
Why has jiangxi never produced an emperor?

Classification of emperors

In China, the imperial system originated in the era of Qin Shi Huang. From the beginning of Qin Shi Huang to the abdication of Emperor Xuantong, the period spanned more than 2,000 years, and the emperors who appeared during this period were roughly divided into three types:

The first. Emperor of the Orthodox Dynasty. For example, Qin Shi Huang and Han Gaozu.

The second kind. Emperor of the divided regime. For example, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, and Jian Jian.

Why has jiangxi never produced an emperor?

The third kind. Pseudo-emperor. Emperors who are not recognized by history are divided into two types, one is the failed peasant revolt regime, the leader of which is called emperor but is not recognized; the other is some monarchs with poor reputation and unrecognized regimes, such as Liu Yu (pseudo-Emperor Qi), Wu Sangui (pseudo-Zhou Emperor), and Yuan Shikai (pseudo-Emperor of the Chinese Empire).

In Chinese history, there have been almost no orthodox or divided emperors in jiangxi, and why is this?

Personally, I think:

Geopolitical factors

From the perspective of humanistic factors, the leaders of the ancient Chinese dynasty change are often from the north. The dynasties that chose to be in the south (except for the Chuming Dynasty) were all separatist regimes, and the predecessors of the separatist regimes were mostly regimes that lost the Central Plains - such as the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty.

The reason why the North occupies the initiative is generally believed to be due to the geographical location of the North in the State of the Great Plains. The forces that control the north can often integrate the human and material resources of the north well, and then use the influence of the north to deter the four sides.

Why has jiangxi never produced an emperor?

The South is different. The southwest region is home to the Bashan ShuShui. In the southeast, mountains and hills also divide the area into small units. As a result, the regime in the south was greatly constrained in integrating its forces.

Therefore, in the era of great unification, it was difficult for the power of Jiangxi Province to resist the Central Plains.

In the state of north-south confrontation, the southern regime is in a state where most of the time it needs to deal with the southern conquest of the northern regime, and the human and material resources of Jiangxi will be requisitioned, and the Jiangxi region also needs to guard against the northern regime taking Jiangxi as a breakthrough, which makes it difficult to appear an emperor.

Humanistic factors

From the perspective of Chinese literary history, the literati who appeared in Jiangxi were stronger than other provinces in terms of quality and quantity.

Why has jiangxi never produced an emperor?

Jiangxi Province is a large cultural province with a strong cultural atmosphere. Combined with the ancient history of China, the dynasties of successive dynasties have risen and fallen, and the founders of the new dynasties have come from military generals; those who have the right to be subjects, but few complete literati have done things that plot to usurp the throne or gather the masses to rebel.

In addition, under the influence of Jiangxi's cultural atmosphere, the main body of ancient Jiangxi society was mainly Shangwen, and its direct impact was that Jiangxi people were not as tough as northerners, so keen on fighting horses. And to create a dynasty, it is necessary to appear immediate heroes. Jiangxi is not the soil for the birth of heroes on horseback.

Therefore, the cultural atmosphere of Jiangxi determines that Jiangxi people rarely have the idea of becoming the founding emperor, which is one of the reasons why Jiangxi is not an emperor.

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