
Unforgettable Blood Moon Night, a thrilling experience for me

author:Spring Peony Psycho-Emotional Field

[Spring Peony] to share the story of the heart for you.

That night, the moon was as red as the setting sun before the sunset, bigger than the sunset. However, although the moon is very red, it has no light, and the surrounding sky is so dark that there are no clouds in sight. From a distance, it looks like it's "hanging" on a treetop.

That night, there were several serious traffic accidents on the highway, and several entrances were closed.

I hurried home, so I took a long, long detour to find an entrance where I could go up.

I don't remember the name of the highway entrance, but I still remember the blood moon: so huge, so quiet, and so red.

Looking for an entrance to the highway, I stumbled into a country road that had been completely unlit, narrow, potholed, and covered with rubble.

The car jolted violently all the way, and I was really worried that the car would be torn apart or that the tires would be scratched by gravel.

Fortunately, there were two small cars in the back who were hesitant to enter the road at the intersection, and followed me.

When they saw me turn in, they followed me firmly, and I reckon they must have regretted it later.

The drivers of these two cars were good. I didn't dare to drive a fast car in front of me, and they didn't urge me, so I slowly followed all the way and bumped forward.

With these two cars trailing all the way, my heart is much more secure.

After walking for a long time, I could finally see a asphalt road with street lights in front of me.

After driving on the asphalt road, my heart that had been hanging could finally settle down.

At this time, the two small cars behind me, as if they had suddenly been liberated, quickly overtook me, and then, like wild horses that had lost their reins, roared past, and in a moment the kung fu disappeared into the night.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud and say to myself: Haha! Look at this posture, just choked you two bad, how wronged this is! Thank you so much for this journey!

They couldn't hear what I was saying, but I said it with sincerity.

People who have not experienced that experience, you can't imagine how grateful I was to them for slowly following behind them along the way.

It was after passing through that dark and terrifying country road that I was finally able to relax and have a chance to pay attention to the scenery on the side of the road.

At a glance, I saw the huge and dark red blood moon.

When I first caught a glimpse, I thought it was a big red lantern or a propaganda poster or something like that in the distance.

After fixing his eyes on it, he found that it was actually a blood moon.

I couldn't help but marvel: Oh my God! Could this be the legendary Blood Moon!

That night, I was driving and didn't dare stop to take pictures along the way. Because, it's a strange suburb.

Moreover, I also knew that the camera function of my mobile phone could not shoot that kind of glowless red at all.

The previously tense and anxious mood suddenly became relaxed and joyful because of the appearance of the big red moon.

The Great Red Moon had been with me in front of the right side of my car window at first, slowly rising, slowly getting brighter and brighter.

By the time I turned onto the highway, the red moon had turned golden, hanging high in front of the car on the left, following me all the way.

Moreover, at that time, the highway had begun to be fully open, and there were no traffic accidents or traffic jams again.

Along the way, the golden moonlight draped the earth in a shining golden garment, shining into the car and into the atrium of my heart. Sigh all the way: this world is so beautiful!

Easter egg at the end of the article:

Do you know what I would be particularly grateful for for those two cars behind me?

The country road is very narrow and can only be passed by one car. There are no trees on both sides of the road, there are many turns, and the high beams are not far away. It was pitch black all around, and there wasn't a single light elsewhere in sight.

After trying to identify it, I saw that there were dense grass-like plants on both sides of the road, and they were still growing very tall, completely obscuring the distant view, and the headlights could not illuminate at all. It is estimated that there are crops on both sides.

At that time, I felt as if I had entered a bottomless pit, and I couldn't see my head after walking for a long time, and I couldn't retreat and retreat, which was very desperate.

When I finally saw that there was a light in the distance in front of me, my mood was really complicated and I wanted to cry.

At first, I looked for two entrances to the highway in succession, but they were all sealed.

Then I got lost near the second entrance, circled back and forth, and just couldn't find my way out.

But the navigation system prompts that the intersection is nearby.

And the two cars stopped at the intersection before I reached the intersection of the country road.

If you don't distinguish carefully, you won't be able to find that there is a small fork in the road.

If I had seen the entrance to that path during the day, I would have been determined not to turn in.

However, that night, I was the first to turn in. Then, the two cars followed.

At first, I was worried that those two cars were waiting for me at the intersection (you know what I mean.). )

So, when I was feeling panic and despair in the dark, the two cars kept silently following behind me, contributing to my rather complex psychological changes along the way, and I thought it was a thrilling feeling.

It wasn't until I saw the light in front of me that I finally felt that I could breathe through and put my mind at ease.

And the way they disappeared deeply touched my heart, and I actually had a feeling of being guarded by love along the way, which made me unforgettable.

Thank you for reading and sharing.

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