
Is a cold during pregnancy a medicine or a brace?

The most annoying thing about pregnancy is the cold, because the physiological changes of the pregnant mother, the physique itself will be relatively weak, and then encounter the temperature mutation, it is easy to catch a cold, then the cold should not take medicine? Anusich Xiaobian felt that it needed to be analyzed specifically!

Is a cold during pregnancy a medicine or a brace?

First of all, why pregnant women try not to take medicines when pregnant, because some drugs will affect the mother's endocrine, metabolism, etc., and these will indirectly affect the fetus, serious may affect embryonic differentiation and development, may cause fetal malformations. Because the consequences are more serious, many mothers will choose to refuse the drug and wait for the body to heal itself, but some serious diseases may also affect the baby's health, and its impact may even exceed the impact of the drug on the baby! Therefore, pregnant mothers should still seek medical treatment in time when they are sick, and doctors will guide pregnant mothers to treat them according to their condition. A cold does not seem to be a very serious disease, but if it is serious, the virus may cause fetal malformations, high fever and metabolic disorders of the production of toxins may cause uterine contractions, serious may cause miscarriage!

When accompanied by sore throat, you can gargle your mouth with salt water every 10 minutes, about 10 times to see the effect; with nasal congestion, you can pour boiling water into the thermos cup, face the mouth and nose of the cup, continuously inhale hot steam, 3 times a day can be effectively relieved; with cough, you can cut the pear with skin, and together with white fungus and rock sugar, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat, and take two or three times after the symptoms may be alleviated. In addition, it is also necessary to drink more water, eat more vegetables and fruits, and rest more.

When accompanied by high fever and severe cough, it can be deferred by drugs under the guidance of a doctor, and cough syrup suitable for pregnant women can be used to relieve cough. At the same time, a wet towel can be used to apply cold compresses for physical cooling. You must not take drugs casually, especially antibiotic drugs. During pregnancy, you can't take drugs casually, and it is particularly important to prevent colds. Pregnant mothers should usually pay attention to enhancing physical fitness, ensuring balanced nutrition, and paying attention to rest and hygiene. Also try to go to densely populated places as little as possible, especially 3-8 weeks pregnant, because this time is the highly sensitive period of medication, the embryo is the most sensitive to the impact of the drug, and it will be very troublesome to get sick with a cold.

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