
Can babies and toddlers watch TV? Parents may wish to follow the research results at home and abroad, and they can't be wrong

Many parents have different attitudes about whether infants and young children can watch TV, what is your attitude?

Can babies and toddlers watch TV? Parents may wish to follow the research results at home and abroad, and they can't be wrong

After having a baby, Shanshan has a negative attitude towards the matter of "not letting the baby watch TV", and Shanshan feels that now that it is the information age, how can children not touch TV?

Therefore, Shanshan often takes the baby to watch some toddler programs, thinking that in this way the child can learn a lot of things.

Moreover, Shanshan also found one thing, that is, the child was very quiet when watching TV, which made Shanshan's journey with the baby become easier and had more time to do some of her own things.

But Shanshan's girlfriend Xiaolan is different from her, Xiaolan's baby after birth, she adheres to the concept of "green parenting", almost does not let the baby touch any electronic products, TV is naturally no exception.

Because Xiaolan feels that the baby's current visual development is still very incomplete, if it is too early to contact the TV, then the baby's vision will definitely be greatly affected.

In addition, if the baby often watches TV and does not exercise, the baby may have problems learning to walk, learning big movements, learning fine movements, etc.

Can babies and toddlers watch TV? Parents may wish to follow the research results at home and abroad, and they can't be wrong

So, can babies and toddlers watch TV? Who is right and who is wrong?

In response to this problem, in fact, many people have carried out relevant experiments and studies, let's take a look at the results.

TELEVISION with imagination

A foreign institution once did an experiment, the object of the experiment is two groups of randomly selected children, a group of children listen to the experimenter to tell a fairy tale, a group of children are directly on tv to watch the fairy tale multimedia video.

When the story is over, let the two groups of children draw the protagonist of the story in their hearts on the paper at the same time, and as a result, the children who listen to the story draw a rich appearance of the protagonist, but a group of children watching TV draw a single look.

After a while, the experimenter gathered the two groups of children together, and then asked them to draw the protagonist of the story in their hearts, and the result was that the group watching TV at this time still drew a similar appearance to the original, but the content of the children in the story group changed.

Based on this result, researchers also confirmed that television has a solidification of children's thinking, which is easy for children to lose imagination.

Can babies and toddlers watch TV? Parents may wish to follow the research results at home and abroad, and they can't be wrong

Television and violent tendencies experiments

Another institution has also done research on television, this time focusing on the relationship between children's violent tendencies and watching television.

The results showed that children who like to watch TV usually have violent tendencies, and in this study, the experimenters also had unexpected gains, and the researchers also found that children who like to watch TV generally have obesity problems in their bodies.

Your child's watching TV may cause brain changes

A foreign research institution, when conducting brain imaging research on children who like to watch TV, found that children who love to watch TV, their brain hypothalamus, frontal cortex and other brain parts will change, which will affect the child's various development problems, such as children's language ability will be affected, thus becoming weaker, children may have some mental health problems.

Can babies and toddlers watch TV? Parents may wish to follow the research results at home and abroad, and they can't be wrong

In fact, on the research experiment between television and children's development and growth, many countries are carrying out, although the research content and results look different, but the direction is the same, that is, there are many negative effects on the growth and development of children, which will make children's psychology, body and so on be infringed.

In this regard, it seems that infants and young children are completely unable to watch TELEVISION.

However, we should look at the problem from an objective point of view, because when most research institutions do experiments on watching TV, the subjects are "children who often watch TV".

That is to say, the time, frequency, content, etc. of these children watching TV are not limited, so watching TV will cause a lot of harm to children.

Therefore, as long as parents watch TV to their children in moderation, not only will not let the children be negatively affected, but also may have a positive impact on the growth and development of children.

Can babies and toddlers watch TV? Parents may wish to follow the research results at home and abroad, and they can't be wrong

How to correctly guide children to watch TV so that watching TV can have a positive impact on children?

Television is constantly updated with the development of the times, which shows that television is not a harmful, non-beneficial item, so as long as we use the TV correctly, children can get more positive influences, rather than negative influences.

So, how should children watch TV correctly?

Pay attention to control the time spent watching TV

The length of time spent watching TV will directly affect the child's vision and other issues. Therefore, we must strictly control the time that children watch TV.

Can babies and toddlers watch TV? Parents may wish to follow the research results at home and abroad, and they can't be wrong

Generally speaking, it is not recommended that children under 2 years old watch TV, mainly because children at this stage have rapid physical development, and watching TV may affect the development of vision, language, movement and other aspects.

2-5-year-old children, generally no more than 1 hour / day, and after school, children, can watch TV moderately, after all, after school, the child's free time is not much, so it does not have the conditions to watch TV for a long time, we do not need to do more restrictions, as long as it is not too excessive.

Pay attention to what your child watches on TV

If children want to benefit from television, they need to watch some TV content suitable for improving children, such as some enlightenment programs, etc. When children watch TV, they can learn some skills that help them grow.

For some entertainment, especially low-level fun programs, such as some game commentary, silly music animations, etc., it is best not to let children watch, no "nutrition" not to say, may also affect the child's behavior habits.

Can babies and toddlers watch TV? Parents may wish to follow the research results at home and abroad, and they can't be wrong

The posture and environment of watching TV

When children are watching TV, the body posture must be correct, and the best posture is to sit upright, because postures such as toes and lying on their sides may cause physical discomfort or visual and health effects.

In addition, the environment for watching TV must be moderately lighted, not black and rumbling, if the light conditions are not good, the impact on the child's vision is very large.

Can babies and toddlers watch TV? Parents may wish to follow the research results at home and abroad, and they can't be wrong


Watch TV correctly, and TV will become a boost for children's growth and help children become more excellent. The wrong tv watching will seriously affect the healthy development of children, and even destroy children. Therefore, parents must pay attention to the control of their children's TV watching behavior.

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