
Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

Euler has been on a big deal lately! This time, it may even damage the user reputation accumulated by Great Wall Motors for many years!

Some time ago, a owner of Euler Good Cat found that the car machine system chip equipped by Euler Good Cat uses Intel quad-core processor, which is not too advanced processor.

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

Owner exposure of Euler good cat car machine system chip information

However, the owner's memory is particularly good, and he clearly remembers that the official promotional materials provided at the time of the purchase of the car clearly stated that the more advanced Qualcomm octa-core processor was used. How far the performance of the quad-core and eight-core processors is, even those who do not understand electronic products know, this is simply two different things, not to mention, the owner of the car in the process of use also feels that the car system is getting more and more stuck, the experience is not good.

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

Previously, Euler claimed to use a Qualcomm octa-core processor

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, which seemed to be a relatively small problem, but it suddenly attracted the attention of euler good cat owners. In the past month, complaints about the discrepancy between the car machine chip and the propaganda have immediately soared, and Euler has also been at the top of the car quality complaint list.

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

According to Great Wall Motors' serious and pragmatic style of handling problems, this small problem of Euler should have been solved with a very sincere attitude. But this time, Euler couldn't do it perfectly!

After learning about this, Euler did react quickly and quickly issued a statement, but seeing the contents of it would really make the owners' blood pressure rise. The statement did not mention the problem of Euler's good cat car chip, but only provided the so-called free OTA upgrade program to the car owner, and a large paragraph of it said that some people were impersonating users to "create bad speech" and "incite users to be negative", and strongly pointed out that "the relevant behavior has been suspected of violating national laws, and the relevant evidence has been fixed and reported to the police."

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

Euler's initial statement

Of course, Euler has also responded to this incident many times, and in an official comment, Euler also played word games, trying to explain that he used Qualcomm's communication modules instead of chips, and Euler Good Cat has been using Intel chips since its listing.

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

Euler's official commentary explains

Later, this incident not only did not calm down, but also continued to ferment and amplify. As a result, Euler issued an official statement again, and posed as a "sin deserves death". Although the car chip thing is indeed mentioned, and it is also claimed that it will be investigated, the solution is still only a free car machine, sending various rights and interest packages.

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

Euler issued a statement again

Under the deceptive behavior of Euler, the owner of Euler's good cat finally couldn't bear it and was ready to sue Euler. At the same time, Euler has also been reported by CCTV Finance and Economics because of this, and has been on the hot search because of "suspected consumer fraud".

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

CCTV Financial reported that Euler was suspected of false propaganda

Then, Great Wall Motors once again issued a statement on the matter, but the content was still similar to the second statement issued by Euler, or an apology, investigation, and sending rights and interests.

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

Euler recently issued another statement

All along, Great Wall Motors' response to various problems and a serious and responsible attitude are very worth learning from the entire industry. Previously, the Great Wall gun trailer hook desoldering fracture problem, the Great Wall did not shirk responsibility, but directly launched a free upgrade of the trailer hook to strengthen the program. Not long ago, tank 500 appeared scalper malicious robbery attempt to scalp, tank brand officials also quickly investigated, and added stricter rules to fill in the loopholes, so that scalpers have no chance to take advantage.

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

The great wall gun broke the trailer hook

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

Great Wall Gun upgraded enhanced trailer hook

Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?
Euler's false propaganda of the chip that confessed to "sin deserves death", why was it not forgiven?

Tank brand released the tank 500 order abnormal announcement

Therefore, Euler's false propaganda was originally to harm the interests of consumers, but in the face of the problem has been hidden, delayed again and again, and finally broke into trouble, paper will always be unable to cover the fire. Great Wall Motors so many good experience do not learn, Euler to learn the common car-making forces of the "propaganda all rely on blowing, all rely on pushing" atmosphere, in the end Great Wall Motors over the years to accumulate brand reputation and reputation, by Euler's this incident and caused damage, become the "black history" of Great Wall Motors.

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