
The most domineering pickup truck in China will be listed, and the aura will be better than the Raptor, only 150,000, and the Great Wall Cannon will lose sleep

On October 11, the State Administration for Market Regulation (Standardization Administration) issued an announcement to formally approve a number of national standards, including the "General Technical Conditions for Multi-purpose Trucks", and the new standard will be officially implemented from May 1, 2022. This means that the pickup truck model will replace the previous "truck" identity with a "multi-purpose truck" at the technical level and stand independently. Although the new standard for the identification of pickup truck models has not changed the current 15-year mandatory scrapping, holiday high-speed traffic is not free and other motor vehicle management restrictions, the implementation of the new standard undoubtedly provides a more accurate basis for the further unlocking of pickup trucks.

The most domineering pickup truck in China will be listed, and the aura will be better than the Raptor, only 150,000, and the Great Wall Cannon will lose sleep

Judging from the growing demand for pickup truck models in the domestic market in recent years and the continuous high-end and passenger development trend of major independent brands in the field of pickup trucks, the trend of household use does need to redefine the identity of pickup trucks. For example, many of today's large pickup trucks are already comparable to passenger cars in terms of safety, comfort and so on. And full-size pickup trucks are also beginning to become a new trend.

The most domineering pickup truck in China will be listed, and the aura will be better than the Raptor, only 150,000, and the Great Wall Cannon will lose sleep

Among them, ZTE Automobile's first domestic full-size pickup truck, Weishi 1949, has previously appeared, and has recently begun pre-sale, and will be officially listed before the end of the year. According to the latest information released by the official, weishi 1949 pre-sale 1 day order has exceeded 1,000 units. It is enough to see the popularity of the domestic market for full-size pickup trucks.

The most domineering pickup truck in China will be listed, and the aura will be better than the Raptor, only 150,000, and the Great Wall Cannon will lose sleep

The domestic market's previous cognition of full-size pickup trucks is basically from The Ford Raptor, Toyota Tantu these models, and the appearance of tall and mighty is the first impression. The exterior design of this ZTE Weishi 1949 is also very powerful and domineering, which is in line with the image of a full-size pickup truck in the aura.

The most domineering pickup truck in China will be listed, and the aura will be better than the Raptor, only 150,000, and the Great Wall Cannon will lose sleep

The front face of the new car adopts the Design Style commonly used by American full-size pickup trucks, and the engine cover has a multi-rib line shape, especially the middle part of the bulge, which is very tough and domineering. The large area of the middle net with the large headlight design also creates a large aura.

The most domineering pickup truck in China will be listed, and the aura will be better than the Raptor, only 150,000, and the Great Wall Cannon will lose sleep

Weishi 1949 has a length, width and height of 5692mm (5393mm) * 2045mm * 1965mm, the width and height data is very prominent, especially the 240mm ground clearance has surpassed most of the hardcore off-road vehicles, not only looks very tall, but also has better passability.

The most domineering pickup truck in China will be listed, and the aura will be better than the Raptor, only 150,000, and the Great Wall Cannon will lose sleep

In terms of power, it is reported that the first version on the market will be a version equipped with a 2.3T diesel engine, matching the 6MT transmission. There will be a 2.0T+8AT version after that.

The most domineering pickup truck in China will be listed, and the aura will be better than the Raptor, only 150,000, and the Great Wall Cannon will lose sleep

In addition, ZTE Weishi will provide at least three versions of the passenger version, the commercial version and the competitive version, and the first to be listed will be the passenger version and the commercial version, of which the passenger version will use the multi-link rear suspension of the integral bridge. At present, the pre-price of new cars is 150,000-200,000 yuan, and it is expected that the starting price will be further reduced after the official listing.

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