
22 camera equipment, illegal collection of consumer face photos more than 430,000 pieces, Xiaopeng Automobile was fined 100,000 yuan

Shanghai Xiaopeng Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Xiaopeng Automobile) was fined 100,000 yuan for collecting photos of consumers' faces without the consent of consumers.

22 camera equipment, illegal collection of consumer face photos more than 430,000 pieces, Xiaopeng Automobile was fined 100,000 yuan

According to the Tianyancha APP, recently, Shanghai Xiaopeng Automobile spent 173822.77 yuan to buy 22 camera equipment with face recognition functions from a company and installed them in its stores, the purpose of which is to count the number of people entering the store and analyze the proportion of men and women, age, etc. However, this act did not obtain the consent of the consumer, nor did it explicitly or inform the consumer of the purpose of collection and use, which violated the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law. It is understood that from January to June this year, Shanghai Xiaopeng Automobile has collected and uploaded 431623 face photos.

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