly found a woman in my room, so she told me, brother play, I feel very surprised, because the door has been closed, but today we can see a lot of hotels in the defense facilities are very in place, and that kind of key card can take an ID card to enter, and then she told me that tonight to play is also 100 yuan, not to play is also 100 yuan, I said I don't give you a penny, you hurry up and go out, At that time, the people who did this kind of business had a certain connection with people in society, but she found that I was also very tough, because I said that if you don't go out, I will sue you for robbing or accusing you of stealing the contents of my bag, the money is gone, we can go to the public security bureau to reason, and then she felt that there was no way to leave, but later when I stayed in any hotel, I would take a chair to top two chairs on top, that time gave me a big lesson, that is, a person will easily enter your room. Although the security today was very in place. But this kind of thing will arouse my attention at all times.

Another time, in Pingdingshan, when walking at night, I suddenly saw that this place posted a lot of wanted notices, so I did not expect that this area was so chaotic in that year, when I washed my face in the bathroom, I accidentally lost a broken lens of glasses, and at that time, unlike today, with a lens of glasses in the dark to find a hotel, unlike today there is navigation, there are maps, there are smart phones, that time made me particularly embarrassed, so to this day in my suitcase, at any time install three glasses, It is to deal with all kinds of sudden problems at any time, so when people deal with many things, they are related to your experience, and the more you experience, the more naturally your preventive measures will be perfected, so there will be no cause and no effect.

One day on the road, I went shopping, and after spending 100 yuan, I found that the money was all fake money, and I felt particularly difficult to accept, so I was her person, but she didn't admit it, and there were many people around her who were fully prepared. In that period, as long as the people who do these things, it is a super habitual offender, so I said to him that these money is fake money, you seize the time to replace me, she said how can it be proved that it is his, I said if you talk like this, then I will not leave these days, I just re-consume your money into your restaurant, anyway, I can't take your fake money to go, at that time, because of the 20-year-old fang gang, talk very tough, in the end they family discussed and changed the money for me, So since then I've been extra careful when I collect money. I have also specifically learned various ways to identify counterfeit banknotes, so people will only really awaken if you care about your losses, and you will not pay special attention to anyone's reminders, because you will not pay attention to them if you have not experienced them.

Another time when I was in the car, I got on a group of car bandits, and then they turned over everyone's bag and started to collect money, just like the role of Fan Wei in the movie, in fact, there were many at that time. At that time, my mother taught me that if you encounter someone else robbing me, immediately open the bag, pull the clothes open, let him see that you have nothing, in fact, the important money is put into the burglar pants and the burglar belt, and then pretend to be indifferent. The things in the bag are not important items, so at that time, as long as I find that these people are in this situation, I will take the initiative to take the bag away, so it will be very safe, and then look for opportunities to incite the people in the car to resist together, if someone cooperates, then this thing can be done, if no one cooperates, do not act alone in the face of the car bandit road bully, it is very dangerous. Until today, I am walking all over the world, even some border lines, to say from the heart, today's society is too much and too much, there are fewer people who rob it, but fraud is everywhere, but as long as you go out and don't be greedy for money and not greedy, there will generally be no problem. During that period, you were out of the house for a long time, and if you were not careful, there would be problems, and it was not unusual to be stolen and robbed. So we have to thank this society at all times. #活着就是为了摆渡 #

Yu Haiqing: Why is it said that a person's life experience will change a person's habits?

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